General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat support/s are spammable?

What support/s are spammable? in General Discussion
casual gamer

    this hero has 58% winrate in 5k, because he "has less impact than the average support" "i would rather have refresher on Ww" xD


      yea seems like only JD here understands how shaman works. why is anyone even arguing with him. y'all are high or some shit wtf.

      shaman aghs is where it's at. i mean he has another dimension that other supports (with maybe the exception of jak) don't have. if the game is close , shaman can actually be a ridiculous split pushing force and real threat. with aghs this threat is multiplied. as a fucking support you are able to apply ridiculous pressure in a close game and always be ready for good trade-offs

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        What double lion stun lmao

        "ss literally blink double ults and you either kill the wards and die to his team, fight his team and die to wards, or run away and forfeit the game, those are your only options" sure, in a bracket where people know that taking objectives is a thing, not in low 3k where people win fights and go back to farming. 3k games revolve around 50 minutes of farming and engaging in bad fights and games end 'cause the creeps push basically lol. So if your Shaman drops a double ulti in fights the enemies can literally just walk away and disengage, that 3k team will hardly ever group up with you to push, or create enough space for you to split. 3ks need supports that can keep them alive and that have good ulties and strong aoe disables in fights 'cause while you're shackling the PA who didn't manage to pop her bkb in time, they'll be focusing the Axe with blademail and 40 armor instead of prioriting her.

        casual gamer

          ur right in 3k i could just drop smnakes by myself while theres a 4v5 clash in jungle and get 2 sets of rax, WhooOOOps!


            Also I don't understand why so much salt lol, it was an opinion

            casual gamer

              im just a salty player

              having your own opinion is a good thing

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                Ah you're in good company then


                  Aghs refresh shaman is my trump card.


                    People that say shaman bad late game doesn't have clue how much damage the wards can be done, it is 20 ward with aganim refresher with each atk for 100 dmg, and split shot with aganim, dealing 2000 dmg per 1,5 sec and split attack, even it beat your carry damage, what kind of support does that lol


                      Also the ward spell immune and have to be attacked manual and imposible to support late game to atk that 20 wards..

                      Cheesy Wenis



                          After seeing this thread I am tempted to try to spam pos 5 ss. Wish me luck


                            Shaman have few weaknews though, he cant lane against timber, bb and dk, also lack of lane control and enemy also want to stop shaman for putting ward to their base, so you kind of need another support for lane control, however lion also better alternative other than shaman if you want more control, since you can mana burn any offlaner and make your carry farm safer, i kinda like that both support lion and shaman, both also have hex :D


                              After seeing the replies, I have decided to start spamming


                              I feel to be spammable level you need to have impact above and beyond like how one would spam brood or meepo. Shaman bring the threat of solokill and just turning your tower into rubble and jakiro can secure early to mid. Wyvern is just good even when shit poor and can win a fight at a press of a button. Hard to play around sometimes. I love pudge and I daresay I hit way more hooks than I miss, its just that the enemies can play around it so wel sometimes and while hes fun. He can’t win me games so easily like these guys can

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                Lion is great. And if this thread was asking for reliable support. He’s definitely on that list. Lockdown and burst is amazing. However my last lion game, while I was almost solkilling storm and AM from a 5 position. We could not take objectives and lost. Same for my witch doctor game.


                                  Lion is good to babysitting hardcarry like spec, medusa which almost win everytimes when farmed, ww is more against physical attack and heal, and his ulti can be disaster to enemy, against am dan storm is kinda hard, but you need to play axe for that combination

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                  Justin Weaver

                                    I have played against refresher aghs level 25 shaman, his snakes are unkillable and deals so much damage, that fuck came without our notice and took both tier 2s and the bloody ancient itself.


                                      EARTHSHAKER POS4 WOULD KILL YOU ALL!


                                        Just dont listen to magma.
                                        Go play greedy shaman supp agha reftesher enjoy xD

                                        I mean its a great hero but its situational and not a spammable support for me.
                                        And its becouse of the meta.

                                        Why u dont pick a real pusher instead supporting?
                                        Maybe a pos 5 beastmaster its more interesting. x)

                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                          dark willow?

                                          also yea shaman is pain in the ass.Idk why Ice don't nerf him.

                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                          mosquito net on my feet

                                            treant hello?

                                            Kenny Dope

                                              I like shadow shaman too, but lately days ive been trying bane and what I like about him is that his talent is quite good. 1 game I managed to get to lvl 25 and I gotta say, 12 secs fiends grip rly fucks dude. Although I think bane is not too spammable bcs he isnt an optimal pick againts illusion based carry