General Discussion

General Discussionpaid custom games LMFAO

paid custom games LMFAO in General Discussion

    go-fuck-urself simulator

    waku waku

      literally pay to win lol valve did the paid mods again


        good shit volvo

        Dire Wolf

          it's only going to be a couple really popular ones, who cares? I haven't played a single custom game and don't really plan to, but if it helps devs get money why not?


            and the patch after this will have paid queues im asuming? pre-purchase now and get a -50% on every lost ranked game....

            Bad Intentions

              If its only $1 below, y not, gotta help dem community devs :]


                for only $0.99 your next match will be Peruvian free!

                Sign up now for our 100 match pack only $49.99 so that your team will be smurf free!

                Also go fuck yourselves and buy my hats! -The Gabe

                EZ MID 9k mmr

                  how dare valve give option to content creators to charge money?????!

                  i expect free shit for work that people put into their games (of any sort)

                  BERNIE BERNIE BERNIE

                  FREE EVERYTHING PLZ


                    OR, you could just donate to the dev FOR 1 DOLLAR, not cutted 70-30 like from this pass (vavle still bagging 30 cent per pass purchased).


                      aint nobody got time fo dat shit


                        I don't really get this move by them.

                        Assuming ~50,000 passes (optimistic estimation) are bought. They get like 12,000 dollars, is it really worth all the negative pr?

                        EZ MID 9k mmr

                          > worthless retards wanting shit for free
                          > negative pr

                          top kek

                          have u entered the 'workforce' yet?



                            I'm actually taking a degree in advertising. Nobody cares about PR if the monetary gains outweight it, that's why the decision to fuck the steam market despite the outcries gained them considerable $$$ because people bought directly from stores.

                            In this case, the gains they get are too low for the negative pr. At least, it shouldn't be done at this stage where the custom games system is still crap.

                            top kek

                            someone acting like they have a brain LOL

                            EZ MID 9k mmr

                              > degree in advertising
                              > broke as shit
                              > not a single revenue stream
                              > flexes at dotabuff forums
                              > muh intellegence

                              plz defnd urself more u so gud, plz gif ur life n knewlege

                                이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                                  이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                                  lm ao

                                    Err no


                                      i've never bought a thing from valve but i'd become one of their biggest subscribers if i could get a paid queue for regular dota.

                                      don't actually understand why the whining about this - if the modders want to do stuff for free let them, if they want to get paid for doing stuff then let them.

                                      how many people out there tell their employers, hey, don't pay me this month, i'm just in it for the commends.

                                      lm ao

                                        WOO i can finally post comments mobile!!!!

                                        Fuck the kb tho i have like tjw thickest thumbs Guiness xd

                                        lm ao

                                          Immortals only drop on certain events youre suppsd 2 be a cosmeticsf4g Mekarazium

                                          Pale Mannie


                                              WOW Paying for stuff what a new concept!
                                              HOW ON EARTH WIILL WE DEAL WITH THIS!