General Discussion

General DiscussionManila! thoughts so far?

Manila! thoughts so far? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I just started watching the replay of na'vi, secret, although I peaked at the results already. Gameplay isn't super surprising. Again it looks like EE and rtz throwing. What's new?

    Really what I noticed most was production value. I guess they noticed all the jokes about shanghai, which looked like a highschool movie project. There's an actual, professional looking set, they got red eye, who maybe isn't the most insightful or interesting, but he does a really nice job facilitating. And who is this charlie guy? He has very good commentary between matches, spot on with his analysis without going over the top. Really liking him.

    In game the split screen effects are pretty cool. It's actually starting to look like a real spot. Good job valve.


      rtz looks totally out of place in the professional scene. secret just looks so lost.


        Production Value

        mom said it's my turn to ...

          Production value PogChamp

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            I don't know who predicted Wings as the winner, but they fucking suck. Also Secret still terrible and Na'Vi is doing surprisingly well.


              People just hate on Arteezy without any reason nowadays. Even tough EG didnt win any Major tournaments with him, they were really successfull finishing 2nd or 3rd most of the times, and yeah i agree current Secret 4.0 is horrible, but you really can't just blame Arteezy. Universe, one of the best, most reliable offlaners is currently playing horribly, Puppeys draft arent exactly flawless (also he let Rubick steal Roar like 4 times in one game), EE just goes on random feeding streaks into 4 enemy heroes. So yeah Secret looks lost, but dont just blame it on Artour, atleast not without proper arguments, he out cs'ed a Dendi on WR with Drow Aura as a Puck (in the laning phase) and sometimes his insane mechanical skill glances trough. The roster lock will Keep them together till after TI, so maybe they can still find whats going wrong.

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                ^ Finally someone makes sense


                  ^ Finally someone makes sense

                  Dire Wolf

                    I watched almost all of the group B coverage. I'm a little confused cus watching on dota major it looks like group A plays at the same time as group B so you can't find those matches on the same channel, not sure. I do know after na'vi/secret they dumped us into the third match of dc/wings so you miss some stuff. But I saw na'vi/secret, dc/navi, secret/wings and the first game of dc/wings.

                    First yeah, wings blows, idk why they are rated so highly on anyone's board. They just run at you really aggressively, that's it. If you figure them out it should be a cakewalk.

                    Second, arteezy isn't the problem for secret. A couple of puppy's drafts were questionable for sure, but really envy is playing like GARBAGE. His clinkz game he fed like crazy, failed on so many ganks. His jugger game when wings picked lifestealer and just ran at them, so many fails. He was at a t1 trying to keep it from getting denied and just let naix solo right click him down like a dumbass, totally underestimated that right click. Builds super greedy, if team doesn't make space he's done. Like he went vanguard on jug, then battlefury. Why build vanguard if you aren't going to fight and go a farming item and not push? He's just not making the plays like he did when they won shanghai. When they won envy actually looked like a difference maker at times. Even the game they won with EE on sven it was all pieliedie setting him up for stuff. All he did was afk farm. When you watch the team fights he looks lost, bouncing between targets and he majorly screwed up getting ganked and popping bkb so wisp couldn't relocate him out. He looks like he's on tilt.

                    Then puppys drafts, wtf kunkka mid lol. And then poor rtz gets ganked like 4 times cus he's on a fucking kunkka and looks awful. Then he bans out a cm over a void vs navi so they get the void pheonix combo. Really they just don't adapt their playstyle and rtz looks out of place as a non farming mid. He looked ok on invoker, and he looks fine playing puck but doesn't really make space. DP was probably his best game. I just dunno if rtz can excel as a mid other than like old shadowfeind and storm when he could farm up and fight. I think he's more suited to a carry but whatever, he's adequate if the drafts are good and EE doesn't throw. Pieliedie and puppy still playing pretty well (except yea he did let roar get stolen a ton) but their team communication doesn't look that good.

                    I liked DC's drafts, they might go far. Really surprised how many games you can call just off the draft so far. There were only one or two matches where I thought the stronger draft didn't win like game 2 navi dc, I thought dc's draft was better, they had mirana, enchantress, invoker all to fight around void's ult but they didn't push the issue soon enough and let tinker get way too fat, then LD just ratted them. Navis draft wasn't that strong, just the tinker pick was amazing on it's own in that situation.

                    Then I thought secret vs wings game 2 was pretty even draft wise, wings just didn't play that well.


                      I think EE's drafting for Secret at the moment, not Puppey


                        EE draft for Secret, yes.

                        Anyone know why?

                        Dire Wolf

                          no wonder their drafts are total shit then lol. It seems like he's just like oh hey I want to be pos 1 and have everyone else make space for me, let's draft that way.

                          saving private RTZ

                            The problem is Puppey drafts even worse than EE. The team is lost. I mean, they played 22 games togheter before this major. Of course they are dipshits.

                            Surprised by Na'Vi. Happy LGD is looking quite strong, i still want BurNing to win a goddamn TI.

                            Production is what i expected,PGL have taken this seriously, i've seen their CSGO stuff before, really good quality,a

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              Umm, sorry, but Burning doesn't play for LGD.

                              ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                In the upper bracket, my e-money's on Liquid and Fnatic to move far. Also, Newbee can be considered favourites if they dont choke. Navi could also surprise, but they could choke.

