General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy the enemy team keeps leaving when I play as DioXPro

Why the enemy team keeps leaving when I play as DioXPro in General Discussion

    after they saw me they ban my favorite op heroes. abaddon, lc, riki, bh, sven, tw, ta, bs, od, np and slark.

    and If I'm winning 9-0 the enemy team abandons and the entire enemy leaves and I tried to fountain farm and the enemy ancient exploded before I get in the fountain... wish my team leaves instead so I can get 2000 gpm.


      no replies in 3 min? man this forum is filled with SE Asians no wonder the forum is cancer. all of them should be asleep like dead beats.


        5 mins then 6 mins.


          help plz


            i have the strangest feeling that you are triggered


              yeah I can't get 100 kills and all I can do is push.


                i have the strangest feeling that you are triggered

                Giff me Wingman

                  Did a little bit research. Diox is 2.3k player


                    a few seconds ago

                    Did a little bit research. Diox is 2.3k player

                    so are you. :)


                      look at your stats it sucks balls and there's no ranked.

                      Giff me Wingman

                        Hello kid, time to beg ur parents for a new PC. 20fps doto gaming

                        Pale Mannie

                          hello diox. How is the weather today?


                            36 minutes ago

                            Hello kid, time to beg ur parents for a new PC. 20fps doto gaming

                            I have the most expensive pc in the world not the super computer.

                            Giff me Wingman

                              you have a 20FPS potato.

                              Mid&Feed.mid (muted)

                                Dont mess with blunt lol


                                  I have the strangest feeling that you are triggered.

                                  Ghastly Wail

                                    I have the strangest feeling that you are triggered.

                                    Ghastly Wail

                                      My Alienware Laptop cost me 1300€ (yeah i got the little cheap one, no sarcasm).
                                      I bet your Parents bought you a Computer for 399$/€

                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                        DioXPro. Sounds like a drug for mentally handicapped children


                                          Favorite OP heroes, LC, goes jungle, team gets rekt, blames teamates, all rage quit, comes to forum to say he is pro. Typical 2k scrub.


                                            Man, this kid is such an attention seeker


                                              diox pro. 'good score' gaming. LUL. can't push to win games. loses. makes new smurf to get 'good score'