General Discussion

General Discussion7.05 patchnotes

7.05 patchnotes in General Discussion


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      * Enabled Treant Protector in Captains Mode
      * Towers base armor reduced by 2
      * Towers now gain 1 more armor per nearby enemy hero (3 total per enemy now)
      * Towers bonus armor based on nearby enemy heroes AoE increased from 1200 to 1400
      * Shrines base health regen reduced from 100 to 90
      * Intelligence based Spell Amplification increased from 1% per 16 Intelligence to 1% per 15
      * XP required to go from level 20 to 25 reduced from 10895 to 10000 (1600/1900/2200/2500/2695 to 1500/1750/2000/2250/2500)

      * Hand of Midas: XP bonus reduced from 2.5x to 1.75x
      * Hand of Midas: Gold bonus increased from 190 to 220
      * Orb of Venom: Slow duration reduced from 4 to 3
      * Orb of Venom: DPS increased from 3 to 5
      * Tranquil Boots: Requires Wind Lace instead of Ring of Protection
      * Tranquil Boots: No longer provides armor
      * Tranquil Boots: Active state regeneration increased from 12 to 14
      * Tranquil Boots: Active state movement speed increased from 85 to 90
      * Tranquil Boots: Disabled state movement speed increased from 55 to 65
      * Power Treads: Attribute bonus increased from 9 to 10
      * Quelling Blade: Bonus damage no longer stacks with Iron Talon

