General Discussion

General Discussiondo ur teammates

do ur teammates in General Discussion

    ever get so mad at you that they comment on ur steam profile after games over?


      i comment where the fuck are you on disconnected players while we pause our winning game


        Lmao. Look at benao profile


          He has pages of hate comments lol

          chicken spook,,,,

            No but there was a pathetic intentional feeder who added me and spammed "sad" afterwards
            Needless to say he got LP too


              no because i always play very well becaue ime actually 9k but my team holds me back.

              So these low mmr shitstaind have no business blackmailing my profile. I on the otherhabd leave constructive criticism on my teams steam profiles after a lost match, because they need to realize my greatness.


                yes, sometimes


                  venz, LUL


                    I had 21 pages of monkeys commenting on games they ruined. And I swear, THEY ruined. People who, without doubt, were the reason why we lost those games. For example an Abaddon who went afk with shadow amulet for no reason after feeding couriers and kills, a Sven who died twice, went afk, got wards only to destroy them just to write "> we need wards", stuff like this. It was sociologically interesting to notice that monkeys the more they're guilty of a loss the more they're likely to project it and leave comments. It's almost masochism, why would you leave comments, lying on everything, about a game you ruined, when it has an ID and replay is a thing, on a toxic person's profile that is gonna destroy you with insults and facts. I mean I just ruined a game as Dark Seer by walking down mid 'cause I had my lane stolen by a trashcan when I just wanted to practice the hero and we had no support, but I don't go on people's profiles to write "you ruined the game, die!", like wtf. I kinda had the feeling I was somehow being mistaken for their psychiatrist or something at some point, someone they could use as a tool to let their clear mental issues out, so I just deleted all the comments and now only friends can leave them.




                        21 Pages is not a coincidence. U must be doing something to set off the feeders and trying to play it off on them? Lol

                        chicken spook,,,,

                          Lmao dude even Benao doesn't even have that much page of hate comments.
                          Hell, I've thrown WAY more games than you will ever do and I NEVER had a single retard going agressive on my Steam profile.
                          I don't think other people are the problem here.


                            Its the other way around, whenever i see a guy who has gross profile pic like a hentai anime, i immediately visit his steam profile and COMMENT PERVERTED PLAYER, please ban


                              Actually doesn't benao have more pages than that


                                @Dogshit nah, I just make them realize how worthless they are for spending their time on the internet ruining online games, truth hurts. Pretty much what I do with you, I did nothing to you but you're such a frustrated, and of course edgy, kid that you have to be toxic for no reason, just to not think about your empty life. What can I do, I can't stand sub-human beings whose only task on this planet is trying to spread their delusion.

                                @addicted to loli hentai what can I say, I'm able to get under people'a skin with my insults. Flaming is an art, you don't just say 'tell your mom I say hi', 'cause who tf knows her, how is that even an insult, it makes no sense, you make them face reality by describing what kind of monkeys they are. And I really mean the things I say, so they get the message I guess :D

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                  You sound toxic. I'd hate to play in a game with you lol. Sound like the kinda righteous delusion that benao has


                                    My profile is full of spam ty


                                      I am toxic indeed. I can almost say I love flaming, but there has to be a valid reason. I don't just start offending everyone randomly. But people who are rude from the start and for no reason, who ruin games intentionally or do the same basic mistakes that are costing us the game over and over despite me or someone else explaining why they should stop doing them, or those who steal lanes and stuff showing no respect for people's decisions, these people I swear... If I get mad at the situation in general I just rant at the wind without personal attacks, ez mute and no one gets annoyed. Yeah a lot of people removed me from friends for this, they all did me a favour anyway, but there are people I still have as friends and that I don't play with 'cause they tilt me easily (the mistakes thing). That's the only case in which I feel bad 'cause they're actually nice people. Hopefully one day I'll learn to be patient.


                                        im proud of it


                                          there you go. thats how you get pages of hate lmao


                                            righteous flamers always have some stupid 'code' to justify their toxicity


                                              so many excuses yet so obviously clear how insanely toxc and delusional u r

                                              Potato Marshal

                                                Only 2 times, both were from when I won, one was from a teammate who bitched at all our teammates who had comments open, the other time from someone on the enemy team. Most of my Steam comments are about my weebness.


