evy 2017/03/17Enemy team kept stealing my juggernautJacked 2017/03/17It's okay then u just become badman and ddos the servers Président® Salted Butter 2017/03/172ks dont ban my axe, but steal it instead Jacked 2017/03/17Axe is 2k cancer. tb~ 2017/03/17sssh go studyBeks 2017/03/17axw is 1k - 9 k cancer heroPale Mannie 2017/03/17axe is my curecat1 2017/03/17Since nobody pick gyro and naga so why not1-IceTea 🌟 2017/03/17I like enemies pick Juggernaut and X also not bad for me 댓글을 작성하시려면 로그인이 필요합니다.스팀 계정으로 로그인
Enemy team kept stealing my juggernaut