General Discussion

General DiscussionThe best heroes to stall early 5-man army ?

The best heroes to stall early 5-man army ? in General Discussion

    For example this game i had yesterday :
    I'm sure this is one of the fastest non-abandon game i had. It's quite bugging me and makes me wonder what should we do as a team against those line up. So against that, what heroes do you think the best to stall them while your hard carry farm somewhere else ?

    Pale Mannie

      Medusa would drain their mana quickly

      milk that tastes like rea...

        against typical push lineups, you need wave clear (aoe nukes) and/or control
        kotl, lina, sf, et, techies, etc

        since they have edict and nether blast, they will still be able to siege even if you nuke everything
        if you have heroes which can quickly blow up an isolated hero, pudge is good to pick out the pugna/leshrac when they run up to damage your t3s

        alternatively win your lanes and take fights if they try to push early

        @Goethe they have 3 manaboots and a greaves

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          Zeus with lens veil

          Dire Wolf

            Most push strats revolve around some kind of healing spam, usually witch dr's voodoo restore or necro's pulse. Ancient apparition once he is level 6 then can win you a ton of team fights vs them.

            Alch I think would also be decent for acid spray spam. Hard to fight under tower's while affected by that. Pheonix is he maxes ray first is good at protecting towers too.


              ^ except that aa ult isn't that easy to land and they might be knocking on your rax even before you get your level 6


                Thanks for the input guys, i'll definitely try some of them when i see those pesky line up again >:)
                Anyway, how about Treant ? It seems quite alright in my mind

                Oh, and also, should we just focus on defending tier 3 tower against it ?

                yung griphook

                  honestly you would think ice path + ravage and wave of terror would be enough to fight against a 5 man lineup, or at least stall ..


                    I think best answer is brute force: CK carry, DK mid, Bristle off, Lycan jungle, Bara roam. =)


                      ^ there's no way there's someone this stupid, you're trolling.

                      "but ghuys i was only pretending to be retarded :^)"


                        This to me looks like a 5v5 scenario where they went for lvl 1 Roshan and therefore were able to cheese your lineup, never forget to check Rosh if you are in a full 5 men stack or in general when checking rune.

                        For early game push counter:
                        Timbersaw, Lich, Warlock, Tidehunter, Enigma, Kunkka, Magnus, Necrolyte, ES, Elder Titan, Disruptor, Alchemist etc.

                        Meepo if you can play him since going as 5 they will suffer from xpm loss while you will have it increased with him probably surpassing their highest by at least 4-5 levels.
                        To stop early game push try to pick strong teamfight heroes and react fast with tps or use the space given with Fast farmers like Alchemist or Meepo while your team holds base.

                        For late game push counter:
                        Techies, Radiance naga, Tinker, Aghanims Furion, Lycan, Ember spirit etc.

                        (generaly speaking splitpush in long games vs 5 men either forces them all to back where you give space to your team or they lose towers which is a win-win all your team has to do is hold tier 3s or even tier 4s)

                        CLEETUS McFarland

                          OK they went mega creeps in 15 minutes. Kind of non sens. Jugg could have helped. Or earth shaker.


                            Bristle back can tank dmg and stack quills
                            Alch acid spray
                            Tinker march of machines or w e
                            OD ult?
                            Witch doctor can def well with his stun
                            Sven is not bad anti push with his long range stun and +20 armor to rush into the fight
                            Chen can counter push by clearing wave with creeps then pushing enemy tower ?
                            Enchant is good if u get fast LV 6 and rush that item that extends her attk range. She can easily lil 2-3 heroes in team fight with LV 6 and that item and that destroys their early game flow.and she can get creeps to wave clear or disrupt push

                            World Eater

                              Only slightly off topic, but my fastest game without abandon was 23 mins.
                              This usually happens because of feed. Depending on the team the game can go very fast once a few members hit 2/0 especially with first blood , and Roshan. I really don't like the Venge pick with Windranger (maybe picked first) but usually I only like to pick venge with a good lineup of melee carries that tend to have trouble with mobility, like Ursa, or CK, or swap them into SF ult.

                              I think with that lineup that Shadow fiend would have been a better pick for your team. Don't listen to my 2k nonsense though.

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                Kotl+Pheonix is the best thing. From level one these guys can slow down a push soo much that by the time those idiots are trying to get t2 on the same lane, your mid and other lane are lvl 6 and can tp to do some spanking.


                                  Well, too bad our Tide doesn't reach lvl 6 when they started pushing.
                                  Me and the rest of the team already counting on it, but then we realize his lvl :v

                                  Well, i think this is also happen because our Spectre used haunt so casually for entering the fight that's really tough to deal with.
                                  I'll definitely tell him about that next time.

                                  Oh c'mon, i wouldn't just ignore your comment just because you're 2k or something.
                                  It's a valid point you post there because almost all of SF skill is AoE. Will definitely think about that when we face another lineup like that.
                                  Thanks for the comment :D

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