General Discussion

General DiscussionHero concepts that dont belong in dota aside from techies

Hero concepts that dont belong in dota aside from techies in General Discussion

    Doom. either OP or complete shit.

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      garbage thread

      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

        Why? Doom is really strong now in pub yet not broken

        Pale Mannie

          doom is the best hero fuck off


            like he said, garbage


              lul didnt know there were so many doom lovers. satanist bastards. such a lame fucking spell. and that infernal blade has got to be as annoying as the purple dudes


                its not abt doom lovers
                there r almost no game mechanics that r super punishing/unfun as a concept
                its mostly abt balance which dota does have


                  Techies isn’t about playing dota

                  It’s playing minesweeper.

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    chrono is such a lame spell u cant even do anything if ure caught
                    enfeeble/beer is such a lame spell u cant even lasthit
                    ball lightning is such a lame spell literally 10k range initiation/escape with 0 cd
                    x mark is such a lame spell no cooldown and 1k range and if ure xed ure dead most likely
                    snakes is such a lame spell u drop them and bang ur head against enemy objectives and u take them, 3rd rosh = insta win
                    refreaction is such a lame spell, no dots = good luck have fun


                      raj, thats where one would argue that techies and doom doesnt belong in dota.

                      derux, everything u mentioned is still okay. there are lots of things u can do. doom is just like. 'ok then'. just like techies.


                        Pangolier and naga ofc