General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do you do if your team have two junglers?

What do you do if your team have two junglers? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Dey sey dat jungling is a peaceful endeavor but wat do you do if your team have two? Thoughts based on your experience pls.


      Based from my experiences it's 50:50, if you lose all the lanes; your fucked, but if you manage to keep the game passive or at your advantage, ez win. For me personally I don't mind the two junglers since all heroes are getting all solo experience and gold but this could be easily punished by roaming supports from the enemy or strong push lineups.


        I quickly predict mmr and spam all chat ''guys how to get vhs???''

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          1000 xpm

            1 jungler should take the hard camp and ancient camp, the other one the normal 5 camps

            at beginning 1 jungler takes the hard camp and normal camp, the other one the rest 3 camps


              Maybe you should get a hero that can sustain your self in the lane even facing with 2 enemy heroes


                You can give the role what they want and let they farm in lane. So u fill in the other role like supp or roamer. Most people will not go jungle if u give them what they want. Everyone want to play carry so just let them be and support. The time when you can pick carry will come later.

                casual gamer

                  i dont think ive ever seen this rofl

                  except when the offlane retreats to his large camp + theres axe/lc i guess but never 2 dedicated junglers

                  if u have to try to protect them with obs. even if ur a mid hero its gonna pay off probs


                    things get even better when one jungler takes the other jungler's stack :)

                    Riguma Borusu

                      I had this happen a few times, I would first pick LC, then get forced to jungle, then get a NP last pick. But it actually worked out every fucking time and we won.

                      stupid fuck 2000

                        i kill myself

                        King of Low Prio

                          Just pick timber and grab a pms


                            I remember watching Bad Intentions game live once. He got sent into the offlane as a sniper, While he had a NP cliff jungling and I believe LC in the jungle as well. Somehow they won at like 30 minutes or some shit

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                            Need to talk,remove your ...

                              Everything is possible in highskill games fam

                              Vem Comigo

                                normal 5 camps
                                lul whut
                                each side has 3 hard camps, 1 ancient, 2 normal camps, and 1 easy camp

                                1000 xpm

                                  ^ i meant on radiant side for example: ancient and hard camp on the left side and the 5 camps on rhe right side of the map


                                    what do you do when you have one jungler


                                      well, this game is an example, vhs. we have 2 jungler. luna and enigma. lose all 3 lane in early game but after 10min we just push and win. ez :v


                                        I quickly predict mmr and spam all chat ''guys how to get vhs???''



                                          just pick a 3rd jungler

                                          garbage man

                                            Dota is just a weird game, everything can work.

                                            But sometimes you just want to quit life and be garbage man.