General Discussion

General Discussionstill trying hard to grind to the top

still trying hard to grind to the top in General Discussion

    its so hard to lift my team in this game

    need a spirit or advice in sea server please =((



      Need to talk,remove your ...

        1something 9anonymous just ns things


          don't troll this topic please

          Pepeganist #learningcurver

            well, ive been through this shit so many times aswell. I understand how it feels. What helps a lot is trying to make ur team better and help them understand what they need to do in order to win the game. Its sometimes easy to play a hero to perfection and dominate the scoreboard, whats harder though is to do whats best for the team (buying wards when youre not support, etc) and help them play better. I know this is annoying and a lot of these players dont deserve ur attention and goodwill, but it makes a huge difference. In the end you need these guys on your team to win the game u cant always do it alone.

            Another thing that helps is playing mid, your impact is much higher when u play mid especially when you gank a lot and try to win the other lanes aswell for your team. It might not be the pro meta right now, but ganking is really important in the casual dota scene and makes a big difference.

            I had very similar issues being stuck at a certain mmr even though I was recking the games so hard. Communicating better with my team got me 200-300 mmr in a matter of days. Mmr is fundamentally flawed though since volvo takes ur recent playing history and records in to account when creating the teams. Making it so that if you are quickly rising in mmr and owning the games, that you stuck because you consistently get dumped with the weaker teammates, making it way harder than it should be.

            Anyway i can feel you man, this shit sucks. Keep your spirits up.

            casual gamer

              I had a guy on my team who was super positive. I + teammates fucked up constantly and he always said the positive shit that happened and well played! or whatever. anyway the game went into the fucking dumpster and we got raxxed at 30 minutes. but I think we played better because of this kind soul's positivity and anyway we won the game ez mmr noobs xaxaxa

              Q m c y ^

                noob players give advices hahaha!


                  its ok for me, giving me an advice its reflect my game play sometimes


                    you just played broken hero and didnt proceeed to take 1 side of racks or two

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                      21 kills and 500 gpm is really shitty, it's like you only killed but never touched a creepwave.


                        Lool slark spammer in SEA normal all pick


                          @cookies look at my last hit if i did touch any creep wave lmao, i'm sorry i need to farm to catch up with
                          the game



                            26 min 40 lh,
                            31 min 63 lh
                            49 min 143 lh

                            it's pretty much like you're not hitting creeps. that's 2-3~ lasthits per minute.

                            it's like you don't even try to, it's like you accidentally get the lasthits

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                            doc joferlyn simp

                              how do you even lose ns matches as slark... its even unranked like wtf??? are u seriously this bad i cant even comprehend how you maintain that performance in ns

                              Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                Another one of the daily bullshit topics that can't realize they are the problem. And advice on SEA server? Don't be toxic, get used to playing without any supports, 65 gold won't delay your midas, battle fury, or whatever the fuck you are going for.


                                  well, u need to farm better, carry doesn't need alot of kill, but a high gpm, xpm and finish the game in time. i alway pick carry and farm the shit out there to get super high gpm, xpm. finish the game around 20-30min when enemy carry still poor as fuck. got an amazing win streak by that :))


                                    I have maybe 70 games like that.
                                    yet I don't come here showing off and crying like you , little bitch




                                        U GOD BRO

                                        yung griphook

                                          its not about one game its about how well you perform on average


                                            @cookies i'm sorry bro for my poor last hit, but still i'm still trying to win the
                                            game, and bro can you

                                            @Arena.Goshu yeap i need some more farming pattern and more campstack ass well

                                            @Ben Sjodin yow

                                            @FYYQ nope,i'm just a player man

                                            @Zoboomafoo thanks for the advice, noted bro


                                              I'm pretty sure the reason he lost is he didn't played with his team, check sniper score 6-16, if you were smart you would stay near sniper so he don't get picked off for nothing. Reason I stoped playing sniper too much retard who blame you when you die mn 10 dived under your t3.


                                                1 death, no bb.

                                                a real player has 2 deaths.


                                                  @mid or feed ok i know some people are blaming because they don't call missing in there lane
                                                  if you know where you're enemy where are llaning, you know they are missing


                                                    @peekaboo i'm not being a salt, but yeah i try so hard but it failed


                                                      @how can sniper know when he has zero ward and no one on the minimap ?
                                                      How can he know when they have riki with lifestealer infested. I've played this kind of game as a sniper, start 4-0 or some shit then supports buy zero wards ennemies get shadowblade and hunt you down in front of your t3 and ur team do nothing to help you.

                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                        here's my challenges:

                                                        finish them and you'll be dendi

                                                        easy ones:

                                                        1. 10 min- no creeps missed (82+ lasthits minimum)
                                                        2. 10 min- 80 lh/40 deny safelane, creeps can't enter either team's tower. if they do you reset
                                                        3. 10 min- 100 LH safelane
                                                        4. 30 min- 600 LH
                                                        5. less than 15 min- end the game(destroy enemy ancient)

                                                        advanced ones:

                                                        1. 11 min- 120 LH
                                                        2. 30 min- 800 LH
                                                        3. 10 min- 100 CS+(LH+DN counts) as morphling -> lvl 1 strenght morph and never level anything again, turn it on and don't turn it off. buy glove of haste and a set of tangoes, you'll constantly have only 20 damage.
                                                        4. less than 10 min- end the game(destroy enemy ancient)

                                                        all are done in lobby games, no bots 1v0

                                                        extra challenge: all hero challenge(win 1 game with every hero), done in solo ranked.


                                                          @Mid or Feed let's say the mid invoker is missing, riki is missing in the top lane and you know lifestealer is missng as well
                                                          and you know lifestealer is farming in the jungle lane and you know where there are and just i pretend to be sniper, and your mid
                                                          is not calling missing heroes and i just predict that i sniper that they are in the bot ganking us with slark


                                                            @cookies LOL dendi rofl


                                                              FARM WELL
                                                              As a carry you have to be able to 1v9 and the easiest way to do that is by being able to farm efficiently
                                                              BE A POSITIVE GUY
                                                              I have alot of games where there is just one guy kept fucking things over,but he started doing well after I tell em what did they do wrong and motivate them (some people are fucking braindead but if you're actually better than these people you'll win more than you lose anyway)

                                                                이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                                                  Are you stupid or just completly retarded ? How can sniper use his map awareness when no ennemies farm on lane, you have zero ward on map or sentriies and they are busy chassing him with invis...
                                                                  meanwhile you have slark top and all others teamate split. in his case the only safe place his near his T4.

                                                                  38% smurf on normal skill unranked. Check sniper hero dmg and check ur hero dmg he still got quite high number for so many loss maybe if ur team played more together you would have won.


                                                                    @Mid or Feed dude watch free cookies map awareness guide and you know what i mean for that

                                                                    casual gamer


                                                                      ive never seen a pitlord dumpster mid that hard



                                                                          이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                                                            @positivly yeah because its not a high rank match