General Discussion

General DiscussionIs drums a garbage item?

Is drums a garbage item? in General Discussion

    The stats aren't great, the ms isn't great either, a wind lace could easily provide that while being 9x cheaper, the attack speed is garbage, even a gloves of haste could have very similar effects. It seems garbage for 1850 gold, am I missing something here?


      I've sometimes got it as an hp healing item on heroes where I don't build other regen or lifesteal on but a bit of extra hp and move speed would be better than a Vlads. Riki as an example.

      It's current form is definitely nerfed from before. You can thank the pros for building 3 drums per team in competitive matches for that.

      doc joferlyn simp

        only heroes ive ever seen wreck with this item are skywraths and pugnas that have this item+bots+aether lens at 20 mins



          casual gamer

            its one of htose situational items that I don't even understand rn, its not like I'm going to buy that shit on slark or pa when most of the gain is for int and it introduces this huge delay into actually getting core items

            Livin' Real Good

              The only hero I see it consistently built on is Kunkka honestly, no one builds it much anymore.

              casual gamer

                when the stats were 9/9/9 and gave 9/3 damage it made a lot more sense on carries. right now who would you ever buy this on? OD? (over dlance->pike I don't fucking think so)


                  Actually drums is good if your build is speed, like u build all the wind lace item set like euls, drums + boots of travel and SY. Ur speed will sure almost the max 522.


                    Drums are pretty good, add some follow up vocals and a few more instruments and you can form a fucking band.


                      Get it in dota imba on broodmother it's pretty good

                      Vem Comigo

                        on sups that dont need much, rubick, its pretty good.

                        casual gamer

                          ^^ no it isn't because it could be a force staff glimmer cape or ghost scepter: aka items that actually do shit and not 15% ms and some attack speed in an aoe around ur squishy-ass support


                            its good for early skirmish, big difference

                            Livin' Real Good

                              I think buying drums just for the movespeed bonus is dumb.


                                Mostly only good on summoning heroes like invoker, natures prophet, since the stat nerf its not a core item for every hero. Just those who do good use of the aura.

                                Pale Mannie

                                  Not as good as they used to be in 6.86


                                    Good on invoker and od, rest is very situational


                                      I get it on invoker and OD is that bad? Seemsgood


                                        How can this item became garbage? This item is good for early game like 8-15min . Since it given aspd and ms , and its more effective to take down tower.


                                          if miracle goes voker quas ex and artzy its not and many chinese 8k players buy on other heroes like Od etc i saw million times


                                            It's actually useful if you're planning to maximize your pushing abilities as Kunkka, especially in early game. Can also be useful in late game when your team needs an extra boost to destroy those barracks.

                                            Vem Comigo

                                              For a 6 Sloted support is pretty good, you have boots + glimer + euls + force/blink + wards + and Drums for the stats mostly


                                                more yes than no but sometimes useful. They were op but not they r overnerfed

                                                PMS Mantra

                                                  I think Drums was up there with Diffusal last patch. Which would explain why it was nerfed to the ground as a cheaper version of Agh stat wise.

                                                  Edit: In fact, as I recall, you would see 2-3 on the same team last patch. That's how good it was.

                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                    some high lvl jug players, ve been trying phase, drum, yasha, them dif or manta, looks kinda solid, very active in engages early


                                                      I might not be the best player, but i know statistics.

                                                      Rubick has a 46% winrate, almost 50.6% winrate with Drums. Ghost Scepter and Force Staff makes 51%.

                                                      Ofc. these winrates are not 100% accurate, especially for expensive items because these are mostly bought if you are winning (Battlefury on Rubick f.e. has a 65% winrate).

                                                      But you can compare early items which can be acquired every game. Statictics say, that drums is even better than urn on rubick.

                                                      The same goes for skywrath (53% winrate, Ghost Scepter 47%, Force S. 50%), Pugna (51% winrate, F.S. 47%), Witch Doctor (56%, Glimmer Cape 53%)

                                                      For all these heroes (and probably more) the winrate with drums is higher than with comparable items. I might be wrong, but this is what the statistics say.

                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                        drum is garbage. Only those 5 sec duration ms/as burst are good. else it's not even stats efficient; which is a shame for a dead end item.

                                                        Basshunter's Papa

                                                          Situationally I build it on Jugg or Abaddon. I like it on Razor as well. Not as good as it was though.


                                                            dont show this thread to matrice


                                                              shit too late

                                                              PMS Mantra

                                                                It seems Drums still work for Doom; you know the whole chase them down in bursts while they're being burned alive thing he does? Yeah, it sorta works for him.


                                                                  the item is fine but 80% of heroes suggested above are a joke.

                                                                  u do not know the statistics.

                                                                  whats antimages winrate with dagon 5? why?


                                                                    cause in end of game they buy for fountain stomp yez im pro now!


                                                                      ill keep buying drums on od and noone can stop me