General Discussion

General DiscussionEarth Spirit Tips

Earth Spirit Tips in General Discussion

    Hye all. have anyone of you playing es? i just want to know how you use that skill. what skill to do if going to gank... war &etc. Ty

    Ghastly Wail

      You are Abed, you dont need our help.

      Chao Vritra

        I think you roll into people and kick rocks at people. Idk i suck at that hero.


          u need quickcast to play that hero


            Give me your id i will invite you as soon as possible

            Savvy Cat

              It takes a really geographically stoic mindset to effectively play that hero. You must meditate on positioning; such as where you would like to most stand before initiating.


                @Bazenbelkioysa What's quickcast?

                Chao Vritra

                  wow i forgot all about quickcast. I was using it for awhile when I was playing Lina for her stun. Someone recommended it for playing pudge but I did not really like it. I can definitely see him being a quick cast hero, having to place stones and stuff.

                  @nikki quick cast is an option to have your skills/items used when you hit the hotkey based on where your mouse is.

                  So basically if you are playing Lina with quick cast and you want to stun, instead of hitting the hotkey for stun, hovering over where you want to aim it, and clicking, you would just mouse over where you want the stun to land and hit the hotkey. Lina will instantly just stun in the spot you clicked.

                  It is more of a convenience thing but some people claim it is vital to play certain heroes. It is definitely handy on Lina, she is the only one I can think of off the top of my head. And ES i guess.


                    It took me 4 months to have a grasp of quickcast on ES though I played him normally without.


                      I play every hero on quick-cast and even items. When u get used to it its just less clicking nothing more. But jungle creeps and necro creeps dont have quick-cast option at least i couldnt find it. So its a little bit confusing when u play heroes like chen or necrro book heroes like bm.

                      Pale Mannie

                        keep rollin

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          I play every hero on quick-cast and even items. When u get used to it its just less clicking nothing more. But jungle creeps and necro creeps dont have quick-cast option at least i couldnt find it. So its a little bit confusing when u play heroes like chen or necrro book heroes like bm.

                          theres a section that literally says "neutrals" in quickcast settings


                            does that even make an impact?


                              ^^ WaitWHat?


                                It kinda does. U stun someones tp when its 0.1 sec left. Tiny little differences that makes Dota an amazing game kappa