General Discussion

General Discussion#reported

#reported in General Discussion

    What do you report people for? How often do you report people?

    < blank >

      For being in Normal Skill huehuehue, always


        Whenever I play in a stack of 3 or more people and the other team rush locks sniper, pa, or ursa we all report them for being cancer.


          i commend enemies when they pick sniper or pa

          Pale Mannie

            Best way to get reports back:
            [actual reason for being reported], racism

            Work all the time

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              Optimus Drip

                If they don't say where they are going in picking phase then take me spot in offlane

                King of Low Prio

                  Yea I tag all my reports with racism then play the race card


                    Feeding couriers or purposely feeding is main thing , I will admit I did one report the other day cuz guy pissed me off but that was only time I ever did that without other person purposely trying to ruin the game


                      I report people that say to "report soandso" because they didn't have a good game

                      I also report people that are being huge c*nts to others

                      and I report people that are intentionally feeding..... Basically the things you are supposed to report people for, but I feel like I am the minority lmao


                        Talk shit...I don't wanna deal with toxic and unmannered ppl.

                        I'm pretty quick to report...
                        Just a few words repeatedly mute+report for peaceful life

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                          Destructive behaviour


                            Pretty much only report people if they die a lot regardless of whether they are intentionally feeding or not.

                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                              I get reported for KS.

                              I report people who cuss me out for KS.

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                                이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                  i'm usually reporting muted people after their 2nd match w/against me, if they're bad

                                  Them being bad or good at the game shouldn't affect reports.

                                  A 45/0/0 carry who screams racial slurs should be just as reported as a 0/20/0 who screams racial slurs.


                                    I always mute my whole team before the game starts so there no reason for me no report them cause I don't know what there saying unless I'm in a stack then I always report my friends

                                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                      Good to know not to party with you, then. Lol.

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                                        I tell people to report me because Normal Skill. lel




                                            I report
                                            - not english speaking people
                                            Guys that are dump as fu*k
                                            ->so right now I have 10 reports left and I am getting more

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