                                DC definitely dark horse, they are certainly outperforming Complexity currently. Athough I want complexity to go far, unfortunately swindlezz's team is very draft and tempo dependant, and they often end up losing long games because maybe they arent the best at playing slow-tempo dota.

                                I mean, swindlezz isnt the best offlaner this tournament, but he's still no Universe :D

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                the Goat

                                  Go Na'Vi!


                                    Na'vi Will def get at least 4th and thats all i care about lol


                                      I watch alot of arteezy twitch and i can tell you he can outplay almost anyone in dota 2 , his win rates on both EG and Secret are very high as well

                                      There are several factors i believe impact the teams performance.

                                      1. Just might not be their patch.
                                      2. Puppey can draft better
                                      3. EE has been doing some dumb shit.

                                      I think EG and Arteezy are both better off TOGETHER. Those swaps were bad for everyone involved, except DC.

                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                        NEVER give MVP their Slardar. This'll be interesting to watch

                                        ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                          Haha their roaming infest bomb Riki in game 1 was surprisingly effective.

                                          Tide and lich made some great plays too

                                          ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                            Gonna be a tough game 2 for Liquid. MVP's signature 5-man, fast-paced dota gonna overrun them with that lineup.

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              I didn't get at all why the panel went ape shit for that ursa pick. I thought it was garbage the second they picked it. They think ursa counters lifestealer? lol ok, naix can pretty much man fight and then kite him when he needs to, and picking a melee hero who loathes mkb into a riki is fucking dumb. I called mvp that fist match off the draft alone.

                                              Yes, I said it before but I'll reiterate, the main problem with secret is EE right now and their drafts. They also kind of hang universe out to dry sometimes and expect him to do too much.

                                              Why would you like complexity? They never win anything and they're super cocky for never having won anything. I'm not really a fan.

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                Also surprising is how much slardar is being run as a safe lane. Seems weird, I mean he scales ok into late but he's just as useful as an offlane imo. And not seeing much sven picked in the matches I've watched which also seems weird given how popular he is lately.

                                                ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                  One doesnt have to like only winners, lol. COL had a good run both at TI5 and more recently the Shanghai major. I like their push and tempo-based play with heroes like NP, gyro, and beastmaster.

                                                  My guess is slardar gets put in safe lane if the team running him intend to pick a stronger offlaner, or perhaps when slardar + 1 happens to be a good match-up against the enemy offlaner(s).

                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                  Pale Mannie

                                                    PogChamp P R O D U C T I O N V A L U E PogChamp


                                                      Fuck all you saying liquid would win

                                                      ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                        Beautiful beautiful Game 2.

                                                        QO is fking fearless, fking baller.


                                                        ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                          Lol at least Liquid have every chance to make a run through the lower bracket - I mean, who are we expecting to beat them, EG?


                                                            wp mvp :)


                                                              time 4 dendi

                                                              Player 215168758

                                                                Axe was awesome too,

                                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                  Matumba so freaking useless in that game. Jerax tried to save the game, did some insane plays, but wasn't enough.


                                                                    dont know why axe isnt picked more this tourney. same with riki.


                                                                      Damn MVP played so amazing that game. To come back against that lineup with 2 barracks down.

                                                                      ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                                        Axe is quite execution dependent isnt he? Also he's kitable.

                                                                        And i dont think it's matubaman fault, so much as gyro isnt as effective in this current patch. MVP were able to delete him quite quickly in ganks, and the player didnt receive enough protection from his teammates actions and (possibly) their lineup, since they picked quite greedily.

                                                                        ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                                          And yes, some of the axe tp-onto-teammates initiation was awesome.

                                                                          D the Superior
                                                                            이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                                                              What a fkn game.


                                                                                Man did I just watch the ti finals?


                                                                                  Should I be that amazed that they killed gyro so many times with axe call into sunstrike amidst chaotic team fights? Like he dies so fast from that simple combo? Or am I just a noob that's why I'm so amazed, and it's actually quite easy to pull off


                                                                                    So, OG just completely dumpstered Navi. When NoTail (who I think is the weakest link in OG) plays well (like he did in this series) it seems that OG is unstoppable. Miracle managed to utterly destroy Dendis Tinker with a Magnus (!!) in G1 and then they had this very methodical base siege which was executed flawlessly, Navi looked helpless. Game2 was Miracle playing his Invoker, I think this pretty much concludes what happend (he ended the game with 17-0).

                                                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                      Fucking EG man, they fucked up so much. I honestly think this was one of the biggest outdrafts I have ever seen and even with such an insane lead so early on, they lost. It's just sad to see. They have fucking Dark Seer AND Axe, but not once did they save DP from dying.


                                                                                        Gotta admit, MVP outplayed Liquid. Let's see if OG can stop MVP (if OG will play like against Na'Vi, it's possible, it was n0tail's best game I'e seen perhaps).
                                                                                        Wings are out, that's bit disapointment with their performances before manila... but they deserved to lose. Bit sad that VG.R managed to defeat EG since their performance in group was bad... but EG caused their defeat by their own fails so guess it's fair
                                                                                        I'm glad that Alliance goes to next round, their different playstyle is bit refreshing.

                                                                                        Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                                                          EG always have been a tier 2 team. they went strong from middle of 2014 till 2016. I really expected their performance.