General Discussion

General Discussiondota without chat wheel sounds is boring man

dota without chat wheel sounds is boring man in General Discussion
Pale Mannie

    yall agree?


      well I bought my battle pass to get tobi's "its a disasta" so I kinda agree


        I really hope they release them as actual items you can buy. But more likely they will be added to the next battle pass as rewards again



          one syllable anglo-saxon

            i didnt even notice they were removed even though i have 2 in my cw

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

              i still use applause and eto gg out of reflex feelsbadman

              they were so good


                i got bored of voice chat commands shortly before they disappeared

                low prio master

                  They didn't introduced anything better this year.All the players like that so Valve had to removed for balance sadness/happiness in Dota lifes.


                    I totally agree with you

                    Riguma Borusu

                      I never got a compendium, so now I feel less inferior to those who have.