General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion for people with high-end gaming PCs

Question for people with high-end gaming PCs in General Discussion
Shadows Die Twice

    So my PC specs are:

    i5 4690k @ 4.5 GHz
    GTX 1070
    Z97X MoBo
    16GB DDR3 2400Mhz

    My monitor's specs:

    1440x2560 resolution
    165Hz refresh rate
    1ms response time

    My fps is between 130 and 140, in teamfights it drops even bellow 100. What i want to have is around 200 fps that will drop in teamfight to ~150. So any ideas for upgrade? Keep in mind that i'm very well into gaming hardware and that u don't need to explain basic things to me.

    Edit: My FPS was way higher before 7.00 update.

    Edit 2: Question is for people with high end gaming PCs because there are no benchmarks for this situation of mine and only ppl who have better machines than mine can actually tell me "get this you will have around xxx fps" or "i have this and i get xxx fps".

    이 주제는 수정되었습니다

      I barely get 30-40 FPS. You want 150 FPS, OMFG.


        use -vulkan and dont use the new terrain (mk terrain) and you should be fine.

        im playing at 180 fps.

        980 4790k 144hz 1080p

        your resolution requires 1080 or 1080 ti to go above 150 fps


          i7-5820K @ 3.3GHz (It's at default settings, I haven't overclocked it in a few months out of laziness and not feeling the need to OC it at this time of day and age for games)
          Asus Strix OC GTX 1080
          ASUS USB 3.1 Pro X99 Motherboard
          16GB DDR4 2666MHz
          950 Pro NVME M.2 SSD

          My monitor specs are similar to yours, but its 144Hz/1440p/1MS (TN) instead.

          I can tell you that I get around the same fps as you. Lol. The only time I get 200+ is when I'm in the menu. I'm a little disappointed that the GTX 1080 isn't going past 150+ though, maybe I need to start OCing the CPU again... Although, I don't really notice or have checked much if the FPS drops to 100 during big teamfights though.

          If you want I can OC my computer to (3.7-4.0GHz) sometime soon and tell you the results, though I don't think it would be any different.

          Edit - I thought I had Vulkan support on, but I guess I didn't -____-" I'm gonna have to reinstall that and repost again if you want me to tell you what FPS I get.

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            why everything is so expensive on my country Q_Q


              dude im playing 30-40 fps and you still want 150 higher holyshit


                Use Vulkan. You se DirectX11. Also, you have to change CPU for that high FPS. Get a devils canyon i7 haswell and clock it up to 4.3GHz at least.

                Preferably, you want to get at least Skylake and DDR4 platform for best results tho.


                You have to OC that CPU.

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  -vulkan and -noborder

                  I don't know if you'll get the significant fps increase that you're looking for (-vulkan only works for some and not all), but it should give you some increase in FPS.

                  @Vet: Would OCing do anything? Dota doesn't seem like a very CPU intensive game. It kind of makes me doubt that his i5 is bottle necking his 1070.


                    tfw i was so proud of my 1060 and everyone here has 1070 or 1080


                      @ Pilot

                      Dota 2 is actually a very CPU intensive game, sadly.

                      Since GTX1070 is very strong GPU, and capable of hitting above ~100 FPS in some games, an i5 would bottneneck it even at 4.5k in some scenarios.

                      Yes, for a casual gaming bottleneck won't appear, however, once you seek for a specific FPS you'll notice that CPU isn't just powerfull enough.

                      Not to mention that Skylake/KabyLake cpu's are sometimes noticable faster, esp. if paired with DDR4 RAMs.

                      It's kinda of hard to understand unless you never tried a high end GPU or a high end CPU, but once you do, you'll understand better the issue with an i5 and a GPU in a class of GTX980ti.


                        Alright I'll take your word for it. I'm only sporting an RX 480 (paired with a i7 6700k though), so I doubt I'd be able to get a good grasp for it.