      * Abaddon: Strength gain reduced from 2.5 to 2.3
      * Ancient Apparition: Cold Feet damage per tick rescaled from 37.5/50/62.5/75 to 30/50/70/90
      * Ancient Apparition: Cold Feet cooldown from 13/11/9/7 to 10/9/8/7
      * Alchemist: Acid Spray radius rescaled from 625 to 400/475/550/625
      * Alchemist: Chemical Rage cooldown increased from 45 to 55
      * Bane: Level 15 Talent increased from +25% XP Gain to +30%
      * Bane: Level 20 Talent increased from +75 Enfeeble Damage Reduction to +90
      * Brewmaster: Earth Primal Unit's Demolish now gives +90/180/270 damage vs buildings (effectively 300% of base damage, instead of 300% of total damage)
      * Brewmaster: Earth Primal Unit's BAT reduced from 1.35 to 1.25
      * Brewmaster: Level 15 Talent increased from +12% Magic Resistance to +15%
      * Brewmaster: Level 20 Talent increased from -35s Respawn Time to -40s
      * Brewmaster: Level 25 Talent increased from +75 Damage to +120
      * Brewmaster: Level 25 Talent changed from +20 Primal Split Unit Armor to +2000 Health to Primal Split Units
      * Bristleback: Quill Spray AoE increased from 650 to 700
      * Bristleback: Level 15 Talent increased from +200 Health to +225
      * Bristleback: Level 25 Talent increased from +25 Health Regen to +30
      * Bristleback: Level 25 Talent increased from +20 Quill Stack Damage to +25
      * Broodmother: Incapacitating Bite slow increased from 14/24/34/44% to 16/26/36/46%
      * Broodmother: Level 15 Talent increased from +325 Health to +350
      * Broodmother: Level 25 Talent increased from +200 Spiders Health to +225
      * Chen: Level 10 Talent increased from +25 Movement Speed to +30
      * Chen: Level 20 Talent increased from -40s Respawn Time to -45s
      * Clockwerk: Base strength increased by 2
      * Death Prophet: Strength gain increased from 1.9 to 2.3
      * Death Prophet: Level 15 Talent increased from -1s Crypt Swarm Cooldown to -1.5s
      * Death Prophet: Level 15 Talent increased from +100 Cast Range to +150
      * Doom: Doom damage increased from 20/35/50 to 25/40/55
      * Doom: Level 10 Talent increased from +250 Health to +275
      * Doom: Level 15 Talent increased from +20 Movement Speed to +25
      * Doom: Level 20 Talent increased from +35 Doom DPS to +40
      * Doom: Level 20 Talent changed from +25 Health Regen to Devour Can Target Ancients
      * Doom: Level 25 Talent changed from Devour Can Target Ancients to +40 Health Regen
      * Dragon Knight: Level 10 Talent increased from +9 Strength to +10
      * Dragon Knight: Level 10 Talent increased from +25 Attack Speed to +30
      * Dragon Knight: Level 15 Talent increased from +35% XP Gain to +40%
      * Earth Spirit: Rolling Boulder slow duration reduced from 1.4/1.6/1.8/2.0 to 0.8/1.2/1.6/2
      * Ember Spirit: Strength gain reduced from 2.0 to 1.8
      * Enchantress: Intelligence growth increased from 2.8 to 3.1
      * Enchantress: Level 15 Talent increased from +7 Nature's Attendants Wisps to +8
      * Faceless Void: Agility gain increased from 2.65 to 2.8
      * Invoker: Base strength reduced by 1
      * Juggernaut: Base movement speed reduced by 5
      * Lich: Chain Frost slow increased from -30% to -50%
      * Lich: Chain Frost slow duration reduced from 4 to 2.5
      * Lich: Sacrifice cooldown reduced from 60/50/40/30 to 60/48/36/24
      * Lifestealer: Open Wounds manacost rescaled from 110 to 140/130/120/110
      * Lifestealer: Rage attack speed from 50/60/70/80 to 40/50/60/70
      * Lina: Level 10 Talent changed from -30s Respawn Time to +125 Cast Range
      * Lina: Level 15 Talent changed from +125 Cast Range to -30s Respawn Time
      * Lycan: Level 10 Talent increased from +175 Health to +200
      * Lycan: Shapeshift critical strike damage increased from 140/160/180 to 160/180/200%
      * Magnus: Empower manacost increased from 30/40/50/60 to 30/50/70/90
      * Magnus: Level 20 Talent reduced from +15% Empower Damage/Cleave to +10%
      * Monkey King: Boundless Strike stun duration reduced from 0.5/1/1.5/2.0 to 0.4/0.8/1.2/1.6
      * Monkey King: Primal Spring manacost rescaled from 100/110/120/130 to 130/120/110/100
      * Monkey King: Primal Spring slow from 30/45/60/75% to 20/40/60/80%
      * Monkey King: Primal Spring cooldown from 16 to 19/17/15/13
      * Monkey King: Strength growth from 2.2 to 2.5
      * Monkey King: Wukong's Command cooldown from 100/85/70 to 130/110/90
      * Nature's Prophet: Base damage increased by 6
      * Phantom Lancer: Phantom Rush bonus agility from 6/12/18/24 to 6/14/22/30
      * Phoenix: Base strength increased by 2
      * Pugna: Base movement speed increased from 330 to 335
      * Pugna: Level 25 Talent increased from +125 Nether Blast Damage to +150
      * Queen of Pain: Level 10 Talent increased from +9 Strength to +10
      * Queen of Pain: Shadow Strike cast range from 450/475/500/525 to 450/500/550/600
      * Queen of Pain: Shadow Strike damage per tick from 30/40/50/60 to 30/45/60/75
      * Razor: Base intelligence increased from 19 to 21
      * Razor: Level 10 Talent increased from +20 Movement Speed to +25
      * Razor: Level 15 Talent increased from +150 Cast Range to +175
      * Razor: Level 20 Talent increased from +325 Health to +400
      * Shadow Shaman: Level 10 Talent increased from +175 Health to +200
      * Shadow Shaman: Level 10 Talent increased from +20 Movement Speed to +25
      * Shadow Shaman: Level 15 Talent increased from +30% XP Gain to +35%
      * Shadow Shaman: Level 20 Talent changed from +20% Magic Resistance to +3 Shackles Duration
      * Shadow Shaman: Level 25 Talent changed from +3s Shackles Duration to +350 Ether Shock Damage
      * Skywrath Mage: Base movement speed increased from 325 to 330
      * Skywrath Mage: Level 10 Talent increased from +125 Health to +150
      * Sven: Great Cleave distance increased from 550 to 570
      * Sven: Level 10 Talent increased from +200 Mana to +225
      * Sven: Level 20 Talent increased from +15% Evasion to +20%
      * Sven: Level 25 Talent increased from -6s Storm Hammer Cooldown to -8s
      * Techies: Added a sound effect when Proximity Mines are being primed to explode
      * Techies: Level 20 Talent changed from -60s Respawn Time to +400 Blast Off Damage
      * Techies: Level 25 Talent changed from +400 Blast Off Damage to -60s Respawn Time
      * Tiny: Base damage increased by 3
      * Tiny: Level 15 Talent increased from +35 Movement Speed to +40
      * Treant Protector: Enabled in Captains Mode
      * Treant Protector: Leech Seed slow reduced from 22/24/26/28% to 16/20/24/28%
      * Treant Protector: Overgrowth cooldown rescaled from 70 to 100/85/70
      * Treant Protector: Base movement speed reduced by 5
      * Underlord: Level 10 Talent increased from +4 Armor to +5
      * Underlord: Level 15 Talent increased from +10% Spell Amplification to +12%
      * Underlord: Level 15 Talent increased from +35 Movement Speed to +40
      * Viper: Level 10 Talent increased from +150 Health to +175
      * Viper: Level 15 Talent increased from +8 Strength to +10
      * Viper: Level 15 Talent increased from +14 Agility to +16
      * Viper: Level 20 Talent changed from +7 Armor to Poison Attack Affects Buildings
      * Viper: Level 25 Talent changed from Poison Attack Affects Buildings to +20 Armor
      * Winter Wyvern: Level 15 Talent increased from +40 Damage to +50
      * Winter Wyvern: Level 15 Talent increased from +15 Movement Speed to +20
      * Zeus: Base intelligence increased by 2
      * Zeus: Level 10 Talent changed from +200 Health to +25 Movement Speed
      * Zeus: Level 15 Talent increased from +10% Magic Resistance to +15%
      * Zeus: Level 15 Talent increased from +5 Armor to +7 Armor
      * Zeus: Level 20 Talent changed from +35 Movement Speed to +75 Arc Lightning Damage


