Yeah it's trash. But not as trash like the settlements that needs our help. I'll mark it on your map
I agree with sup items needing to be cheaper. It’s terrible being a pos 5 on a losing game. You’ll have brown boots glimmer by 25 minutes
yea make supp items even cheaper aint nothing better than missing a kill on a doomed disarmed broke carry cause the support fucking puts him under a bubble with one spell or tosses him 1000 range away
tinkers banned every game. i liked the sd luna meta because he countered literally every popular carry and somehow was still never picked, plus clock wasnt insanely good like he is now
sd still counters most popular carries, people just dont care about the hero. i get mmr though
not sd but tinker i mean, tinker countered sd luna and tb at the time, tb being picked to counter luna. it literally meant that everu game i could pick tinker and be playing against some combination of sd, luna, tb and shit on them
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Double roaming bullshit supports
Offlane hero for safelane i.e. Weaver, tiny " heroes that can solo zone the enemy " after getting buttfucked by the 2 bullshit roaming supports
offlane offlaner, tanky/elusive/mobile bullshit spell caster offlane hero that can 3v1 easily after getting levels.
Mid lane- bullshit spell caster hero that can also right click in the late game. That can survive and turn a 3v1 gank post minute 4 with drops or can escape easily.
Confucking grats you won dota fuck you valve. Make wards cheaper too asshats it's fucking cancer playing traditional pos 5 support In a losing position. 99% of the time this lineup works if the enemy picks absolutely mediocre supports or ANY late game hero that only does stuff post 20 minutes.
FUcK DOta 2