                          i have gtx 750 ti FeelsBadMan


                            @ Pilot

                            Well an RX480 is still an amazing GPU, but is slower than GTX1070 and your CPU is noticably better than his.

                            So basically even without overclock you'll have better performance even compared to i7 5820k at stock settings.

                            And RX480 won't break a sweat to i7 6700k. CPU is literally capable of handiling GTX Titan Pascal without much issues.

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                              @Pilot What the '-noborder' do? Thanks.


                                Allows you to open dota in a 'borderless window'. There is an option to set this in game but mine won't work for some reason (so I presume this doesn't for others as well).

                                This lets you have an easier time alt-tabbing and it actually increases my frames by a little.


                                  Reading this post i jist realised i m very poor


                                    ^yup. im playing on a $159 computer i pieced together from craiglist and a metal recycling scrapyard. I get 100 fps at 1080 though so thats alright with me.

                                    acc buyers in my team

                                      I don't get it? Why would you want 200FPS on a 144hz monitor?

                                      Doesn't make sense. Lock your FPS to 144, then put settings down so u gain more. Dota isn't very optimized hence the low performance. If you want more FPS then consider buying an I7.

                                      I5 processors do tend to give you more unstable FPS compared to an I7 in most (new) games. I think the same applies to dota2.

                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                        이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                          @Mid for ez pts, You seriously don't know what you are talking about.
                                          "I5 processors do tend to give you more unstable FPS compared to an I7 in most (new) games", uh wut, can't even understand the logic there. If the specs of an i5 and i7 are the same, they will give the same performance. Most i7s are a waste of money, they are more expensive mostly because of multi-threading which doesnt do shit for performance.
                                          "Why would you want 200FPS on a 144hz monitor?", cuz the fps tends to drop in teamfights, if you lock you pc to a particular fps, it inroduces an input lag, your pc's gpu and cpu remain in idle postion, which can give you a minor stutter when game gets intensive.


                                            Let's break things down since it's so easily to trigger a rant, because things said above are just borderline retarded.

                                            Not to blame people saying retarded things tho, this ain't a tech forum.

                                            "i5 and i7 dont have a huge difference, just get a i5 6600 if u want unless u want those extra fps then get an i7"

                                            Ofc it does have a difference. It's also not as small as you think. Also, it depends on a use of CPU, but overall the difference will peak out especially using a high end GPU such as GTX1070/GTX1080 and above.

                                            Basically i5 is enough for any gaming tasks as long as you're not an enthusiast seeking for specific settings and results.

                                            With this being said, the main issue with i5 is that, even games such as Dota 2 and CS:GO find use of more cores and threads.

                                            Game is not poorly optimized anymore, and it finds an advantage if given. Basically 4 core/8treaded CPU Will give an advantage for above 100 FPS and will have way LESS deeps below desired FPS compared to a native quadcore 4/4 CPU.

                                            One more thing, i5 processors indeed tend to have more FPS drops compared to i7 CPU's if engine is optimized for HT.

                                            It really doesn't matter if you're just searching for @ 120 FPS or playing games casually, i5 will do an amazing job. It's no-wonder an amazing CPU.

                                            However, if you're searching for a perfect environment in which FPS needs to be higher than 100/120, and you expect to have a way stable FPS, you want to go with an i7.

                                            Do not underestimate power of HT. Despite the fact it's a logic part of a core, it's very important to understand a simple rule:

                                            More cores = better. More cores + HT = even better.

                                            Obviously, I'm talking if you're comparing CPU's of simiular performance and generation.

                                            A low-end quad core can easily be a worse choice if you're comparing it to a dual core with a way higher IPC.

                                            Basically a high-end GPU will always love to see HT and will benefit from it.

                                            Also, just because you're running a 144HZ screen it's not desirable to cap the FPS at exact 144 FPS, because of many things I won't explain now.

                                            Basically running a 144HZ screen and having around 160+ FPS is what you want.