        Tranquil Boots: Requires Wind Lace instead of Ring of Protection
        Tranquil Boots: No longer provides armor

        Shit so many starting items for tank offlaners just changed
        Still best boots for axe?

        Gabba Gabba Games TTV

          "Techies: Added a sound effect when Proximity Mines are being primed to explode "

          I don't understand why techies keeps getting hit so fucking hard.... I thought they tried to balance from the pro scene meta not pubs in 2k where people complain about techies... you had all the time in the world to right click his mines as a melee core walking blind up hill but now they hit my boy even harder by letting everyone know to turn around right away and get ready to farm a free mine...


            ^he still needs the regen of course
            tho treads and the 50 dmg talent become more viable.


              fuck techies is why, no one likes playing with him, against him, or as him, all he does is make every game worse to play.

              Savvy Cat

                Yippee! New 5 hour Purge video in like 2 days!

                Pale Mannie

                  what is this black sorcery? a damage buff to doom's doom? i'll go eat some granite golems then.


                    so viper gets 20 armor at level 25. Good luck fucking killing him with your 5 carry lineup.

                    Cancer Malaria

                      Spilt pushing with Shadow Shaman ult is legit now


                        ty volvo for my mk nerf


                          My thoughts:

                          -Treant is dead in pubs
                          -General buff to split-push yet again
                          -Roamers now benefit from Tranquils alot more
                          -Midas is no longer as relevant on pos. 4-5
                          -Quelling blade nerf hurt junglers
                          -Abaddon nerf is insignificant
                          -Brood is buffed yet again, I love it
                          -Enchantress is buffed yet again, I love it

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                          Fee Too Pee

                            Yes , at least chemical rage cooldown. Fuck that forever ulti with octarine core. Cancer as fuck


                              alche mid now weaker too with acid spray lower radius

                              which is probably i think one of the most impactful changes for pubs

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                WTH did IceFrog do to HandofMidas LOL.


