General Discussion

General DiscussionGPM with tinker

GPM with tinker in General Discussion

    Why the fuck cant I get 600+ gpm on this hero???? Look at my last tinker game. There was once I got 660 gpm and that was just a match where I legit 3rd skilled all the neutral creeps and creep waves had a 6-2 KDA. I got a fucking 16-2 KDA in my last game and decent amount of lh. Explain please


      cuz you die too much

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        Your lasthits aren't even good. 6 a minute on Tinker is very low.


          @Anel dude wtf I die too much? Your 21-2 storm with 584 gpm. Holy shit man, find a solution to your own problem before helping someone with the same problem. @Mah Leymons How? Aside from lane? Teach me please. I just push out waves etc and thats it. What else should I do?


            when you are involved in too many team fights you are actually sacrificing that time that you couldve farmed.Your enemy is underfarmed so they give you very less gold and that affects overall gpm. thats the most plausible reason that ican think off looking at your stats.

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              I don't know what you're doing wrong, but your lasthits are low.
              Arise has around 8 a minute this game and he isn't even that good of a Tinker.


                idk, i used to snowball hard 20/0 and rice the whole map with that hero and still only end up with like 650 gpm.



                  SAME PROBLEM WITH TS


                    Yeah that arise game 600 last hit ( 8 per minute) still 600 gpm
                    something wrong with this hero XD


                      Like what the fuck, I walk around taking 2 camps a min with invoker, spawning forges to split etc. goof around trying stupid shit, bought veil on invoker. Didn't even have a fancy KDA. And still, 600+ gpm. Whereas my tinker, I tryhard, so fucking hard, the hardest I can. And bam, 520-540 gpm???!


                        oh mai gad


                          maybe u are just bad at farming?


                            ehh gpm is affected by a lot of things like objectives. tinker sucks at hitting towers. u dont get tower last hits u dont get a lot of gold. just look at your cs. if ur cs is fine, why the fuck do u care about gpm? youre a tinker not an antimage


                              also, ancients.


                                How often do you rotate between your jungle camps/the enemies' jungle camps? I know that's why I don't get >600GPM on my tinker (I suck on it though)

                                Edit: Also do you do farming tricks? Taking 2 or 3 camps at the same time? Stacking between runes? etc

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                  just look at how many cs you got. if u dont have a lot of cs, then you're just not farming well. gpm doesnt matter. sometimes u get unlucky with march and u dont get the cs. maybe u are not spamming it enough on the wave? and you're just not killing the wave entirely?