General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    I had times when all of my most played heroes have sub 2 KDA
    Getting ridiculed by my friends and noticing my ultra shit stats, and meeting you guys motivated me to push my skills, including taking the first writing in the page skill to the limit
    I want to show all my pubscrub friends I don't need 1500+ hours in a clicking game to know the basics

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    doc joferlyn simp

      i have brought shame upon my family's name. i must commit sudoko


        You can't even kys correctly
        Go kys


          347 gpm axe hnggggg


            Reverse than and you'll have my average AM GPM

            FREE PALESTINE

              I'm still salty about that tiny who tried to toss me into the tier 1 8 mins in

              doc joferlyn simp

                yo gwn

                doc joferlyn simp

                  i see recently youve been going aby blade on axe. what's the logic behind this?


                    r.i.p in peace. bws 75% winrate in 3k. dota is a lie


                      I just opened instagram because I'm bored af and I saw some girl posting an image of her and her friends lifting up a thropy
                      The caption is "Hardwork never betray result"
                      I lost my interest in continuing to hang around in that community


                        yo link up that pic here

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          wtf is a thropy

                          stop with your millennial slang boy, you are around men when youre in the club


                            he goes abysal on axe because 4ks are bad


                              Rofl watched pbb for the first time and its cringey af


                                why do people like watching these things


                                  Yo any1 knows how shadowblade axe works out?


                                    If people with such fucking shit grammar can have such kind of achievement why can't I
                                    I feel like I'm wasting too much time on this clicking game
                                    I only have ONE fucking academic trophy and tbh it's not even that impressive
                                    From this moment I realised that it is time to stop this useless hobby and study to give what my parents deserve for what all they have done
                                    Good bye guys

                                    FREE PALESTINE

                                      Crimson guard is shit lategame, the damage block falls off really hard, so I'd rather have one more hard disable in my kit. With octarine core and scythe or even eul's, I can call, stun, eul/hex, and another call would be up. Also gives more hp and hp regen than crimson

                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                        shadowblade good for initiation in those games where ur matched evenly with the enemy team such that both of your t2's are still up and all of you hold the ability to end the game, if given the opportunity

                                        shadwoblade axe creates that opportunity

                                        meanwhile, if sieging hg, sell that gay ass sb and love your dagger more invis wont mean shit in trying to break their base and faced with hg defense

                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                          meanwhile, parents still not satisfied with me being an honor student bcs my sister graduated a valedictorian during her high school years and im only an honor student

                                          at least they cant argue when i play dotes tho my grades dont lie huehuehue


                                            i think if u need lockdown hex aint bad for axe. but it hought u always go crimson anyway since its gud for team.


                                              Ye what would say to a axe that rushes SB before tranquils?


                                                I mean come on my nerd tryhard cousin didn't even get close to my junior highschool examination grade and he got in no. 1 priority class in my school and I got 2nd
                                                Is nut fair
                                                He couldn't even fucking use force staff without me telling him
                                                Or even get 300 GPM as a carry

                                                FREE PALESTINE

                                                  I used to be an honor student in elementary up till first year high school, than I fucked it up. I've got the lowest grades in my class this grading period.

                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                    still dont see aby being bought solely for being a survivability item + 2 sec disable that, yes goes through bkb but you have a natural one that serves the exact same purpose. also isnt stopping a guy from moving detrimental to your purpose as axe?

                                                    well you are 4k and making it work, guess i cant criticize only learn

                                                    FREE PALESTINE

                                                      Sb before tranquils? K I L L Y O U R S E L F

                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                        gwn still salty af if you would want to, i can set my schedule so that i can play dotes with the tards all day

                                                        that or endless tilt in solo q, either way im good

                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                          have some 2k advice sub1k scrub:

                                                          never skip an upgraded boots on any hero. ever. unless you disassemble your arc to make a bloodstone or some shit then that's acceptable but in any other circumstance upgrade your goddamn boots


                                                            I had an axe make SB then phase into basher into aghanims in a game,made me stop playing axe for a long time


                                                              Any people who build big items before getting boots should not be treated seriously
                                                              Mute him, don't rely on him, and try to carry his ass
                                                              Hell, even people who rush big items after brown boots shouldn't be treated seriously (except for dark seer and huskar ofc)


                                                                u guys should get good grades while u farm MMR. tahts the onyl way to get bitches.

                                                                FREE PALESTINE

                                                                  It's more for the purpose of keeping a guy disabled while my team hits him, besides I only buy it as a final item in the lategame when my team doesn't need crimson anyway because I or someone else has a cuirass, I once made a highground defence work only because I kept slark in place long enough for call to come back up

                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                    my grades are inversely proportionate to my mmr roflmao

                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                      mmm i see that makes sense

                                                                      any particular reason why you stopped making force staff on axe?

                                                                      id like to learn from a 4k's understanding


                                                                        i was spectating harmless and haffy game ytd and boy was it cringy af. am bf rush before boots, treads at 24 mins. lmao. LC rushing dagger before boots, got boots at 15 min. man those were some exceptional 1k games. ah i felt a bit of nostalgia i wont lie

                                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                          My friend talked about solo memer at 1600-1700 is easy as fuck
                                                                          He still let his brown boots stay that way and rushes 3 big items while letting it stay like that, buys bottle on invoker, buys 2 daedalus and 2 BF on ember, rushes dagon on tinker, and more stupid shit
                                                                          OH HE FUCKING SAID AGHANIM juggernaut is DECENT
                                                                          I'm sure he won't be getting out of 2k soon

                                                                          FREE PALESTINE

                                                                            If there is a survivability item I should sing praises for on axe though, it's octarine core.

                                                                            Blink cd reduced to 9, call to 7.5, battlehunger tl 4 (spam it for movespeed, it's wonderful), lets you lifesteal off spin and solves all your mana problems. Great shit.


                                                                              for real tho if u r playing so much dota that your grades suffer, id feel bad for u man. u guys all seem kinda smart, be a shame to waste all the potential.


                                                                                BTW bois GWN actually broke my record being without boots. Congratz bruh

                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                  ^^^^^^that happens so often i dont remember which game

                                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                    huehuehue 31 minute boots as opposed to adarsh's 30 minute one huehuehue


                                                                                      im a dogshit axe. but i would prioritize force staff and mobility and other utility, or just get armour. lotus, shivas. i dont know how u ever get so farmed with axe to buy all those big items


                                                                                        Hell out of all my classmates the only 3k I only see ONE who knows how to control the lane equilibrium and build items correctly

                                                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                          salty bws is salty roflmao

                                                                                          FREE PALESTINE

                                                                                            Force staff? Idk I sometimes just forget about that item since I kinda prefer eul's now. 10 int isn't enough to solve the mana problems, it can't remove slows/silences, and when you're low on hp and you see something like pa's dagger coming at you you can't dodge that and then blink right after. Don't get me wrong, force staff is an amazing item, I just don't really prioritize it as much anymore


                                                                                              My grades are actually getting better this semester after I stopped taking courses
                                                                                              I started to concentrate and listen more in the class and got better grades

                                                                                              FREE PALESTINE

                                                                                                Hey brood doesn't need boots when she's in her webs sitting on 522 ms, only boots she ever needs is BoT tbh


                                                                                                  Well I passes my medical college entrance exams so I don't really have to worry abt my grades for some time


                                                                                                    i think brod really needs phase boots to move through all dem spiders


                                                                                                      Let me have this GWN just let me have this