General Discussion

General Discussionis AC good for slark

is AC good for slark in General Discussion

    if you know that the enemy carry will get mkb anyway (for example:if my team have radiance carrier) so i don't want bfly or just moon shard is better

    Riguma Borusu

      if they have ET go for it instead of butterfly every time


        It can work, but I see it as a snowballing item on him, not really a lategame item.

        There's no reason why would you buy an assoult curias over butterfly in lategame scenario.

        It just offers armor, and he stacks armor relativily easily with his essense shift anyways.

        Pale Mannie

          You'll die when you dont buy it against an ET


            You get BKB and kill him, or just kill other people and he can't do shit. AC isn't that good of a item on Slark, simply because he needs stats and not armor.


              rofl buy bkb and kill et. Nice scenario, especially when he is hiding behind his team and lowers ur armor with astral spirit

              doc joferlyn simp

                ac is actually a good option once you have a skadi

                but like vertoxity said its more for "yolo ez gg fountain dive" builds when youre balling so hard you might as well add a dr to the mix

                doc joferlyn simp

                  you shits should stop making scenarios to help your arguments, scenarios are literally the most versatile and varying aspects in dota 2. why consider something as volatile as that

                  instead focus on the hero itself and see if it innately synergizes well with his skillset, along with the items most commonly built to accompany that particular build


                    I just don't think AC is good because it doesn't really scale well on him lategame. And he's also slot-hungry hero so if you get him a wrong item you will actually regret it.

                    It can work, I played several games with it, but it's just not good when you hit lategame and fail to close the game.