General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy I hate turbo.

Why I hate turbo. in General Discussion

    I actually like turbo, quite a bit. It's a lot more action packed and fight oriented than normal games. To me it's ideal for when I want to just have fun and not play 50+ min matches. I'd rather have two 25 min matches of turbo.

    The only issue I have with turbo is I feel that it teaches people a completely different style of dota and when you go back to normal matches you get destroyed.

    Examples of this is that for some reason people think turbo means everyone is a carry. Like this match :

    I last pick a CK with a Dazzle in lane and a Tidehunter/Necro offlane (NP went mid). When I got in lane the Dazzle started attempting for last hits. Obviously I ask him not to, to which I get a reply, from him and NP :"It's f*cking turbo dude!!"

    Immediately I am annoyed, but I continue to play my own game. Later I notice our Tidehunter going some kind of carry build(Maelstrom first item). My whole team flamed me for not carrying the game,(My score looked worse closer to the middle of the game) and because of this they decided to go carry builds....

    I also got flamed for not picking a support myself after I asked them why they aren't supporting, but I last picked CK into a lane with Dazzle support, after being afk for a few seconds and not seeing a carry in team.

    How are you supposed to solo carry a game, with no support, if the enemy team is half decent? While your Dazzle and Tidehunter are going right click builds -_-

    Anyway don't really know the reason I'm making this thread, just complaining I guess...

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      i'd rather have 2 normal 25min games than 2 25min turbo games


        Yeah I'd actually rather have that too, but there's always the risk of someone picking a techies and stretching out the game to another 50min+ game. So I rather play turbo

        Palmen aus Plastik

          It truly is turbo mode. No one cares about winning there because it doesn't affect their stats. Of course it's the only place to try out wacky strats against human players. You can't expect quality dota there! Play an unranked match if you so wish, but you can't have a serious turbo mode game. That is an oxymoron.

          Captain Dreadwuggles

            As the aforementioned Techies player, I can say I prefer Turbo because I would rather have two fifty minute turbo games instead of two hour and a half long normal games.

            Story Time

              cry baby :D I solo win turbo games and also ward the whole map without complaining. Honestly I do not need other 4 heros on the map, just go offlane and then after lvl 10 ready to kill and plunder

              Pale Mannie

                how can someone stand all the constant attention, tension and the non-existence of calm moments. it's like dota for those who have ADHD...


                  Simple, it's fucking turbo dude, why should anyone care :thinking:

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