                                  why lifestealer got nerfed?
                                  for me, ursa is much better carry then lifestealer, and ursa had no changes, while lifestealer 3 nerfs in a row... really makes you think


                                    At least power treads got buffed


                                      Ursa isnt a much better carry than ls at least in pros

                                      Fee Too Pee

                                        So.... Is there any point for getting midaa now xD.

                                        never get this for gold , you get for exp and extra reliable gold on top.

                                        Wth midas change lul


                                          ^u get in the position u used to get it in, when u r a hard carry and u r stupidly ahead and can hit the sub 8 min timing. Also dont forget this is a hidden invoker nerf.

                                          Wanted: Femboy ( Top )

                                            ^why does this ANALyzer fucking low mmr keeps talking like he knows what he's doing? Kappa


                                              Lina change is the thing I looked up to. I already knew he was about to get nerfed. Not bad. Lvl 10 respawn talent is OP. And the new Level 10 and 15 talent interchange is a good nerf. Cast range and LSA +dmg, respawn time and dmg. I like this. Lina is OP in pubs before this patch.

                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                ^^why is your MMR equal to your number of games? 1 game = 1 MMR? Kappa

                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

                                                  so is midas still viable on supports?


                                                    ^viable but not recommended?

                                                    Cancer Malaria

                                                      midas gold increase gain may benefits more to carry items now


                                                        Brewmaster: Earth Primal Unit's Demolish now gives +90/180/270 damage vs buildings (effectively 300% of base damage, instead of 300% of total damage)



                                                          that void agi gain

                                                          Johnny Rico

                                                            Intelligence based Spell Amplification increased from 1% per 16 Intelligence to 1% per 15

                                                            the buff that doesnt do shit

                                                            *Doom: Doom damage increased from 20/35/50 to 25/40/55 GUD SHIT
                                                            * Doom: Level 10 Talent increased from +250 Health to +275 GUD SHIT
                                                            * Doom: Level 15 Talent increased from +20 Movement Speed to +25 GUD SHIT
                                                            * Doom: Level 20 Talent increased from +35 Doom DPS to +40 GUD SHIT
                                                            * Doom: Level 20 Talent changed from +25 Health Regen to Devour Can Target Ancients GUD SHIT
                                                            * Doom: Level 25 Talent changed from Devour Can Target Ancients to +40 Health Regen GUD SHIT

                                                            * Invoker: Base strength reduced by 1 INVOKER IS TRASH NOW GG

                                                            *Lycan: Level 10 Talent increased from +175 Health to +200
                                                            * Lycan: Shapeshift critical strike damage increased from 140/160/180 to 160/180/200%

                                                            LYCAN IS THE NEW TRUE CANCER START SPAMMING LYCAN BOYS GO GO GO




                                                                Alch is still op i think. No nerf to my tb luna more buff to my 90%winrate brood


                                                                  First Arc Warden.Now Monkey.

                                                                  Dragon Knight lvl.10 talent from 25+ AS to +30 AS

                                                                  Pick talent 30+ AS + Early SB = Dragon Troll


                                                                    Lycan so buffed this dog might be my ticket out of 2k.

                                                                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                      Lina is still strong
                                                                      +125 cast range at lvl 10 is good although not as good as respawn time reduction
                                                                      Would still take +50 Damage over respawn talent
                                                                      You just don't get annoying perma presence of her anymore but she will be harder to deal with

                                                                      GRANT MACDONALD

                                                                        Lycan and Broodmomma. Next stop: 3k

                                                                        Savvy Cat

                                                                          125 Cast Range at level 10 is a god tier upgrade. You shouldn't need the respawn time now if you just solo kill everything on the map at 12 minutes in without a Blink, Aether, or Shadow Blade. Its like pre-retcon Euls a year and a half ago. And you can get that level and a Euls by that minute mark with relative ease.

