General Discussion

General Discussionspamming zeus really works !

spamming zeus really works ! in General Discussion
Gabe Logan Newell

    i started spamming zeus mid lan for 2 days and i can tell he is op hero have strong early mid and late game !! so perfct


      There are no perfect heros in dota. Only bad players dont know how to deal with you.

      all role player

        fuck no no zeus pls


          Spamming drow seems to work too. Super OP hero.

          chicken spook,,,,

            so perfct

            chicken spook,,,,

              He's super underwhelming against competent players. And his skillset doesn't really give that much room for outplays.


                He's the typical glass cannon. Good damage output and insane nuking capacity but dead if caught out or focused by people who know what they are doing

                Gabe Logan Newell

                  in my build i have 485 ms so its so hard to catch me


                    in my am build i have abysal blade and can kill you in 2 sec


                      what the fuck are you talking about zeus is super strong


                        The problem is, 3k 4k shitstains refuse to buy double or triple pipe. Also it would be nice if icefrog give us one more magic resistance item. Zeus is truly op for low skill players. You can easily get to 4k spamming Zeus with 2k skill.

                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                          So how to deal with Zeus? He's not a glass cannon with his talent.
                          Pipe solves everything?


                            Zeus is tanky not many noob know it is easy to bait carry to come for you but they can't burst you like pa


                              i wonder what would happen if they got AM/Meepo/Huskar or a bkb/pipe

                              working brain ~


                                Because in 2-3k there no such thing as roamer hero, only "ill afk jungle till 20minutes,so win the lane withouth me" player

                                Roaming clock/pudge in mid and u are dead meat cus zeus doesnt have escape ability


                                  how about that zeus player can espace any gank attempt ?
                                  its difficult but not impossible. by playing zeus means free sentry at all and zero ward for enemy, u just need mana regen AND BOOM half of enemy hp is missing
                                  zeus is OP if u know how to survive any gank attempt?
                                  am? bitch am come so late that zeus can kill all his team by spamming the combo
                                  this hero have >50% wr for some reason underrated hero for sure

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                    The hero is very good at lower mmr and decent at higher mmr.

                                    At higher mmr just learn when to pick him, what items you need, and positioning.
                                    His lol 20 talent is very good.


                                      yea zeus is not that easy to kill and seems strong


                                        if ur playing zeus u kinda need to have good positioning or practically any hero with a blink can jump on u
                                        not problematic in teamfights as u can cancel everyones blink, but in pickoff situations this is problematic


                                          decent imo

                                          Gabe Logan Newell

                                            ms guys in my build ms is the key i start with boot of speed 1 tango 2 Clarity .. 625 gold
                                            arcan boot / Aether Lens / Tranquil Boots / wind lace at lvl 10 talent +25 ms at late game ms = 485 ez


                                              Rofl, JUST SPAM visage, visage have the highest win rate right now in 4k and 5k+ bracket, need teammates that know how visage works though

                                              also jdf8

                                                zeus good hero i went from 3k to 4k just spam zeus and always rush force staff lol. i was so bad just press w and push myself away when they attack me ez win


                                                  argh a goodzeus with a blink or force and you will regret going on the zeus

                                                  Pale Mannie

                                                    those zeus players who buy naked bottle can just fuck off from my team

                                                    also jdf8

                                                      12 clarity start is the evolved man's zeus build im sure

                                                      Gabe Logan Newell

                                                        i dont like forcestaff thing ... my build looks great 0 death in some matches vs hard ganker ... the meta works ..


                                                          @only mid

                                                          Boots 1st isn't good most of the time.
                                                          Locking yourself into one biuld every game isn't good.
                                                          Not getting defence items when needed isn't good.

                                                          You need to adapt because expecting that the enemy will always be too stupid to not exploit your weakness is a weakness.

                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                          Gabe Logan Newell

                                                            @HappyDonut who said im not wihtout defence :D ? i stay out of enemy range bro they cant do anything to me spam my first .. get last hits and hars enemy !D


                                                              Why TF wud u buy tranquil
                                                              R u retarded?
                                                              How do u even have mana to cast spells?
                                                              I usually go arcanes veil aether blink then luxury but sometimes I buy force or euls or ghost scepter and shit if I need it


                                                                Instead of going boots first and having no mana I recommend starting with null and clarities and shared tangoes, then go bottle then second null then arcanes


                                                                  Throw in wand if u need it

                                                                  Gabe Logan Newell

                                                                    @Road to Crippling Depression

                                                                    im not gone answer you till you learn how to talk to people with respect

                                                                      이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                                                        What do you mean you can spam Zeus for MMR? The second you get to where people aren't autistic and know how to deal with you, you start to lose MMR. Then you get tilted and spam "monkeybrained autists for teammates, ff plz..." "ez mid" "jajaja," get reported, LP.

                                                                        At the end of the day, all you get is lower MMR, and low prio. Not worth.

                                                                        Gabe Logan Newell

                                                                          im not playing any ranekd bro !) chill
                                                                          + im wining matches u can check ur self

                                                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                                                            im not gone answer you till you learn how to talk to people with respect

                                                                            I'm not saying you're right 100% but I gotta agree with this


                                                                              Its funny cuz Road's question wasn't a literal question, it was rhetorical.
                                                                              @only mid, enjoy your Zues then. I honestly can't spam 1 hero (except maybe Invoker) because of the brain damage that would ensue.

                                                                              Gabe Logan Newell

                                                                                @Snu :D i will enjoy bro wining steal feels good after all


                                                                                  im not gone answer you till you learn how to talk to people with respect

                                                                                  obv im not accusing u of having a mental disorder
                                                                                  this is how i speak casually, dont take everything i say seriously unless i say im serious.


                                                                                    Lmao. Go aghs if you play Zeus. Then go Dagon 5 after bottle

                                                                                    Gabe Logan Newell

                                                                                      @Road to Crippling Depression
                                                                                      you still here ? give me your face


                                                                                        Give him your face?

                                                                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                          ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                                                                          muted all, it's just a ga...

                                                                                            Rapiers are much more popular than bkb in low mmr bracket :D

                                                                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                              Brown boots sb on every hero