General Discussion

General Discussioni win over 2,000 points!

i win over 2,000 points! in General Discussion

    no more nub throwers for me! i am out of trench. was at 1,200 to start but now i am pro

    now more than 2,000! up up and away!


      Just No.

      lm ao

        Delusional autists


          just look my last game

          abaddon was 2,500 player and i win over him so i am better soon to rise now for sure



            lm ao

              Congrats! Now go find 4 more people like you and win the international! I'm so proud :happytears:


                2k is garbage
                3k is garbage
                4k is still garbage
                5k SeemsGood to me


                  He thinks 2ks are good players.

                  lm ao

                    They arent?
                    Oh noes! Muh redpilling has happened!


                      Wuuuut 4k is garbage? My life is a lie ...


                        Ha! Zeus guy.
                        I thought u gave up already.
                        Good luck, 3k awaits.

                        *Edit : Zues

                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                          i had to break out from trench ppl below 1.9k many are losing games for purpose they say

                          hmm i will make new name and smurf big kda but then they stick will all other losers and go down instead of up
                          many ppl doing this

                          so i have to break to 2k, now games suddenly easy and players have 1,2,3 games

                          1.8k players better than 3k players strange world all games many smurfs

                          but 2k is real nubs, don't know how to play

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                            Here is a simple Dota scale of skill
                            <4k - ?
                            4k - animals
                            5k - humans with strong animalistic behavior
                            >6k - humans


                              And are u the One and real YaphetS?


                                nahh , im just fangays .. rofl


                                  Mmm i see. Lots of you fangays these days. Days are gone were gamers had some ambition


                                    Every time I see that "<4k - ? Etc" stuff, I think of the part in Full Metal Jacket, where the drillsergeant says "You're not even human fucking beings..!"

                                    Gotta love it. 6.87/10

                                    < blank >

                                      op is a f4'g!t

                                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                                        lol I created a pasta

                                        Pale Mannie

                                          Im 2.4k



                                            im up to 2.2k now, still chasing you

                                            you has only 21 games ranked to get to 2.4k mine took 87 for 2.2k

                                            think my calibration was bad? i lose 8 games at the start

                                            Livin' Real Good

                                              LMAO, OP's English is hilarious, but you can tell how happy he is. LOL Congrats, you're no longer 1K.

                                              TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                ^murica fuck yea?

                                                Venus, MBA

                                                  Getting to 2k is less than half the battle, congrats nonetheless.

                                                  MURICA LUCK YA