                                                                          Yes, indeed, she is still very strong.

                                                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                            Balance patchs that nerf good hero and buff weak/unpopular hero

                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                              Tranquils got a +10 move speed while broken so they'll still be go to boots for most supports that used them before. Like axe can easily run up on you before blink with tranqs and maybe windlace.

                                                                              I think the most hidden buff of all is viper. Idk why he wasn't picked 7.04 or had sub 50% in most brackets, cus with mjollnir he is a legit carry, or he can still mid but doesn't fall off late game.

                                                                              7 armor vs 75 range was pretty stupid, both not that great, but the poison attack vs buildings is downright incredible. They attack so fucking slow with that, not quite jakiro level but very close. So easy to siege with lance viper. And now 20 armor at 25 LOL WUT. That's +120% ehp. So if you're 25 with like skadi and pike as hp items it takes you from around 6700 ehp to around 9500 ehp. It's a stupid amount of armor.

                                                                              New viper build I think, treads, pike, mjollnir, ac, butter, skadi. He will be unkillable and do a fucking ton of tower dmg with that attack speed and nethertoxin.


                                                                                With poison attack hitting buildings he needs something like bloodthorn or linkens for mana regen, and i like to get an early health regen item on him too like hood or smth. I went aquila boots treads raindrop lance hood pike mjollnir skadi and going on to bloodthorn.

                                                                                Goblin slayer

                                                                                  (1) I think Doom will comeback as a relevant niche offlaner.

                                                                                  (2) DP will also become as a strong mid hero against the meta mids rn such as TA, Invoker and Alch.

                                                                                  (3) NP offlane will be strong. It is already but no one is really abusing it.

                                                                                  (4) Lycan will become more relevant and take down 1 lane at a time when he's alive. (Same as NP) Plus towers are weaker with the armor changes when ratting is happening.

                                                                                  (5) Somewhat roamers got buffed cause of the new tranquils.

                                                                                  (6) Midas is a much more greedy item for supports. Bad on pos 4 and 5 since they need xp.

                                                                                  Conclusion: icefrog buffed the 1 man rat strat again so significant heroes got buffed such as solo pick-off heroes(Storm, QOP), counter push heroes(Kotl, Tink) and ofc, solo rat heroes(NP, Lycan, TB, DR, AM)


                                                                                    Np is simply too squishy to fit the bill of a good offlaner in pros. In pros usually the roamer is covering offensive capability with disable and teamfight, so the offlaner becomes a defensive hero who can save like aba. Not always true obviously, but np is too squishy to carry auras and shit, i think he fits the role of a niche pos 1.


                                                                                      Shoutout to Valve for nerfing Earth Spirit since 6.83. Thanks for ruining yet another good hero.

                                                                                      Goblin slayer

                                                                                        I'm not talking about the pros. I'm talking about pubs.

                                                                                        Goblin slayer

                                                                                          Omfg. Alch just lost 6% winrate. Hahahahahah and dp gained 6%. I spoke too soon.


                                                                                            Junglers going to punish thier team even more

                                                                                            13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

                                                                                              * Treant Protector: Leech Seed slow reduced from 22/24/26/28% to 16/20/24/28%
                                                                                              * Treant Protector: Overgrowth cooldown rescaled from 70 to 100/85/70
                                                                                              * Treant Protector: Base movement speed reduced by 5

                                                                                              fuck this


                                                                                                spam viper

                                                                                                Ryan Gosling Fan

                                                                                                  lol thats the return of Viper lich dual offlane and carry can go jungle min 1 GG Volvo


                                                                                                    Yeah so Zeus even more buffs.

                                                                                                    Spectre/Zeus is just waiting for one single reddit thread on how a guy spammed his way to 9k playing only Spectre this patch for it to hit your pubs.

                                                                                                    Reckon I might even start playing some more Zeus games if I could get access to the Internet on my PC.