                                            Having a 100 FPS on 144HZ screen is INDEED a waste or your money.

                                            Also, since 7.0x got introduced a huge performance drop came. I'm expecting it'll be fixed eventually.

                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                            acc buyers in my team

                                              @Ludwig van Beethoven:
                                              Oh boy, time to teach someone a little but of computer science.

                                              I7 is superior to I5s, even the old sandy bridge I7 destroy todays I5 in some games. These days most games are optimized for 8 cores. Games run way more stable and hence have more stable FPS. If you use a shitty graphicscard you won't notice the difference as much, but as soon as we talk about GTX 1070 or GTX 1080 level performance you will see that the AVG FPS are about the same, but the FPS are WAY more unstable. The minimum is lower than on a I7.

                                              It's simple really if you have workloud and you made a plan for 8 people but only half of them show up, that means that the 4 people have to work twice as much, meaning they will have small breaks (causing the minimum FPS).

                                              About unstable FPS in teamfights this is a great example of why an I7 is superior to an I5.

                                              Basically running a 144HZ screen and having around 160+ FPS is what you want.


                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                Nobody can fight my fps. My old cpu is around 30 fps and it runs at the fastest setting in dota. Imaine that you cannot see sunstrike and you only can barely see bloodseeker silence. Now when its tf my fps drops to 10 fps(new laptop) but it goes around 50-40 fps


                                                  Stop playing on fuckin Laptops. "Gaming Laptop" are a joke lol.

                                                  If you want power:
                                                  To OP: Your Motherboard and CPU are amature league!

                                                  Buy Socket 2011 oder Socket 2011-3 Motherboard and the CPU for it.



                                                  Cpu != Only pay attention to GHZ and Core

                                                  A big cache on CPU is as much as important


                                                  I have a socket 2011 PC and running Dota 2 > 200 fps (All settings on) with a gtx660 cause CPU > GPU

                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                    Pretty sure Egbert has the wrong thread (better click the laptop thread). To counter you though, gaming laptops have a market for people who are extremely on the go. People who need to bring their work stations everywhere. Desktops are obviously the most ideal for price to performance and upgradability but not everyone has that luxury.

                                                    Alternatively @OP, just lower some settings to boost your FPS if you don't want to spend anymore money lol. Your i5 is honestly still fine, so I think you can wait until the next generation of Intel (Cannon or Coffee lake I think) or AMD's Ryzen to look for your upgrade.

                                                    But if you want it now, just go with what Vertoxity said


                                                      "GAMING LAPTOP IS A HUGE JOKE" pls stop ruin my games with your shit peasant "Gaming Laptops" with fuckin 30 fps overheat and bluescreen.

                                                      OR keep buying that joke and waste your money on shit.

                                                      Laptop for Work or University = Long life Battery, light weight and not a fuckin GAMING PIECE OF SHIT LAPTOP

                                                      Laptop as Working station is even more a joke omg

                                                      Next: Laptop as Gaming Server?

                                                      Stop triggering me with your peasant hardware and knowledge

                                                      acc buyers in my team

                                                        @King Egbert:
                                                        My gaming laptop crushes ur PC to no end.


                                                          So. Much. Humblebrag.

                                                          Shadows Die Twice

                                                            Woa this turned out in a thread. So can't answer all comments separately.

                                                            Just wanna comment i7-5820K guy, that CPU is pretty trash for gaming, since it has low frequency and you can't actually overclock it to more than 4.x xE(1,2,3) GHz since it has too many cores and its not meant for gaming. 6700k or 7700k would destroy it with ez, specially OCed to 5+ GHZ

                                                            As for i5 vs i7 debate, No[o]ne- (see what i did there) actually knows can Dota 2 utilize more than 4 physical or logical cores. That is why i need someone with 6700k (since it's fastest gaming CPU that can be bought) or 7700k which is the same and tell me what FPS does he get on 1440p resolution. That's it. As for my GPU, it's an overkill to the moon and back, while pushing those ~140 FPS it utilization is under 40%, which is ridiculous. So ppl with 6700k OCed and GTX 1060 should in theory have higher FPS than me. I just need someone to confirm this and i'm on my way to store to get 7700k.

