General Discussion

General DiscussionTY VALVE FOR SHIT TEAM!!!

TY VALVE FOR SHIT TEAM!!! in General Discussion

    How should i win with noob team always!! i dropped from vhs to normal bracket!!


      you cant get teammates that are not garbage, unless you stop being garbage urself


        ^ Truth has been spoken


          i didnt check his matches b4 posting 1st comment, but now I did.

          i take my words back, imagine I never posted on this thread, goodbye.

          mom said it's my turn to ...

            0.31 kda riki spamming, failed smurf lul, youre so much worse than phantom riki. If he had zero impact, you probably had negative 4head

            Nervous Bakedown

              How did you get to vhs in the first place?


                This gotta be Phantom rikis new account, im excited!


                  Is he abandoning all his games or just sitting in base the whole time?

                  Pale Mannie

                    fake phantom riki is fake


                      no i do all the stuff for my team. buy courir, wards, smoke and give vision with my hero all the time
                      but my team cant take advantage of that. i only got 1 time decent teammates. my only win..


                        Probably because you only skill your invis stats and occasionally your ult. Try going with a more standard build, and build as a carry if your team is so bad


                          but i play riki as stalker hero


                            Stop falling for the bait bois


                              Blink Dagger on Riki. 2 x Boots. This guy is LEL


                                why is someone copying my afk strategies


                                  @TN21 is that a kind of smurfing?


                                    its just a more efficient way of smurfing
                                    like see this account for example
                                    i just afk for like 30ish games, then i play properly for 6 games, then after a couple of calibration stomps its already in 4.3

                                    then i see people make smurfs with 50 games played on it rofl

                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                      no i always give my best for the team

                                      Mike Wazowski..!

                                        0-13-1 0-6-2 0-3-1 is your best?


                                          WTF? seriously? even I could do better on a smurf, shame on you, shame *ring ring ring* shame


                                            i just had 1 bad game with riki cause they bought gem and so on. the other riki games i gave vision for my team the whole game and buy all the wards, courirs etc..


                                              how many couriers did you buy?


                                                i buy them all the time when they are up


                                                  you only need 1 courier per game, not more


                                                    but sometimes a courir is away from base and other lane needs items. so i buy at least 3 courirs for logistical purposes


                                                      my, oh my...


                                                        apparition riki, Its always a lot better to buy one courier and stick to that, If a hero is using the courier let him check if his friend in the same lane also bought something. But earlygame, most heroes will have sufficient with one courier and the secret shops




                                                            that's the best support I have ever seen


                                                              By the way, are you smurfing?

                                                              I know it might be a kind of odd question, but if you want to keep spamming riki you should go carry build. Do not go support riki, carry is often times more worth it

                                                              Gizmo™ ♥

                                                                play more team oriented heroes, i used to play mostly bounty hunter. stopped playing dota, then game back and really sat down and figured out what my goal was, i primarily play offlane, 1v2 is more fun ;) but i play heroes that is good through out the game, i love DS soo fun can get some kills early and then turns into a assist machine. but i normally just got for team fight potential and if i gotta buy courier, ill only buy 1 not more than one, no need. learn to take turns! you wanna win play what your team needs and not greedy heroes thats how you will keep losing. i dont gave the best win ratio either but im learning and putting in some serious effort in learning dota, figuring out my hero pool and learning everything i can before going into ranked. Stop playing riki!


                                                                  Hes obviously trolling


                                                                    yeah thanks for tips but recently i watched some pro players and they play bounty hunter the same way i play riki. they run around invis and scout the enemies. but i think riki is better cause he doesnt need mana for invisible. also the pros buy wards and courirs with bounty hunter. i think i do a good job. there is not much difference than my play and for example miracle


                                                                      The difference between riki and bounty hunter is that bounty gets more money off of a kill. If bounty plays a roaming support, he gets his items later because he uses his ult for it. Riki needs that money to be able to survive lategame and will be wrecked as soon as he has nothing at the forty minute mark. I wont tell you how to play dota, but if you are still spamming riki, you should play him more like a carry. Remember, no 2 heroes are the same in playstyle.


                                                                        And I know it might be a stupid question, but why tranquils? arent power threads or phase boots a lot better?

                                                                        gaming chair

                                                                          Thanks for making my day with riki aghs and tranquils I died so hard


                                                                            a friend told me that aghs is kinda op on riki


                                                                              honestly the number of retards replying to this thread earnestly is astounding


                                                                                The difference between riki and bounty hunter is that bounty gets more money off of a kill. If bounty plays a roaming support, he gets his items later because he uses his ult for it. Riki needs that money to be able to survive lategame and will be wrecked as soon as he has nothing at the forty minute mark. I wont tell you how to play dota, but if you are still spamming riki, you should play him more like a carry. Remember, no 2 heroes are the same in playstyle.

                                                                                lul this forums truly trashcan now


                                                                                  TM21, what did I say wrong?

                                                                                  D the Superior
                                                                                    이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                                                                                    Dick Trouser, MD

                                                                                      YOURE NOT GOOD. NONE OF US ARE GOOD. My god if you kiddos can understand this and let go of your delusions of grandeur you'll be SO MUCH BETTER at this game. YOURE SHIT. YOURE NOT A PRO. PUB GAMES ARENT PRO GAMES. It's quite literally a DIFFERENT GAME. Jesus.


                                                                                        Seeing you bought aghs on riki, you shouldnt. It does nothing for the hero and youre of better with diff blade or sange + yasha. Here is the wiki page on riki, not to disencourage but if you wanna play him well then you should read this carefully.



                                                                                          and how should i counter when enemy has gem?


                                                                                            I think the best way to do that is to avoid that hero until he gets killed by someone else, If he is wandering alone you should ask someone to help ganking and maybe most obvious, if there is a teamfight, help in the teamfight. You will be visible anyway while you are fighting so gem or no gem doesnt matter in that case. And if you notice the enemy has sentrys, ask your own support to get some too, but dont ever stop farming. you just have to be more cautious

                                                                                            Gem isnt that scary anyway and as soon as you took it, there is a 1.8k gold swing to your team. Also put it in the base if you took it. Dont give it back by dying

                                                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                              you take this troll seriously? ffs people wake up

                                                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                              lm ao


                                                                                                lm ao

                                                                                                  cause our lives are boring af

                                                                                                  D the Superior
                                                                                                    이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                                                                                      15 games and KDA 0.18...must be a world record, like you are the worst fu*ing sh*t ever in dota 2. Just delete this game....

                                                                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                                        troll or trash player? Does it matter? He doesn´t waste just his time....