General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone boost me to 5 k no joke xD

Anyone boost me to 5 k no joke xD in General Discussion

    Yesterday iplayed lp game with 5k and 6ks and was so good games i belive i will never get to 4k back because they all play good and i would do my best and listen them and pick what i need i would change my name to , I love my team <3, i would pick up their number after games and turn my self in transexual if anyone want to date me cause i love 5 k games and dont belive i will play dota anymore cause i have to time in life to get mad cause of 4ks

    이 주제는 수정되었습니다

      W T F


        Wish I could have help :cry:


          if u believe that 5/6k players are good, then u definetly arent 5/6k material

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            hmm really makes you think :thinking:


              ''anyone boost me to 5k no joke xD" da fuck..... if anybody know anybody won't tell you

              casual gamer

                i cant tell if i think 5ks are bad because they are bad, or because i only remember all the retards i encounter :thinking:


                  lul yea they are good for me
                  im just extremely tired of 4k i got my Lp again after 4 rankeds and yesterday i played Lp too 5 wins ,
                  literarly every 4 ,5 days im in LP


                    I've played 4 or 5 matches with 4k's, and the difference between that and 2k-3k is actually very noticeable.
                    I do have to say though, that difference gets smaller the longer into the game you go (for me at least).

                    My advice, don't get boosted - get there yourself, or you will just feed and fall back down.

                    1-IceTea 🌟

                      Seem like I figured how Dota player mentally more now - 2K think 4K Is heaven,4K think 6K is heaven and so on.
                      2K is the 'heaven' gap because everyone can carry him while he can be shitstain himself and still win game


                        ^actually its not that
                        im not a shitstain and im not a throweer
                        i do listen my team and good advice i am positive
                        i cant stand 4k toxicity and muting every game dont do nothing
                        i dont like this bracket would rather go back to 3k instead
                        im not a noob i know whats going on in game but i cant play anymore wih this toxic shits ( i never blame when some1 do shit and apologize but toxocity make me just dont play dpta anymore )


                          u have no idea of the 5k bracket


                            add me if interested in buying account.
                            dont mind boosting too, but will only do so 1-2weeks from now.


                              Do not listen to tun tun..., he is oblivious to dota2 obviously

                              Story Time

                                boost now = losing streak later


                                  If you end up in lp once in 3-5 days then you are either toxic or underperforming. That tunnel-vision logic "omfg my teammates are 5k and I win ergo I belong in 5k bracket" is just stupid, if you can't get to 5k on your own you don't deserve to be there.


                                    Sure the "I win with 5k's therefore I am 5k" doesn't quite work, but... BUT, I have learned a helluvalot more from the 5 games I played with the 4kers than I have in the last 100 games in my own bracket.
                                    Ergo, by playing with 4kers, I will become better faster and ultimately get to 4k faster on my solo MMR!

                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                      i definitely dont deserve to be 5k if cant win 4k games
                                      thats maybe right
                                      but im loosing love and motivation for this game and dont want to quit but seems i will do lol
                                      only thing which wil let me stay is try play on 5k bracket or will get 100 mmr acc and play with low skilled like some retard imbecil guy who have no point and plan in life rly


                                        @ sny thats quite right when i was 2400 i took 3900 acc from guy and managed to lose 25 mmr only after 15 games and learned alot thatt i can do more thats why im asking for 5k if i fail and lose al there i wont ever cry and will stay in 4k or probably just delete


                                          If you are really losing interest in the game, just quit for a few weeks, or just play pubs. Pubs are alot more relaxing since everyone there is like, "I dont give a fuck."
                                          Literally 0 wards on both teams - all you need is a dagon chen to make you smile again!


                                            you may have learned a lot, but you may have also ruined game experience for 4 other people on your team. I am for one not very appreciative when I have to play with people that don't know what they are doing, or what they should be doing in this bracket. It's also hell of annoying to see those 5k account buyers being the highest mmr on your 4.6-4.9k games and then not knowing what to do. Being 5 doesn't magically put you in 5k bracket, often times u will play high 4k games where people would expect you to actually perform at your mmr level, as opposed to "learning"


                                              With my games at least, we (myself and the 4kers) have been playing party Ranked - their party MMR being 3.x and mine being 2.x
                                              In those cases, I can positively say I didn't ruin the game while still learning alot


                                                the thing is when im put in 4700 avg game( me beig lowest ) i perform well
                                                but when iget 4200 avg game me being highest my 4003 mmr pick insta core

                                                this game i got LS 4003 mmr in 4350 avg game he had 1 8 and didnt go armlet on ls

                                                this was maybe 5k avg since they had 6k luna and i had 2 5400 suports .as u can see i did very good as HARD CARRY

                                                Pale Mannie

                                                  X D