General Discussion

General DiscussionMidas Spectre ?

Midas Spectre ? in General Discussion
Charteuse Gale

    What do you think midas on her ?

    I have playing her and i have always think her farming speed was really slow

    In the old days, she got her farm via haunts and then farm back again in the lane, with the recent harsh nerf on haunt to 180/150/120 seconds per lvl, her ability had been crippled.

    She can't farm jungles without any sustainbility items like vanguard and even if she had it, her farming speed was slow. Her best shoot w as farming in the lane, with the risk of getting ganked by the enemy. Basically unlike other heroes, they can farm very fast, many of them have creep wave ability or can farm in jungles, jugg spin, sven cleave, and such. Her farming pattern was basically kinda slow paced.

    Now i know midas cost a lot, 2150 gold , if you want to farm it, you need some free unconsted farm at your lane, so you need a proper baby sit support. If you have midas, your farming rate will increase 2-3 times and it will pays off dearly.

    The problem was , getting it in the first place(need good team that cover you and help you get a space to farm), another one is , basically you are much weaker when having midas(without hp, or damage items) even though midas give you 30 AS, it still makes you fragile and hit like paper. If the enemy play a fast one game, it already a lost for you.

    But if you managed to hold out the early game pressure, at mid game and late game, you will be surely 5-6 slotted without any problems.

    I had try midas spectre in the past, but i kinda want to test the urn-phaseboot build, and the result was kinda bad with the recent haunt nerf. My farm speed was so slow. If i go midas, i will usually farm it first, then go phase boots, stout, queling and urn(for sustainbility), then the route will either i go rush radience or skip it and go manta, if i think my team needs me to help them than afk farm.

    So thoughts of it ?


      I only buy it when I'm pressured alot in early game. getting it before boots and PMS and quel must require some heavy babysitting ( I never get this in my crap bracket)

        이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

          Bsj talked about Midas pick ups, would def recommending finding it.
          Honestly makes so much sense on when to buy it

          Pale Mannie

            only when you're fed early

            Erase Humanity

              It's simply stupid to get midas on her. What you need is treads or phase boots, quilling blade, pms and a +6 HP ring and a ~20mins Radiance. Midas is good for two different categories; 1) certain heroes should often consider buying it: heavily level dependent cores, roaming supports and greedy supports. 2) It's good to get it if you predict a long game; that happens with certain late game oriented lineups, cancerous high ground defense heroes and lineups with weak pushers.