General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to make blood viable again

How to make blood viable again in General Discussion

    There are 2 ways.
    1) remove the downside from his Q (its Op yes but every other spell is shit)
    2) make his E an aura (preferably global) and reduce its numbers.

    How would you buff him?

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            Giving his second spell a 0.01 stun

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                Definitely point 2.

                Icefraud seems to be trying to jam him into this retarded support role without actually giving him a skill set which allows it. Like, why give the hero a passive which increases his own damage and move speed if all your other buffs are about buffing the skills which don't rely on him right clicking people. So change it to an aura for the whole team, or heck even just a 900 range aura, cut the values in half or by a third or whatever and make him a proper support for real instead of this retarded shit of buffing his non-carrying skills but none of them being actually useful for a support.

                There's a reason why he didn't get picked a single time at TI even though he's got nothing but buffs since he was dumpstered after TI4 (and I just outlined why above).

                Other suggestions include:

                Rupture damage buffed to 60/75/90%.
                Thirst rescaled just back to 100-0.
                Thirst rescaled from 18/24/32/40 to 20/30/40/50.
                Thirst vision threshold increased back to 50%.
                Bloodrite delay reduced.
                Aghs upgrade changed from its current form to instead cast bloodrite's damage on everything in 650 range of bloodseeker every 8 seconds.

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  blood has 50% winrate if you haven't noticed

         this is working for me, just look at my profile




                      bring back his old skills, i miss his single target 6 second silence

                      Pale Mannie

                        Bloody hell


                          Holy shit dont let 3ks "balance" the game pls, I guess that's why icefraud is asking pros for advice cuz hes fucking dogshit player xd


                            I think it was about something else that they didn't pick blood. The hero's quite interactive - he can counter many heroes (Timber, Mirana, Am, Akasha,all invis heroes) and he can match up with many heroes (Zeus, Barathrum, Batrider, VS, KotL, Spectre, Invoker, PitLord etc). Just having him in your team makes it almost unnecessary to buy dust (but not gem or sentry), because u usually use dust to prevent low hp invis heroes from running away. Just give your q to Zeus and he'll deal ton of damage to enemies, and his ritual is more of a defensive tool rather than an offensive one - cast it on your squishy supports and enemies will surely hesitate to approach them. But it really bugs me why he wasn't on TI6


                              I really don't get it why you want to change a hero who have 51% win rate in low mmr and 49% win rate in 5k bracket.

                              Maybe he need arcana instead of rework.
                              I would suggest "How to make ember viable again"
                              40% WR in low mmr
                              45% WR in 5k
                              44% WR on TI6

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                blood is one of the better heroes this patch you stupid mongo


                                  blood is one of the better heroes this patch you stupid mongo

                                  garbage man

                                    blood is one of the better heroes this patch you stupid mongo


                                      blood is one of the better heroes this patch you stupid mongo