General Discussion

General DiscussionWill valve finally get rid of kill stealers?

Will valve finally get rid of kill stealers? in General Discussion

    greedy assholes farming fountain and this jealous one is forcestaffing his teammates toward fountain. and not sharing kills. :/


      ah the good old retard brackets where kills means skill


        0% winrate

        angry duck of hell
        29 minutes ago

        ah the good old retard brackets where kills means skill

        do you think i have time to play on that bugged account where I got 8 reports for no reason?


          where I got 8 reports for no reason?



            their jealous of my pro skills and this idiots won't support me as monkey king so I keep dying and dying until comeback comes.


              until comeback comes

              Pale Mannie



                  caz were losing and they only care about are kills than helping teammates with no 7 seconds delay casting spells to kill them faster.


                    Ah, your threads are as refreshing as always!


                      i just want to make sure guys , this boy is a human with too much free time trolling, right ; not a 10 years old kid


                        Where's the VHS?

                        Pale Mannie

                          Pale Mannie



                              Goethe are you swiper

                              Pale Mannie

                                whomst swiper


                                  whomstve swiped

                                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                    ah the good old retard brackets where kills means skill

                                    Hahaha seriously. I have not even SEEN that term used seriously since over a year ago when I was a 2k scrublord lmao


                                      Lol diox how many of these failed VHS acct u have? Show me one where u got more than 50% in VHS


                                        Please diox


                                          No such thing as kill stealing
                                          It's a team game noob
                                          Only thing that matters is taking down the ancient.


                                            diox if ur acc seller im johny sins


                                              No such thing as kill stealing
                                              It's a team game noob
                                              Only thing that matters is taking down the ancient.

                                              noob saving his spells for ks that's like insane. what if I only do is ks like wait for you to die and kill the lowest hp?


                                                Then you'd be channeling Phantom Riki.


                                                  after the early game it's really not a big deal who gets the kill because it's not who gets the kill that matters, it's whether that hero is alive to stop you from taking buildings.

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    u cant spell skill without kill :thinking:


                                                      Yeah I'm also sick and tired with all these kill stealing aholes every kill should be mine cause I'm the most skilled player on the team, /all gg report teammates please so noob fcking cancer kill stealing bastards.


                                                        yea its very triggered if ur using a melee hero, tanking the twr and poof FCKING 100 HP NUKED WITH 8000 DMG SPELL


                                                          and ur ded, and fail carry blame afterwards, ggwp


                                                            Instant report for any core who lets the kills I feed to them die to creeps.


                                                              @Yui The brain of every 2k Lina and Lion. Better save my beautiful nukes to kill someone who have 10 HP left, to make sure they die....