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General DiscussionDOTA 2 Please help me in my MMR

DOTA 2 Please help me in my MMR in General Discussion

    Hi guys, 1st time posting a topic.

    It's all about my MMR. I have already read a lot (researches) and I know people are saying that if it's you're MMR, you belong there.
    For any pro players/ experts or veterans, please provide me any guide you can. I think I have already mastered the basics.

    I know how to last hit well and deny, know when to push. If I can't farm during laning phase, I spend until 20 mins timer on jungling. Please don't hate me for NOT PLAYING SUPPORT, because I think, most people are not worth supporting, and I want to become a carry who can REALLY CARRY and is worth supporting. Currently at 2.2k MMR. As you can see my profile I abandoned some games (please don't mind that it't not rage quit, just some electricity blackouts here). I know how to tread switch (but not using it all the time).

    I mostly like heroes that has the potential to farm incredibly fast (like meepo, shadow fiend, anti-mage, sven) (and yes I use these 3 heroes)
    I like heroes who depends not on right click alone but on skills too (like Morphling, Weaver, Slark, Magnus) (heroes im using too)
    I dont like heroes who only have right clicks (like drow ranger, i suck at juggernaut too)

    As possible I want to master Timbersaw. (Heroes who have good mobility and nuke/burst damage) I can play meepo and templar assassin. Most of the time (not boasting), I dominate the midlane, if I got the midlane.

    Based on my past loses, I noticed that the later the game, the more heavy it is to lose a clash. And that's why my team should always FAKING PUSH AFTER WINNING A CLASH. I also have MANY NO SUPPORT GAMES. I usually go for 1st pick or 2nd pick as I don't want to support the noobs. Can anyone help? Suggestion? Advice?

    Note: Please notice only the ranked games. Don't mind the low priority games as I'm limited to pick my heroes.

    Player 404335202

      U know all the stuff ! Just pick heroes who can own/kill atleast 2 players in the game !
      U ll learn more and more by playing many many games and not rpeating same mistakes


        I heard this guy is streaming and teaching scrubs to git gud in 2k emamar


          I smell someone playing on SEA


            You should also consider not dying a lot, you didn't wrote it in your semi long post, you got really low kda on almost all of your top 10 most picked heroes.

            Farm then Carry

              If I may ask, what is your MMR?

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                I think I have already mastered the basics.

                Currently at 2.2k MMR.

                Dont be delusional
                edit: if you truly mastered the basics, then you should be higher than 2.2k
                I suggest go watch some replays of good players, and try analyze/learn from them
                Keep a positive mental attitude when playing, and again practice on your mechanics
                You think you're good but you're not, your trash like me, accept that so that you will improve
                And timbersaw is a fun and strong hero, and im pretty sure timber can stomp in your mmr range for ez mmr points

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  there is basically two things that matter most.
                  First is the pick. No matter how great you play, if you pick bad heroes against enemy team, you will most likely lose no matter how great you play.
                  F.e. if enemy picks necro, you need carries like luna, not like slark to do well.

                  the second thing is the farm. good plays sometimes matter, but the game itself is not about the plays, game is very much balanced at the moment, any heroe can become divine, you need to make yours first to beat opponent. and when you are you need to push.
                  simple things bro


                    You need to solo win games under 3k. You need to have early game advantage or do just something to get farm if youre behind then split push and join fights that you can win. Force the enemy team to deal with you but don't die in the process.


                      Several pro guide from a noob (currently 1.8k but support mostly in SEA server because my friends are >3k)
                      - Not to judge you by your skill in many hero and SEA cancerous server, but having at least a support or becoming one might be your only hope to get out of <3k bracket. I personally hate support, but when it comes to mmr, I will pick support and might be the only way to boost my mmr.
                      - CMIIW, your top hero can have their core items fairly easily (Especially meepo), therefore dominating the lane, early roshan and hero synergy is required to ending your game ASAP. Meepo and TA synergies well with armor reducer (Venge, naga), good initiator (magnus, tidegunter) and so on.
                      - I believe first picking is not always a good idea when it comes to the enemy know how to counter you. Meepo is bad against high AoE damage dealer. So try to wait until at least 4th pick or even last pick.
                      - When it comes to midlane, your mission is to apply preassure to ALL lane. Try to rotate (especially TA and timber) and at least don't let the enemy got too much farm in mid. Hero such as Viper and Drow are actually good in this situation so consider those two by orb walking.
                      - Notice that you're a position 2 not position 1. When it comes in 2-1-2 laning (3 or more cores) your postion might be lower or even the lowest. When this happen, you can't jungle for 20 mins or so. All you have to do is stacking, snow balling and split pushing(if possible) during mid game.
                      - Mid doesn't have to be cores. If the other lane is winning, you can even become roaming support build (TA ulti, Qop dagger, Timber ulti and even meepo nets). While it seems hard, its better that way than -25.
                      - Remember 3 playstyle (Pushing, Turtling, Ganking)? If not reads it on one of the article in dotabuff. They are giving you way how to counter pick several heroes playstyle (Hard Carry = turtling, Pusher = pushing, snowballer = ganking). They have mechanics like rock paper scissor which everyone can be countered and negated.
                      - One last thing, this is team game. Everyone is blamed for their own lost and their own fault. If you win, its beacuse of your team not only you. And never let your guard down. As cores, your greediness might be your own downfall and this is why its called DotA not LoL where 1 can beat 5.
                      That's it, I'm out....


                        best thing anyone can say u how to go to 4k is simple

                        l e a r n f u c k i n g T I N K E R


                          First is the pick. No matter how great you play, if you pick bad heroes against enemy team, you will most likely lose no matter how great you play.

                          The most retarded thing I have heard in a while


                            - When it comes to midlane, your mission is to apply preassure to ALL lane. Try to rotate (especially TA and timber)

                            Nice advice boys. You really know how to keep that guy at nomal skill rofl


                              All you have to do is stacking, snow balling and split pushing(if possible) during mid game.

                              k LUL


                                - Mid doesn't have to be cores. If the other lane is winning, you can even become roaming support build (TA ulti, Qop dagger, Timber ulti and even meepo nets). While it seems hard, its better that way than -25.


                                this is some next level shitposting right here


                                  good tips bro, made me have a good laugh

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                    Just learn how to jungle properly and you can be VHS


                                      Just learn how to jungle farm properly and you can be VHS


                                        I have already mastered the basics.
                                        I know how to last hit well and deny, know when to push.

                                        then go prove it

                                        Player 153433446

                                          Mid is always picked...any fool can farm safelane...its all in the offlane.

                                          U lose if u have an idiot there feeding the enemy carry 5 times in 10 minutes.

                                          Learn to offlane solo...gank when lvl6 then farm, rinse and repeat till you win.

                                          Works for me