General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to properly use Rupture

How to properly use Rupture in General Discussion
Fox McCloud


    I feel like while the spell is a simple to use, single target skill, I end up whiffing it a lot. Especially in teamfights.


      just use it on heros that need to move or heros that you want to kite io/ursa for example?

      Pale Mannie

        use it on mobile fucks or on those who get kited easily

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          Aside from using it on a nice target, I think what you do afterwards is much more important.

          Fox McCloud

            Would it be wrong to say, that as a general rule of thumb, you should ALWAYS rupture a core hero in teamfights instead of supports?


              Just rupture the first person you see whenever the spell is off cooldown. Not hard.

              It's really only any good when you are ahead though. The hero is a currently a complete "win more" hero. Ie if you are already winning the game or winning a teamfight then the hero helps you win more.

              If you are playing from behind the hero does nothing since if the enemy can simply stand and take the team fight then rupture is nothing more than a 'don't move' spell for 12 seconds (and becomes less and less effective on heroes with high hp pools since the damage is a raw number based on the distance travelled rather than a percentage of total hp). One of his talents even increases rupture damage by 14% - complete waste. The whole point of the skill to prevent people from moving so that he and his team can attack them. The only reliable distance you can get them to move is as far as the radius of his bloodrite. His thirst skill also requires your team to bring an enemy hero down to 75% hp before he even begins to get extra damage. If you are the ones getting initiated on and lose half your health to start there is little way from Bloodseeker to properly contribute to the fight.

              His bloodrite is about the only spell which doesn't rely on you being ahead to be effective so it figures that it would be made incredibly unreliable to land. But hey it was buffed so the enemy now only has 2.9 seconds to move out of the zone rather than a full 3 seconds!#@!!

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              Riguma Borusu

                As far as teamifights go:

                1) Melee cores get fucked over by rupture big time, meaning Sven, Ursa, LS, LC, etc. Lifestealer is forced to infest in order to miitgate the rupture, Sven can't do jack shit without taking a fuckton of damage, Ursa can enrage but it's still not nice to run around with rupture. My favorite target still has to be Slardar, I think, because sprint increases the damage he takes while running and an immobile slardar is just 100% fucking useless.

                2) Mobile heroes who depend on movement to mitigate damage - QoPs, AMs, and even FV is kinda fucked with rupture because even though he can timewalk the damage and doesn't take damage while using timewalk, he still has to stand in place without being able to hit shit.

                3) People you just want out of the fight where the enemy team chases you but you can have an advantage if you take a specific hero out, if you see the enemy oracle far behind the lines, you can just rupture him so he cannot come in range to save someone without dying himself, but you only do this when you have a clear vision of the fight and you see oracle running to save someone

                Outside of teamfights just rupture anyone really, just make sure you have followup.

                But most importantly, dont just randomly cast blood rite, it is obviously best when combined with stuns, invoker tornado and similar setup spells because it guarantees people won't just run away. Blood Rite is one of the most annoying things to deal with when you are chasing people, because unless you are lycan you won't be able to cross the whole bloodrite in 3 seconds since the area is fucking huge, and getting silenced under the enemy tower might not be too appealing. A good BS will time and position his bloodrite in such a way that you have to choose between chasing and getting silenced or backing off and not getting silenced. But if the enemy team is massively ahead, this isn't very useful because they will eat the silence and just right click you to death.

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                  when they're out of position, like when you use Disruptor glimpse. they're solo pushing a tower and right under it, etc.


                    Bloodseeker is a very good hero, especially in pubs, heard it here first lads. It lanes extremely well and snowballs hard, also with the addition of talents it actually scales very strongly if you take the bloodrite talents.

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                      thats old news actually ;3

                      Riguma Borusu

                        Perpetual huge AoE silence. Have fun pushing high ground or defending it. Fucking 6 seconds duration on a 5 second cooldown skill. Imagine if static storm had huge fucking AoE and never ended.

                        Oh and it also deals 440 pure damage every time you cast it. So it is not like you can just sit there and endure it if you don't mind being silenced.

                        Having an aether lens euls and aghs helps you with mana if you're doing this shit.

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