General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you feel about region locking?

How do you feel about region locking? in General Discussion
Speak English, Pick Stuns

    Has anyone played on US East recently? I don't think I have had a game with all North American players, should there be region locks to prevent this?


      I agree. I live in the heart of America, but all I get are Brazilians who don't know how to play.


        theyre not the reason you're stuck in 3k, find another excuse.

        Livin' Real Good

          No way, then I couldn't play with friends from Europe west. Most of the time you will get other Americans, it's just that shitty players like to use selective memory, and only account for their losses that actually had a Peruvian on their team, and ignore the loses with a team filled with Americans, then again, they probably bitch at Americans too.

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            idc, im not triggered by non eng speakers


              im pretty sure you could bypass this kind of thing with a simple proxy

              Putins Price Hike

                if u are in a game with non english speakers than its cause u have been reported and are with other reported ppl


                  im a 1k pleb that plays the game partly to have fun and partly to learn Spanish.


                    My enemies are always bolivians,peruvians,mexicans etc
                    Why the fuck they dont play on their own servers :( seeing JAJAJAJA every match is annoying

                    Pale Mannie

                      I feel scared when there are no russians in enemy team


                        How do u know if they are in another country? Just wondering cause some people only speak Spanish and also live in heart of America. ....I once got called Peruvian jus for picking sniper so I cured them out in Spanish all game and was dirty.......everything