                                                            Also NO ONE mentioned ram speed but it's important in this super high-end situation, i think i would benefit from 3600MHz ram as much. You know if it adds 5FPS its fine, 5 here, 5 there and i get at least matching FPS to my monitor's refresh rate, which is 165Hz.

                                                            That is about it, as i said i know very well around gaming hardware, it's just that i can't find results for this situation online, since everyone with super high end systems tends to test AAA titles in 4k and doesn't give a f about doto.


                                                            acc buyers in my team

                                                              Just wanna comment i7-5820K guy, that CPU is pretty trash for gaming

                                                              Yeah no....just hell no. Please stop.

                                                              let me be sure u understand:
                                                              The 5820K isn't the best choice for gaming, as the I7 6700K does outperform it slight bit, but saying that the 5820K is trash for gaming is like saying that a Lamborghini is trash at racing because a ferarri is 1% faster. Like come the fuck on bro. You gotta stop writing that shit.

                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                fuck i5 / i7 go xeon. But tbh physical 4 core @ 3ghz 10 mb l3 cache is enough for dota.

                                                                Shadows Die Twice

                                                                  @Mid for ez pts

                                                                  Don't get me wrong its nice CPU but it's more of a "content creation" orientated CPU than specifically gaming. If you need it for something else than games its fine, but if you need CPU only for games as i do, then 6700k is the best one since it's single core performance is unmatched and it overclocks like a beast.

                                                                  As for "trash" part it was more on a price tag, since it's more expensive than 6700k and it gives less FPS in games.

                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                  acc buyers in my team

                                                                    not really, dpeending on your luck it will only OC to around 4.6GHZ without playing around with the Vcore. The CPU is far from good at overclock.

                                                                    Compare the OC potential to AMD CPU's and you will notice that intel OC's shit compared to AMD. And no, the 5820K is also a gaming CPU. It smashes every I5 into pieces. So cmon stop trying to make the 5820K worse than it is. It's OC ability is almost the same as the 6700K as well. The avg OC on the 5820K is around 4.4ghz which is a 200mhz difference from the 6700K. So please stop.

                                                                    And to your thread: Upgrading to an I7 - 6700K is worth it. Ur GFXcard clearly is to highend for ur CPU.

                                                                    And price performance ratio, all I7 CPUS are pretty shit at that. Let's hope the new AMD RYZEN CPU's will be cheap, as they actually are finally on I7 level.

                                                                    fuck i5 / i7 go xeon. But tbh physical 4 core @ 3ghz 10 mb l3 cache is enough for dota.

                                                                    yeah no, not everyone wants to buy expensive mainboard for a shitty xenon CPU.

                                                                    U're running a GTX 660 and are talking shit about gaming laptops. Topkek.

                                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                    Shadows Die Twice

                                                                      I can't agree with overclocking potential part. 7700k comes out of a box @4.2GHz and it OCs to 5.0GHz in minutes, even on air cooling. As for 5820K, there you have it, you said that you have same FPS as me, and since GPUs are obviously (both 1070 and 1080) overkill, it comes to CPU. So i see 2 options:

                                                                      1) Either dota 2 is so trashy game in terms of optimisation and it's impossible to get more than ~140 FPS. (I was watching streams of TI winners that have around 130 FPS, it's not that they don't have money for best possible PC at the time. That's after 7.00 patch)

                                                                      2) Only CPU that can push more than 140-150 FPS is 6700k (7700k) with minimum GPU being 1060.

                                                                      Btw which monitor are you using? I'm on XB241YU, didn't wanna get 27" IPS one since i think it's too big for Esports. (At least for me, i tried it.)