                                                  XD, you are almost 5k potato, wp

                                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                                    >afk farms
                                                    >still gets outfarmed by gankers
                                                    >replies flames with chatwheel
                                                    >Must be Ni🅱🅱y

                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                      I had 21 pages of monkeys commenting on games they ruined. And I swear, THEY ruined. People who, without doubt, were the reason why we lost those games. For example an Abaddon who went afk with shadow amulet for no reason after feeding couriers and kills, a Sven who died twice, went afk, got wards only to destroy them just to write "> we need wards", stuff like this. It was sociologically interesting to notice that monkeys the more they're guilty of a loss the more they're likely to project it and leave comments. It's almost masochism, why would you leave comments, lying on everything, about a game you ruined, when it has an ID and replay is a thing, on a toxic person's profile that is gonna destroy you with insults and facts. I mean I just ruined a game as Dark Seer by walking down mid 'cause I had my lane stolen by a trashcan when I just wanted to practice the hero and we had no support, but I don't go on people's profiles to write "you ruined the game, die!", like wtf. I kinda had the feeling I was somehow being mistaken for their psychiatrist or something at some point, someone they could use as a tool to let their clear mental issues out, so I just deleted all the comments and now only friends can leave them.

                                                      This user has also played as:




                                                      MATCHMAKING IS SO FUCKING RIGGED


                                                      YOU'RE ALL SO FUCKING RETARDED.

                                                      ALL MUTED.


                                                      Reminder: ignore toxic trashcans

                                                      HIDDEN POOL DESTROYED MY STATS

                                                      no wonder u have so many hate comments if i was matched with u theres a very high chance id either afk with shdw amulet or pick qb treant into ur lane


                                                        Benao comments so entertaining.



                                                          My Abaddon feeds kills and couriers BEFORE anyone says anything, without anything happening, but I am the toxic one and why would people wanna play with me. Proving you're a bunch of retards once again, gj :D
                                                          I don't give a fuck honestly, go play with "nice" people like that autistic Abaddon and then come to this forum to complain about game ruiners. So fucking braindead. Not that I was expecting anything different anyway, edgy kid and that other one are the same people who offended me out of nowhere for posting a thread about hidden pool lol. Such nice people, I love how you take the distance from my toxicity, "I would never wanna play with a delusional, toxic person LIKE YOU", when you insulted someone for posting an experience on a forum. You're even more toxic than I am, I flame in the game chat after dogs do things to ruin everyone's game, you flame people on a forum for posting an opinion different from yours. Lmao and you think you're the good guys. And who needs excuses, what codes. And you don't have to be righteous to flame a game ruiner, edgy kid. People's idiocy and hypocrisy never cease to amaze me.

                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                          Pale Mannie

                                                            only 4k+ people do this (dunning kruger monkey below 4k are included)

                                                            Potato Marshal

                                                              @Resentment Nah, my winrate is kind of plateauing, I'll probably reach 4.7k then get stuck there for a while.



                                                                You'll notice which comment I'm talking about.

                                                                We won that game too, after he decided to group up with us to push high ground.

                                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                  hello retard ur nickname history, way of communicating on the forum and 21 pages of steam wall comments all show ure a delusional moron with zero self-awareness and ur "intelligent" and "exsquisite" or whatever u call ur roasting is a just set of phrases("bnch of retards", "edg kid") u use interchangably and probably coped from some streamer/peronality

                                                                  but keep pointing at anecdotal evidence(wheres the match id btw) and saying "hey guys i didnt say anything but some1 started feeding => im not toxic!"(brilliant conclusion btw)


                                                                    Hello waste of cum, thanks for proving my point once again. "Retard" when I didn't even mention you. My nickname history, way of communicating on the forum and 21 pages of comments all show I have zero tolerance towards dumbshits and little to no patience, something you don't need to uncover 'cause "uuh let me hide it I wanna manipulate the conversation", I fucking wrote it and I even said I feel bad when I meet nice but bad people. Having a temper is a different thing from being delusional, term you like to abuse like the dipshits you are, much like "dunning krueger!11!!". Delusion belongs to the dogs who start it, they're the ones so frustrated they feel the need to ruin someone's game experience or to flame for no reason on a forum. If you don't do anything harmful I have no reason to flame. If you throw a stone at someone, an enlighted and balanced person will ignore you, an average person will insult and sue you and a short-tempered person will smash your face. It's a human reaction. "Probably copied from some streamer" nice braindead attempt at ruining my reputation or image in the discussion by assuming things out of nowhere, based on nothing, just to try and make me look less smart than I actually am. The matches IDs were being posted in the comments in reply at the insults, it was in MY OWN interest to expose those autistic liars. I have so much to hide that I, ME, mentioned games have an ID and replay is a thing. Again, talking when you don't know shit about those games and how I really am, same goes for the threads I opened about hidden pool and behavior score. The less they know the more they talk. ""hey guys i didnt say anything but some1 started feeding" is a fact, not a conclusion, some people queue to just throw games and we all know that, it happens to everyone. Of course there are games where I trigger people, the ones who do the same mistakes over and over, and again, I fucking mentioned that, but if they flame me I can't even complain since I kinda asked for it in that case and I even justify them. Again trying to make me look like the retard in denial I'm not with "I'm not toxic!", me a couple hours ago: "I AM TOXIC INDEED. I can almost say I love flaming, but there has to be a valid reason". This proves you don't even give a fuck about understanding what I actually think and write, you're not insulting me but the idea you have of me. I said one thing and you insulted me on the opposite of what I said, stating I actually said it. Fucking retards everywhere.


