General Discussion

General DiscussionTips to that you should learn if you want to become good?

Tips to that you should learn if you want to become good? in General Discussion

    Give any tips like when to cary a tp ect.. pro tips ty.

    Pale Mannie


        if ur a non-carry, don't TP to lanes unless someone is in danger. walk so that u can tp somewhere else and help and not have the "lel tp on cd" excuse.

        there are more rules for carry and sometimes mid. but as a support follow the above.

        A2eZ.El Fapitan

          Try to not have tunnel vision. A lot of ppl who I play with tend to flame the team because of a non-call on missing heroes complain they can't do anything due to poor early game from constant ganks. You should always be mindful of where the opposing team is on the map. Also, keeping track of item progression and levels lets you know what abilities are up and who you can/can't kill solo. As much of a team game as Dota is, there is A LOT of things you can do by yourself to improve your overall experience before you conclude your team is crap.

          A2eZ.El Fapitan

            Know your role and hero, can't tell you how many times I've had arguments with offlaners because they don't understand the concept of an offlane hero-especially clock. Offlane heroes create pressure and space to allow the safelane carry to farm, not complain that the team is "allowing AM to get free farm" Why commit other team members to a gank that is highly likely to fail on an elusive hero when you can rotate to the mid, or safelane, gank, win the fight push the tower and create pressure the AM leaves his lane/farm to respond to?

            Supports be mindful of what's happening on the map and ROTATE when another hero is in need of assistance, that's why you're called SUPPORT!!


              always use tango when hp is low