                                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                      acc buyers in my team

                                                                        I was comparing the 5th gen with 6th gen.

                                                                        1. Yes dota is crappy optimzed. Still uses more than 4 cores tho.
                                                                        2. No sure about that statement.

                                                                        Maybe this will be interesting for you:

                                                                        Shadows Die Twice

                                                                          Thanks i'm very well informed and i'm kinda PC enthusiast, so i know what's new and what's going on.

                                                                          5th gen are laptop CPUs, so you can compare 4th gen and 6th gen or 7th gen :)

                                                                          Can you tell me which monitor do you use?

                                                                          acc buyers in my team

                                                                            5th gen are laptop gpus....5820K laptop....LAPTOP.....WAT.


                                                                            If you're that informed you wouldn't spout so much nonsense and wouldn't have made this thread in the first place.

                                                                            acc buyers in my team

                                                                              5th gen are laptop CPUs, so you can compare 4th gen and 6th gen or 7th gen :)

                                                                              let me spell it out since you do seem to have some issues understanding.

                                                                     DESKTOP CPU
                                                                     DESKTOP CPU
                                                                     DESKROP CPU

                                                                              To name a few. Now stop spuoting nonsense. At first intel wanted to skip the broadwell on desktop but later on coughed up a few anyways. SO saying 5th gen is notebook only is wrong. You "PC Enthusiast"


                                                                                Just playing


                                                                                Your graphics card is faster than mine, so the only difference is an i7 7700K 4.5Ghz, 16GB 3000mhz.


                                                                                  Ive always lock fps to 120 never went for 240 option but i was currious
                                                                                  Normal lasthiting and playing : fps arround 220
                                                                                  with march went like 195 or sth

                                                                                  i5 6500k 4ghz
                                                                                  msi b150m pro vdh
                                                                                  16 gb ddr4 corsair vengeance lpx 2133mhz
                                                                                  SSD 120gb
                                                                                  HD 1TB
                                                                                  GTX 760 2gb
                                                                                  1920/1080 res

                                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                    30fps is the best I get. In fights it goes 10. Lool


                                                                                      how much does the cpu bottleneck? if gpu is at like 60% use and cpu is at 100% then yeah get 6700k and you might get 20-25% increase in fps. youre at the point where it takes a lot of money for not even that much gain

                                                                                      Shadows Die Twice

                                                                                        "Your graphics card is faster than mine, so the only difference is an i7 7700K 4.5Ghz, 16GB 3000mhz" Thats exactly what i needed. Thanks. What was your resolution again?



                                                                                          Are you retarded or what?

                                                                                          The resolution is fucking irrelevant since you're running a GTX1070. It's not like it won't support Dota 2 at 4k.

                                                                                          And even if it won't by some miracle, it's a GPU related thing, not a CPU.

                                                                                          The higher you go in terms of resolution it'll become more of a GPU thing not a CPU.

                                                                                          Basically you need to get a better CPU and a high freq. RAM. And no, we told you about RAM(at least I did), you were just ignorant and either didn't read all comments or just didn't notice.

                                                                                          Also calling Haswell-E not a good CPU for gaming is pure bullshit. The CPU with 6 cores and HT is clearly a CPU you want to have.

                                                                                          Yes, i7 6700k will overperform it by a little in some cases, but in some others it won't. It really depends on a game. And knowing how Dota is optimized, I dare to say that Haswell-E will perform better than Skylake i7.

                                                                                          My ending words will be:

                                                                                          "Not to mention that Skylake/KabyLake cpu's are sometimes noticable faster, esp. if paired with DDR4 RAMs."

                                                                                          So yeah. WE TOLD YOU about RAM, you just don't read everything.


                                                                                            Also, you don't have to change the whole platform. Just get an i7 Devils Canyon and squeeze as much as you can from him.

