General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    ey b0ss
    Edit: I'm on a roll page 2 bois
    Edit 2.0: Here is a dank clip in celebration

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      Renshin and co reking scrubs lul

      2k indog monkey

        Just focusing on college, git gud in life, be success, grill coming
        Trust i indog

        2k indog monkey

          Harmless pls forgive me for not being able to curry you


            Lel pls fprgiv me for feeding like the 0.5 k I am


              20 mins rax rekt bois

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                Sometimes I wish I cud just pass out and wake up in a world where I dont have to do anything to get what I want. I don't have a huge problem working, but is just the uncertainty and stress and constant questions abt if my choices r right, am I going to end up OK, I just want it to stop. I don't want to kill myself cuz all life is precious, but life is fucking hard and I truly wish it wasn't. Tbh as a teen I don't know if I can even say this to anyone but dotabuff and my friends. Thx guys.


                  Don't worry bruh, everything will work out fine


                    Lmaoo. Renshin habe de cancer soon


                      U gotta establish ur identity. And adhere to it without shame. Eventually ppl will respect u for who u are if ur not too weird.


                        Stop looking at ppl who look good on the outside. In high school it's just so shallow. As u get older ppl look to ur credentials and what you've accomplished. All these "popular" ppl don't succeed if they are just empty shells. They aren't ur role models.

                        I feel like life of an American teen is especially difficult because of their high school bullshit. U just gotta get through that crap and you're fine.


                          anyone here wanna join? 1 more




                              nahhhhh, it kyle and joemama did the work, pa got carried


                                Wish I could play w u cucks during the day. At night I'm just too tired


                                  confirmed, i cant play carry for shit xD


                                    Lmao. I swear every Lina game is an auto loss. Also, every Luna game is an auto win. At least you're not tryhards


                                      That game.was my fault man, yo any1 up for a game?


                                        I'm sure u meant to pick Luna but made a typo?

                                        2k indog monkey

                                          "Every lina game is a loss"
                                          Oh so I was fucked no matter what with that single draft game

                                          2k indog monkey

                                            America highschool is bullshit man highschool shouldnt be black and white between pupuler vs nurd omg nurd boohoo u nurd oemji leam af
                                            Focus on being yourself, trying to pretend that you're a popular edgy boi won't work man


                                              Ffcuk these tryhards 85 mingame


                                                84 minute game, im done bois haha
                                                edit: atleast we won though, now I go out and drink, thnx for the games bois

                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                                                  wat a game


                                                    That was too much


                                                      That momment when me and renshin went yolo to the base

                                                      Edit: unranked games in 2016 be like

                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                        ALLIANCE ARE DOING IT


                                                          why everyone playin when im not in the mood


                                                            Me and Sven useless lul


                                                              Lmao game full of cores. Wp guys


                                                                The rapier attempt to steal tho XD


                                                                  All of us Randomed lul


                                                                    Feed is real kek


                                                                      Lel I was free kill all game


                                                                        There is a reason I don't play invis heroes, I keep overextending kek


                                                                          I had change my mouse halfway in the game cause it wasn't responding. Resulted in me tilting early on in the game.


                                                                            We still won somehow even after me feeding

                                                                            2k indog monkey

                                                                              You can start analyzing how higher MMR players play, or learn something new each game you play with us
                                                                              I'm more than willing to help ;)


                                                                                That's why I am playing with u guys man bws I just wanna learn


                                                                                  I just rekt some scrubs as od feels good man

                                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                  2k indog monkey

                                                                                    Go spam some heroes that you like, watch pro players and analyze them, keep up with the meta, and always have an open mindset
                                                                                    Dont be this guy
                                                                                    *first pick pudge and asks for mid*
                                                                                    *gets rekt*
                                                                                    *blames team*
                                                                                    I became a decent carry by spamming void like 30 games in a row back when he had super long time walk and cancertrack


                                                                                      Imctrying to learn jugg now seems good


                                                                                        The problem is I play toouch like a ganker . as soon as I have omni I search for solo heroes to kill

                                                                                        2k indog monkey

                                                                                          Isn't that how jugg is supposed to be played lmao
                                                                                          You farm while finding potential kills, all while pushing with your teammates and snowball to victory before the game drags to the late game

                                                                                          2k indog monkey

                                                                                            Jugg is a good hero to learn
                                                                                            You'll learn how to farm efficiently, positioning, decision making, improve game knowledge, itemize better, land shits correctly and quickly, all in one packet


                                                                                              Yo harmles just play Luna. And watch my games. Kek

                                                                                              2k indog monkey

                                                                                                The only thing Jacked does better than me on luna is stacking camps
                                                                                                Watch my luna games instead


                                                                                                  Imma make mom agha on jugg next game