Maybe I should create a troll riki build.
Ganker riki:
Quelliing Blade -> Battlefury
The troll part of your build is the wards. You choose to have a ward instead of a divine rapier at full build. Wtf.
cuz riki with radiance is more better. you great right click, you can afk during team fights and you have evasion.
Dagon is useless item...Most of the circustances.
No it's not.
Riki W-Dagon on a low health enemy = kill secured.
Good luck with ur shitty dagon build vs heroes who build skadi / heart of terrasque and have like 2.5k-3k hp and shit
No no no, you build Tranquils-Bottle-octarine (gotta get those smokes off)-Mek (survivability), a cloak, and then aghs for extra stats.
Once you have all that, sell your bottle and get a GG branch to finalize your buiild.
agree, helps you get "kill secured". ensure that you also get shadow blade on riki after farming your rapier(s)
Most heroes can't be killed with w dagon combo unless there's a secondary follow up. Plus, riki will be super squishy and lack the physical damage needed to take advantage of backstab.
Pretty fun on low mmr like , and some (very rare) cases you can use it in normal games. I really love this build <3
Most heroes can't be killed with w dagon combo unless there's a secondary follow up. Plus, riki will be super squishy and lack the physical damage needed to take advantage of backstab.
No, you never initiate as a squishy hero that relies on invisibility to stay alive.
You let your tank initiate, get them to about 300 hp, then W -> dagon for the free finish so that they don't get away.
dude everything can work out , even a radiance dagon maelstorm aa
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You can W -> dagon for a free kill on anyone low hp... while staying invis.