                                                                                            Obviously, if money ain't a problem go for DDR4 i7 based platform. But if you want to save a few bucks, I'm sure you will have good results with just changing the CPU instead of the whole platform.

                                                                                            Your problem is basically that your GPU is way faster than your CPU, and even at 4.5k CPU can't keep up with GPU when you're searching for such high FPS numbers.

                                                                                            Shadows Die Twice

                                                                                              CPU demands on a game also increase with higher resolution. Not as much as for GPU, of course, but they do. (Reason being that everything that GPU does is dictated by CPU)

                                                                                              Will get 7700k and then fuck it, if i don't see at least 200 FPS on my screen i'm packing and going to USA to kill GabeN myself.

                                                                                              Sorry that i didn't read about RAM, i don't have time to read everything in detail.

                                                                                              Let's try to be civilized without that trashtalking.

                                                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                                "CPU demands on a game also increase with higher resolution. Not as much as for GPU, of course, but they do. (Reason being that everything that GPU does is dictated by CPU)"

                                                                                                Not really. Unless we're talking about really low-tier CPU's, like, if you put a GTX1080 on an FX8300 and compare it with Intel rig, for example i5 6500 at 4.5GHz.

                                                                                                Then, even at 4k, and ONLY in some games, Intel will show better results.

                                                                                                In your case, running Dota 2 even at 4k won't matter, because you are not GPU limted, but CPU limited.

                                                                                                However, your problem is not the resolution, it's literally the fact you're trying to run Dota 2 on ~200 FPS while your GPU is not getting feeded fast enough.

                                                                                                So you're kinda right, but you're thinking it the wrong way.

                                                                                                You are CPU limited, and therefore you need to get a better CPU. Stop thinking about GPU, because if GTX1070 isn;t enough for Dota 2 at whatever settings, then you should kill Gaben indeed.

                                                                                                Last thing I want to mention is that, even at lower resolution, different details, you will not get any better FPS.

                                                                                                Simply because, you are not limited by GPU, you are limited by CPU.

                                                                                                I'm currently running an i5 4570 at 3.6GHz and I have an old ATI HD4850, and I'm running everything low with render 100%

                                                                                                And guess what? I'm limited by GPU, because my CPU is using my GPU at 100%.

                                                                                                However, if I lower down the resolution, to, let's say, 800x600, I might actually be limited by CPU at that point, since HD4850 might be faster for 800x600 than my i5.

                                                                                                I might be confusing but if you read everything I wrote carefully you'll understand me.

                                                                                                Also, to make sure everything is okay, and not fishy things are happening, do this:

                                                                                                Lower down resolution to 1920x1080

                                                                                                Set details to LOW, and just let the render slider at 100%

                                                                                                Compare your FPS results with those settings and yours at your native resolution and details of your choice.

                                                                                                If you see little to no difference - it's clear as fuck. You are limited by your CPU.

                                                                                                If you get WAY better results at lower resolution and lower details, then something is fishy.

                                                                                                Sorry for being trashtalking biach. It's just that you looked like a guy who don't give a fuck, but yet, trying to find the source of his problems..

                                                                                                Shadows Die Twice

                                                                                                  I knew my CPU is slow before i posted this. I just wanted 7700k numbers. That's all, and if you read carefully what i said, my GPU is utilized 40% while pushing those sad 140 FPS of mine. Also i wanted to hear benefits of faster ram, because there are no benchmarks for dota 2 anywhere, like it doesn't exist. (In terms of high end systems, bitches wanna play Witcher 3 at 4K, coz you know, dota is too hard.)

                                                                                                  Btw i think you mentioned a year ago that we are neighbors, so if you decide to upgrade your system you can contact me since i'm working for a company that sells hardware from Hungary. @Vetroxity

                                                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                                  acc buyers in my team

                                                                                                    210 - 190 FPS on I7 - 4710MQ

                                                                                                    Notebook CPU.