                                                                      Contains offensive language or banned terms


                                                                        Welp, glad you people enjoy the comments too :)


                                                                          Ah btw, what "way of communicating on the forum" are you talking about exactly? If you're talking about mine, open my thread about how to offlane and you'll see I was nice and grateful to everyone who left any suggestion. Even to Cookie, despite the fact that we argued in other threads and that we don't like the way the other thinks/writes, I agreed with his tips and took them into consideration. Look at the way you retards fucking communicate on this forum and it's not hard to understand why I cover you in insults. You flame I flame, you're nice I'm nice. Same thing in game. Is it so hard to understand, dog?

                                                                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                            21 Pages is not a coincidence. U must be doing something to set off the feeders and trying to play it off on them? Lol

                                                                            I have 20 pages.

                                                                            It really is the people that go out of their way to comment that are the game ruiners.

                                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                              yea u dont actually expect me to read this all do u

                                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                a thing to udnerstand is that if u lunge at people like a rabid dog ingame noone cares if thats because ure short-tempered or tilted or ur mom died
                                                                                i for one wouldnt care what manta do u have to explain ur nicknames if i met u ingame id just go and ruin ur game if u start misbehaving and i was in bad enough mood


                                                                                  I bet SLQ could be 6k now if not for the autistic monkey in his mirror.


                                                                                    man i wish i had as many comments as benao

                                                                                    i hate wasting time in LPQ too much, even with each game lasting 05 min, to be toxic anymore. valve has made me a better person and their system works! SeemsGoood


                                                                                      It's not convenient to read it, is it. You might end up realizing how brain-damaged you are. Again, people don't give a fuck about understanding what others write, they just like to carry on monologues and insult people based on the idea they have of them, but since they don't even take their time to read and understand the idea they have of that person doesn't match the reality and what they say is just a pile of shit. " if u lunge at people like a rabid dog ingame noone cares if thats because ure short-tempered or tilted or ur mom died", for sure, that's the "people who make the same mistakes over and over" case. And I said I justify them even. But if I flame you 'cause you rabid dog are intentionally ruining the game you stop barking and take the insults from an average but short-tempered person. "i for one wouldnt care what manta do" ah? "if i met u ingame id just go and ruin ur game if u start misbehaving and i was in bad enough mood", exactly, IF I start it you have all the right to react accordingly. And viceversa, if you intentlionally ruin games I have all the right to destroy you. Not saying it's the optimal thing to do, the best thing would be to ignore it, but everyone has their flaws, mine is having a temper. And this is not the scenario I was talking about, people who left the comments were surprisingly ALL responsible for the lost game they mentioned in the comments. I even said I find it interesting and I'm serious. it can't be a casualty, must be due to a specific personality disorder. @rest in bong rips has an experience similar to mine and he confirmed it. People who actually, practically experience the things I experience always seem to agree with me, the ones who offend for no reason always have no clue of what I'm talking about. What a coincidence.


                                                                                        Just shut your mouth

                                                                                          이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.

                                                                                            @Snu lol, you're the person I thought about the most when I said "I was nice and grateful to the people who replied to my thread about the offlane". You left like 4-5 pretty articulated comments and I appreciated the fact that you took your time to help. But now? Random personal offenses? Don't make me think you're a worthless dog too. Not 6k probably, but much higher for sure, also 'cause now my conenction is more stable. My bad temper is indeed a problem I have to work on, but here I was talking about a total different thing, that is people leaving comments on my profile that were themselves responsible for the losses. That's what the thread is about.

                                                                                            @T9s haha good for you. The result is that or the total opposite tho, you get so frustrated at having to deal with retards every game that you get sucked in an endless spiral of toxicity, ending up being more toxic than you naturally were.

                                                                                            @Hurricane- wuuf wuuf

                                                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                              this is the non troll version of diox but with decent english


                                                                                                I don't know much about him 'cause I started following the dotabuff forum last month or something and from what I gathered he was a guy being randomly toxic, writing nonsense things and stuff like that. How am I even close to being that lol. I only posted about matchmaking and offlane and left some comment here and there about games analysis. What can I do if I have the same bunch of retards commenting on every reply I leave just to insult.


                                                                                                  Lmao I hadn't realised u were the delusion hidden pool monkey because u changed your name. Yet I managed to reach the same conclusion just from looking at how you think from the way you write.

                                                                                                  Retarded rage monkey. A million ppl can tell u you're delusional moron and you won't see it. Lmao


                                                                                                    "WHEN YOU START TO TILT YOUR TRUE COLORS START TO SHOW"


                                                                                                      Vanilla, strawberry or chocolate ice cream? I prefer chocolate :)