General Discussion

General Discussionhow to counter axe ?

how to counter axe ? in General Discussion
Player 404335202

    Is there any way to miss his call ? Or dispell it ? Axe is becoming nightmare late game ...


      i think i just played vs someone named innocent as axe. were you antimage?

      anyway as someone who plays a lot of axe, i have a few tips.

      He cant lane vs any strong trilane, and he will bail to his jungle camps asap, your supports need to follow him there and ward it and keep harassing him or get a ez kill. its pretty important to stall him from getting blink <12 mins as everything changes once he has it.

      your supports should make euls. this item will single handedly save your carry from murdering himself on bm until he has bkb. he blinks calls, you euls him and it wastes his cooldowns.

      another option is eblade on whoever can farm one for saves, and your carries should maybe get some good tank items, like skadi satanic shivas a/c etc.

      and most importantly, your picks are hugely important, as long as a shadow demon is positioned right, he should be able to save anyone who gets called.

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        He has 0.4 cast time, you can get a Manta Style and time the invulnerable moment to dodge his call

        Player 404335202

          @genocidal ..
          Alright mate ! Thanks :)
          @cheap laugh
          Manta will dispell it ?

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
          Player 404335202

            Its just that I ve never seen any1 to dodge it with manta ...


              pugna :D just ghost em axes and axes cant spins, axes just stares at everyone

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                When you used Manta Style to create illusions, you will be invulnerable/disappear from the dimension for like 0.2 seconds or something, so when Axe blinks in and uses taunt, you won't be affected because you're "not there" the moment he taunts. Same goes for a lot of skills like Slardar's, Centaur's stun

                It's very risky and pointless still so you won't see people do it
                I just do it for the lulz in smurf :P
                the ultimate way to not get taunted by Axe is by staying a distance away from him of course
                and always scatter in position so one can save another when they are caught


                  you cant dispell it, even abadons bubble wont get someone out of call, and you cant use items while called ofc.

                  what he means is that you can dodge the cast of the spell with manta, which give you a .1 second frame where you are immune to everything. if you are really fast to react you COULD dodge it, but its quite difficult and would not rely on it.

                  The DarKNovA

                    As a manta wielder, I can guarantee you that if you're expecting Axe jump, you can evade the taunt most of the times with Manta, except it the Axe is slow to cast call, whether intentionally or on purpose, if he is, then you just made his counter helix that much more effective.


                      i am extremely doubtful you can manta dodge call "most of the time". if you can then congratz you're on the road to 9k mmr, but in no way is it axe-immunity.

                      1-IceTea 🌟

                        LYCAN- You can't catch me in war because I run so fast and already charge to your back line sniper/lion HAHAHAHAHA

                        Ursa- I stand still and activiti 2nd skill and ulti when you blink in and call,you will call the death upon yourself I just stand and watch HAHAHAHAHAS

                        WK-Call me is ok I crit you I will regen,even I death is also ok because I got 2 life HAHAHAHAHA


                          Also any hero that can slow works good against axe. Esp venom with his ward you can get vision. if there's a chance he might blink you can cancel his blink with those snakes.

                          Pale Mannie

                            pick high ranged heroes

                            Travi$ $cott!

                              He tends to be vulnerable to nukes and tanky heroes, biggest counter i can give is timbersaw, necro, zeuz, basically heroes who don't rightclick that often making his call plus blademail combo less effective, if you pick PA and Axe gets the call blademail combo you are dead that's just how the game works really make sure you ban him before picking agility heroes because he tends to counter heroes that are in the agility pool. Early laning stage it's really good to have a ranged hero not a meele hero, because he is going to hug those creeps and you attacking him only leads to a call plus helix then cull.


                                Plus euls is cheap and best counter against him if you go supp. Pugna comes in with a built in counter.
                                Don't stand in stacks if there anaxe

                                doc joferlyn simp

                                  I heard activating SE the moment you think Axe is going in for a Blink is a good way to counter his spins. Hard to predict yes and Axe can just bait your SE out but it's more reliable than Manta dodge.

                                  Force Staffing away from a Call is a good choice if you're melee, you just need to trust your support to do it right. However I think Cyclone is the best way to counter an initiating Axe.

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                    eul him when he call anyone or get silnce or fast dps hero
                                    or aoe hro like enigma

                                    u cant dispel call by bkb or dark pact or anyhing its imba magic

                                    Fee Too Pee

                                      you need someone durable , or initiate first thou ,

                                      slardar + sniper at backline line up is beast

                                      casual gamer

                                        euls is the counter


                                          Desh, he already said it. Veno is pretty decent.

                                          Place your wards in the areas axe would have to blink call and your pretty safe. Also his Gale is great for kiting. Hes got nearly a +4% winrate over axe. Euls on veno is a great item too!


                                            Radiance+euls on your team is ez counter.

                                            Just keep kiting him but damaging him enough that he cant blink and call again

                                            Also chain stuns... lion/SK etc


                                              Also doombringer basically turns him into the tomato bear

                                              Président® Salted Butter

                                                Axe has 290 ms, orb of venom slows him even further
                                                Urn puts his blink dagger on cooldown for a whopping eleven seconds
                                                Euls prevents your carries from hitting him during call or prevents him from even being able to use call when he blinks in
                                                Rod of Atos prevents him from moving around, letting your ranged carries hit him
                                                Silver edge cancels spin
                                                Skadi has even more slow than orb of Venom
                                                Orchid silences him, preventing call
                                                Scythe turns him into a useless kiteable pig


                                                  Clement remembers everything that counters axe because he have to fight against them all if he picks axe while if some dimwit picks him the enemy team just picks 5 melee cores and clumps up as 5


                                                    Axe blink is extremely easy to counter. Wards, map awareness, and positioning. Play like you're playing vs a lc.
                                                    Inlane if you're 2 Melee vs an axe let him push the lane and accept that you will have to farm undertower.
                                                    Axe can be hard countered by pugna, brew ult, but it requires as previously stated good positioning.
                                                    A good axe will never show on the map, and always either farming a camp or looking for a kill set up. If you understand that then you'll know how to beat an axe player


                                                      dont get called u should be able to see it coming


                                                        ^ but u cant counter my axe

                                                        Shikanoko Noko

                                                          the only way to counter axe is by picked him

                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                          Player 345068850


                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                            an unpleasant feeling

                                                              I always counter axe with slardar.
                                                              Since I can initiate and counter initiate on axe
                                                              This is how I do it:
                                                              1. Initiate/counter initiate on axe
                                                              2. Burn him with your ult
                                                              3. Let your carries and ranged heroes hit him

                                                              Even if you are a ranged support you could still kill him since slardar got the amplified damage on axe and it would be hurting him too


                                                                I stayed back most of the time to dodge him. If you are ember or core that can buy euls but it and stay back. If axe jump your other core you can just euls him. Sometimes you need to be patient and stay back waiting the time to strike. In these game i stayed back and when axe initiate i just go pop bkb and Ult.
                                                                There is a game of brood but i cant find it where i lane against axe and still won.


                                                                  manta dodge or dont show in fight until he initiates other heroes ez


                                                                    Your team needs to purchase a euls sceptre if you have no saves. Also picking ranged carries helps in general but sometimes Axe counterpicks you. Don't stand in creepwaves if Axe is off the map especially when pushing towers.


                                                                      get cuirass satanic on every carry



                                                                        disgusting weebs

                                                                          but then u have picked od :thinking:

                                                                          BSJ. LGD

                                                                            soler crest and butterfly


                                                                              yesterdqy i rekt axe with my 20 kils od im so pro ty
                                                                              hi mom imfamous