General Discussion

General DiscussionTechies - Needs a buff

Techies - Needs a buff in General Discussion

    I know a lot of people disagree but playing with techies is like playing a 4v5 game mid - late game. If youre playing smart enough teams they get wards all game and techies only use is suiciding and maybe aggressively mining their jungle (hoping the enemy doesn't see him) Two updates ago techies was nerfed and I cant play him the same anymore. He's my most played hero and my winrate with him has gone down 10% since the nerf update. I think that his Mines need to be buffed because they are now only good for early game kills and are useless late game unless the other team is really squishy, and I think techies Needs a tad bit more mana because you also need to use some of that mana to put bombs on creeps for last hits because its already very hard to get last hits with techies. And with AGHS i think techies minefield sign should have a heavily reduced cooldown instead of 300 seconds. This is just my opinion.

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      I've played Techies 10 times since the "nerf" (tbh i'd call it a change not a nerf- he didnt lose any effective damage.) I've won 9 of those 10 games. He's weaker now in that you can't combo him with tusk and such- but that was far too strong anyway. You could snowball on the enemy carry at any point through the early game and kill them, no matter the hero. Other classic combos still work though. Magnus and Tiny combos haven't changed. If anything I agree that the minefield sign CD should be reduced, but by maybe 30 secs max. It's not quite in that sweet spot. His mine damage could maybe do with an increase at the highest level (maybe scale it similar to Luna's glaives) to make him relevant late game but still maintain that early game balance they have on him. He's still in a good place you just have to change your play style a little.

      Fee Too Pee

        No , just no , i do not care its not fair for techies , but when techies is one of the most popular heroes , i just frustated see him commonly picked in my games , either my team or enemy team


        sorry i just hate techies, peace

        Pale Mannie

          anti fun hero

          Venus, MBA

            Techies effective damage with the mines hasn't changed at all, actually. The damage was cut in half but so were the cool down and mana costs. They also made it so that supports get some kind of incentive for getting rid of the mines, and the quelling blade thing is so that melee heroes aren't completely powerless against the mines.

              이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                You say techies is an anti fun hero I could easily say pudge is because you have to be worried about hooks all the Time unless you have properly warded. You don't have to worry about mines all the time if you properly ward.

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                Fee Too Pee

                  always buy a sentry 200 gold for a single hero is a definition of not fun , hey for pudge u only need obs ward, and before the nerf its reward you with nothing at all, oh and good techies set the mines on high ground , before you realize it with true sight , bam u dead , so much fun


                    The point of techies isn't to win the early game, although he can have an impact with suicide. A well played techies can secure first blood and can mine the trees, but other than that his goal is to scare the supports into buying sentries which really cuts into a supports budget.
                    With a cordinated team and the lack of (Sniper KOTL or NS) Techies can hold the high ground. The only problem is you can't last hit as much with mines. so land mines should be buffed although the mine limit should be added.


                      The point of techies is to make people quit dota. in the interests of maintaining a player base, he probably shouldnt be buffed.

                      Dire Wolf

                        yeah he's underpowered but let's keep it that way, no one likes techies in their games except for the techies player. So change to keep 1 out of 10 people happy or leave as is so everyone's happy?


                          give techies 2 passives. 1 crit passive and 1 lifesteal passive. 70 basedamage and make him agi and I will play him. Also make sign a big dildo with 10 sec cd wich reduce enemy armor by 10 in 500 radius


                            I'm pretty sure that the techie player himself is actually the most depressed player out of the bunch.


                              Sad but true because by that point the techies can't help at all and is a liability to the team. when he's under leveled and under farmed. By the way being ADDICTED to techies isn't much fun until the RAMPAGE and not long after.

                              Livin' Real Good

                                I'd rather have ANY hero OP than have an OP techies again. He literally makes the game unfun FOR BOTH TEAMS.

                                - Games go late almost all the time

                                - Supports hate him, they make supporting not so fun cause you're too busy going poor buying sentries for him

                                - Saying he slightly slows down the pace of the game would be an understatement, the enemy is afraid to push, even when they're winning.

                                - Teammates just farm all game cause no enemies on the map, cause they're afraid to come out or push.

                                Teamwork is the key

                                  Pick techies and spectre, ward your jungle and towers. Ez 1hour and more game so ez win for Spectre( Spectre can carry even with a techies in her team and the damage output is enough for the lack of teamfight presence of techies)

                                  Teamwork is the key

                           pick spectre for techies, it is so funny to read a random "techies commits suicide" message because spectre's illusion almost kill him


                                      His movement speed and armor needs a buff. As for his mines, I think they do decent damage, their duration could be increased by a bit if possible.


                                        i dont know for you but even though techies is one of my most played heroes he doesnt need a buff because you just need to be tactical with techies and for land mines it doesnt need to be buffed because you can also use that as a last hitting tool in lane and at late game you will be using remotes most of the time........i only like techies to be respected by other players because whenever i play techies my whole is like dont pick techies then first blood will happen and my team will go say well played.......maybe you shouldnt read this because im just a 1k pleb


                                          only played techies once and i dont see any shortcoming with his skills


                                            i hope techies dies in the abysses


                                              The purpose of techies is to create space for his teammates. If you play the hero well and you aren't countered by zues / naga then techies is capable of doing this with no buffs.

                                              Fuck techies.

                                              Some people actually have lives and the time they give to dota shouldn't be spent playing mine sweeper looking for bombs.


                                                We dont need buff techie. everyone hate him. What we need is buff storm spirit

                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다



                                                    Techies should be banned from this game.


                                                      creeps need buff too


                                                        i agree to u brother @riski


                                                          Go play demolitions expert simulator/minesweeper. Techies has no place in DOTA at all, be happy that you at least get to play your favourite cancer hero. At least he's better than Winter Wyvern.


                                                            Techies is a legit offlaner


                                                              People dont usually complain when i play techies because most of the time im in a 5 man party when i play him. And my record with him yesterday was 2-1 so I can still play him but my KDR with him will never be the same.


                                                                the only buff for techies i will support is removal from the game.


                                                                  I dunno why ppl hate techies... he's easily countered btw.


                                                                    Techies is a fun hero

                                                                    kunst 2

                                                                      Yup. Pretty boring hero after last nerf.
                                                                      @Captain Sunshine this is old techies, new is not cool enough

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                                                                      Ahmed Jaffar Al-Nasser

                                                                        You just have to watch replay of techies top players and learn how they do it in the current patch, techies is still good hero. Its just not everyone understand how to play it after the massive nerf. I think techies in this patch should participate more on lane instead of roaming and plant bombs waiting for the enemy to make mistake. Hope techies will get buffed next patch :D

                                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                          No Techies No Fun No Laughs No Comedy...My last game I had 16 kills altho I lost but made my day.


                                                                            I love Techies man even if I had him as my opponent.

                                                                            You r considered good supp if u can debomb mines...