General Discussion

General DiscussionBan normal skill player from posting

Ban normal skill player from posting in General Discussion

    triggeres me


      from 900th to 600th on TA rankings in 8 games wup wup

      doc joferlyn simp

        i am very sorry your excellency. my mmr is not fit for you to see, please punish your dogshit low mmr pleb with your almighty giant blue star

        happy with your bag of attention?

        eks dee dee


          @robin, have you seen some of the threads that they post? some of them are funny asf, anyways gratz on that ta ranking

          2k indog monkey

            If you ban me who will be the dankest shitposter around


              ban ppl without blue star from posting

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                tbh i wish we had a subforum for each class, would be amazing.

                one for NS, HS, VHS, blue star etc.

                casual gamer

                  ^ not enough regular posters to sustain that kind of split i think


                    they can just post in the main forum here if they don't want to... no one is forcing them


                      I get triggered every while I drink my morning coffee from some dumb shitpost like: PA OP or RIki pickers noob or some retard creating 1000 smurf accounts a day and posting predict my mmr wile having 11-7 score on his account and then u check his account 3 hours latter and he has like 2 abandones in a row a.k.a i created a new account w8 untill i get 10 games played so I can post another shitpost again.
                      @kelly tnq

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        @Haffy no offence sir, you are one of my favorite posters on this forum keep it up.


                          How can they git gud if they have some question to ask. Then normal skill will answer. They will never git gud.


                            get* good* stop triggering me
                            but you certainly have a point there


                              "tbh i wish we had a subforum for each class, would be amazing.
                              one for NS, HS, VHS, blue star etc"


                                plz sir h0w t0 git vhs braket i been dota for 7 yers n stil 2k mmr halp me plz sir :(
                                -Triggered- lul


                                  @rankiro, I'm willing to answer legit questions and help people get better, the threads that I'm starting to hate wish would be gone are the ones like the thread that the mofo flying dutchman posted

                                  PMS Mantra

                                    What a thing to say!


                                      I mean I dont hate NS players i play with some of them like balance the guy from Israel, but his not an annoying shitface like the rest of them, his nice and his willing to get better by improving.

                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                        not all ns are absolutely dogshit delusional dicks who jack off to matchmaking points. we just have to find a way to separate the wheat from the chaff

                                        on a more serious note i think we should have subforums not separated by skill brackets, but instead separated by the topic from each individual thread. like Shitposting, Ranting, Gameplay, Strategies and Guides, Professional Scene, Unrelated, and maybe Trading or some shit. more could be made thats just the stuff i pulled from the top of my head


                                          I vape

                                          casual gamer

                                            ^^ we weren't talking about separating it by sexual orientation, robin


                                              aawww man..


                                                i hate it when the normal skill say x hero is op and they get advice how to deal with them but ignore it to justify their bad performance against the x hero


                                                  that moment when all sub 8k players fight to decide who's the shittest~


                                                    Hahaha. That robin gotten hydrocephalic for being best 600th ta "" UNRANKED"" hahaha.


                                                      hes 5 k main ur 1k max stf.u nroaml trash


                                                        My rank is normal unrank is high and vhs what am i? :(

                                                        Ps. I was 1k smurfed to 3k :(
                                                        Pss. Dont make a smurf and lose 7 games from the first 8 it dont play well for u


                                                          And btw the only topics that kinda tickle (not trigger) me are the ones about mmr and smurf the others ppl are mostly asking for advice and there's always a cookie to answer :D


                                                            Why does he have to smurf then? People smurfing to get VHS then trash talking normal skill players is lame , if you smurfed to get there your mmr doesn't matter at all .

                                                            Lisan al-Ghoib

                                                              WHOPSS im triggered . . .


                                                                What a cuck


                                                                  I'm sorry your highness, i'm not worthy for posting anything in dotabuff. Please allow this pleb to post one last in this forum :(. Ty.

                                                                  Ye happy?


                                                                    im vhs on my normal u fucking retard


                                                                      i was refering to crapy coco


                                                                        wasnt talking to u


                                                                          i believe we were all in normal skill once...


                                                                            I'm 99.33 percentile with Drk seer

                                                                            Ur very high skill in normal pubs is 2k MMR in raelity. YOu're a smurf.

                                                                            I have a 1k mmr friend who made a smurf and is in VHS normal MM.

                                                                            You're a normal skill trash player sorry

                                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                            Cheap Laugh Guy


                                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                              Corona FRIES

                                                                                I'm from offensive and I find this normal skill

                                                                                2k indog monkey

                                                                                  Predict me mmr im play dota 3 years but 2k on main so i smurf to get vhs but alway fail
                                                                                  What hero spam to vhs?

                                                                                  M U R D E R

                                                                                    really as long as you actually think and acknowledge your mistakes is does not matter that much what mmr you are when you post on the forum. of course unless you are replying to something only 5k could know like advanced gameplay mechanics or sth.

                                                                                    when i was just starting dota and my main was like 1k, i analyzed the items and the item builds i was making on my heroes were almost identical to 7k+ pro player item builds and other trending builds (and no i didnt look at the pro builds ever before).

                                                                                    like now im seriously thinking to start building hurricane pike on riki, likely instead of blink dagger (it would serve a different purpose than blink) the item is almost never built on this hero but the 76% win rate makes me think that it's quite good, the only actual riki item that can compete is Skadi...

                                                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                    inst:  MissMissclick

                                                                                      Sick ta winrate bro. coach me?


                                                                                        Once I was uberly rich on support bounty I upgraded my force staff to huricane pike for the extra stats @_@


                                                                                          Some NS plebs here are cool like Haffy
                                                                                          But ye its annoying to see "predict my mmr" "omg noob team" "how to vhs" bullshit threads from delusional kids that thinks they're better than what they call "deadweight teammates"

                                                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                          Pale Mannie

                                                                                            Oh noes a normal scill is shidpoßting ahm t r i g g e r e d

                                                                                            Mode adiman

                                                                                              ns ftw


                                                                                                Im normal scill but im good give me attention guise


                                                                                                  Yes please i beg you