He had a streak buff and BoT + Aghs build isn't that bad
Very interesting hero, would like to add him into the hero pool
^^He doesn't "suck", he's a late game monster and doesn't need to stomp and end early to win. His only problem is he is very vulnerable to some counters (sk, earth shaker, axe, etc.), but if not countered he can be a nightmare to deal with early and late game.
he need to be last picked in a "surprise motherfcker" moment or otherwise he will have very tough time
He use to be complete shit, now at least he's somewhat viable with aghs and diffusal.
dunno pl seems good only when he gets 6 slotted before that any hero with cleave or even AOE spell can find the real one and shits on your face specialy with his low hp gain same goes for his agi but i guess agi is kind of balanced just imagine pl with 3 or 3.xx agi gain he'd be totaly broken ._.
he is highly situational but might be very good against certain line ups. Problem is there is at least a couple of heroes in every role that make his life a living hell. I personally just go lc offlane and wreck his illusions and anyone unfortunate enough to be up close to him.
you get almost more 120hp from sny than manta , more agility from manta and dispel , the illusion also synchronize very well with your skillset ,and you usually build diffusal for the slow
True, SnY's very situational... :/ I just really like the cheap ms, sometimes you want a Linkens so you skip Manta and have SnY instead.
People need to stop rushing manta on him, just because he's the illusion hero, doesn't mean you need to rush the illusion item.
Aquila -> BoT -> Aghs -> Diffu, Manta -> Butterfly, Heart
I've watched only like 2 or 3 games of pro PL, and with this build, the thing they do is just split push to get farm like there's no tomorrow. But when they get Diffu they get into more fights. Diffu also helps jungling.
People need to stop rushing manta on him, just because he's the illusion hero, doesn't mean you need to rush the illusion item.
I think manta could be skip for heart or skadi because illu will die easily without that item. Also why do i feel like manta doesnt give anything to pl
LOL have u guys tried aghs radiance yet? It needs a ton of space to farm, but the CANCER IS REAL
When pl is complee shit , i tried go pt , vanguard , difusal under 20 minutes and it kinda works . U can actually tank witg the illusion when farming (illu get damage block) . And you do not die with 1 spell
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For the first time in a while PL has a higher than 50% win rate after a series of buffs. Lets have a moment of celebration for one of my favorite carries please.