General Discussion

General DiscussionIs OD seriously that OP?

Is OD seriously that OP? in General Discussion
Mike Tyson

    In pro games he is almost completely ignored, his win rate is 51% (even in >5k). I think this hero is very very strong but also has his weaknesses.

    But I still can't explain his low winrate and being considered as OP hero at the same time.

    Pale Mannie

      Im an OD picker and i feel no shame

      Pale Mannie

        Yet i want a new patch


          he is being picked more often than he should be and it inflates overall statistics
          like, a lot of meta pickers would get an od into some awful lineup, while no one picks a puck, for example, when he doesnt fit.


            In my bracket he has actually started to fade abit. Same with spectre. I used to see OD every game almost and spectre, well, I was the one playing him every game but now after a couple months people play against them better and around them worse.


              I feel Invo's pickrate has drastically increased though

              me, government hooker

                hes not op

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                    ti2 naga 36.84%, OP doesn't mean good winrate. since garbadge team that loose are more likely to pick it, and good team are more likely to be able to counter it (and thus let it to garbadge team).

                    Yet od's power is more about how well he combine with some pub pick (that arn't really are pickable in comp, like omni).
                    He is more like a good safelaner (a la huskar) since he doesn't give tempo to the game (so not really a good middle) but then it becomes hard to draft him in comp, since you might be too countered by bkb if you pick it. And since in pub you don't need to take a tempo hero middle, nor you need to care too much of having a lineup overcountered by bkb. Thus he has almost no con in pub.

                    Well, if we were to follow the logic that happened to tb, he should be overtrashed for next 2 years by next patch :p (or mb he didn't performed poorly enough in competitive for it to happen)

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                    Dire Wolf

                      yup, what matrice said. He has definite counters, like what's a competitive team going to do, waste all their bans on nyx and telegraph their pick? But it pubs it doesn't matter so much.


                        My od winrate:

                        Safelane: 100%


                        Fee Too Pee

                          is 20+ kills everymatch with magic immunity (read : omniknight pickers tryhard ranked) with oppenent tears cannot do anything is balanced? idk man i wonder if that balanced

                          Fee Too Pee

                            and winrate kinda ya know 50 percent winrate did not mean balanced sometimes. invoker for example . a fricking high skill cap hero at 50ish winrate? we have chen , io , arc warden that high skill cap but very low winrate in low skill bracket but invoker??? that son of a bitch walking like sonic with euls + drum with wex early game

                            HAWK TUA

                              Sure OD is a pain in the ass but I haven't had much problems with out farming an OD most of the time. Might be my bracket though...


                                He is completely OP. He can right click any carry faster than the carry can kill him, even with fewer items AND he gets a rigged, large AoE ult on top of being a pure damage right clicker. Try having various 1 vs. 1 fights with a friend - you'll see that OD will win more than 80% of the time, even against classic late-game carries.

                                To top it off, he's kind of like Dazzle, Oracle, or Winter Wyvern, in the sense that he has a spell (Astral Imprisonment) that can certainly save an ally in a key team fight.


                                  spectre is ignored in pro games but if you balance the game just around pro matches pubs will become hell

                                  U are all dogshit

                                    Od fucking fucks everything, just needs a crowd control hero.


                                      Let's balance the game around pro matches and remove all pick from ranked. There, perfect.

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        spectre was picked a lot at shanghai, what are you talking about?