General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat weakness do 3-4k players have that are obvious and significantly...

What weakness do 3-4k players have that are obvious and significantly abusive for a 5-6k player in General Discussion

    For example 2k's are bad at map awareness and farm overall. What such faults or setbacks do 3-4k players have?



      Sorry grills, I'm gey ☺

        Bad at taking objectives(especially rosh), bad at snowballing( like when they snowball they usually don't know how to end the game).

        Somewhat good at warding, average at farm, bad at positioning, good in laning phase, good at comebaking, high tilt levels.

        I guess these are the most important. lul


          speaking of 3k players, too many 2 cores 4/5 pos all the times. you get shit safelane carry and mid. cant even play as a team. they dont know how play the heroes. too many tilt players.

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            You people always die in the same spot you died in twenty seconds ago, or in the same spot your teammate just died in.

            Solo Leveling

              Doge makes a good point. 4k players are skilled mechanically and know the game well but dont necessarily know what to do with an advantage or disadvantage.

              I am in high ancient low Divine bracket right now and I see a lot of hella close intense games with multiple swings and throws and it usualy comes down to one hero not having a buyback or getting caught at the end. Or a bad rosh fight. Like i said at that point the skill level is fairly competetive but its coordinating with your team and having an understanding of how to finish the game that seperates us from the Top Bracket


                4k players are skilled mechanically


                Solo Leveling

                  Hey blank I am in the top 4% of players in the world. Get off your divine highhorse and realize that a lot of ancient players are probably on par with you

                  Solo Leveling

                    Also after checking your profile and seeing that your top hero is Meepo im not even impressed by your rank anymore. Anyone can spam meepo and make it to divine


                      ur horse must be higher than mine since youre this delusional

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        bet that went over your head

                        me, government hooker

                          maybe ur horse is just bad ywn

                          Choke on your sanctimony

                            I am archon 2, and i can say what all i am bad at as well :)

                            Spammed invoker at a point, that improved my mechanical skills a little, can play decent arc warden, and really good earth spirit ( coz i spammed to learn) , so i will say my mechanical skills are better than my fellow archons who play the less complexity heroes.
                            Not boasting, but i have, multiple times blinked out of a timewalk chrono from FoW, used PL for illusion jukes, but i have never seen a fellow archon 1-3 do that ever, sometimes even when void is in vision. @_@

                            Another eg, whenever i play ember, i generally miss only like 1-2 sleight chains combo in 1 game, but most of the time i end up with ppl who still cant use that simple combo.
                            There are others who spammed heroes like meepo and are really good at it but still in crusader level coz they didnt learn dota in the process.

                            I suck at dominating a lane, dominating the game, especialyl when i play mid against a bad matchup, i dont outplay him, Also i dont play carry coz i am bad at farming.

                            My itemisation is usually never bad, but i find a lot of ppl making silly mistakes in my bracket regarding itemisation. And major decision making as to when to group up and take objectives and when to lay back and farm, some people dont know that either, all they wanna do is gank, fight, even when they are 10k-20k behind, or farm farm farm when they are 20k ahead and the enemy core is dead, check my last wr game, the slark was a perfect example. I got fed up and started feeding ( it was an unranked game)
                            there lies the next problem, i TILT very easily when i see these mistakes done by my cores. Because lets face it, supporting is tougher and feels like garbage when ur carry dont utilise it.

                            Also, smokes are never used properly, warding is mediocre, supports rush useless items like aghs on a pos 5 rubick who doesnt even steal spells at right time, etc. Even if someone decides to smoke, it is usually done at wrong time, like, for eg, my core sf is 100 gold away from bkb but team decides to smoke gank and then fails the gank and now the bkb is 400 gold away and he has no souls and the chances that we would have won the fight with the bkb was prob a lot more. you get the gist. :P This includes me as well, i still dont know how to approach a smoke gank, for and against. But my warding is good.

                            Also, supports sometimes feed trying to deward, and then blame carry for not accompanying for dewarding, i usually use smoke and quell to deward enemy territory even on ranged supports ( u usually get the gold back for sure), but most people dont know about this mechanic i think

                            So yeah, that sums up my mistakes and the mistakes my fellow teammates have done in my games.

                            Bill Cutting

                              We r so fucking inconsistent it’s frightening

                              Also, how do u end a game early? Real talk

                              Solo Leveling

                                Classic divine player thinking he plays on a different planet than the rest of the game. I see divine players everyday in Solo Rank they are nothing special and half of them are worse than the ancient 4s and 5s i get.

                                No you arent "over my head" with your shitty joke that isnt very complicated to understand. Nice try man. I dare you to make a smurf and get it divine without meepo. 20$ says you cant


                                  explain it to me then


                                    A 3k player sometimes plays like a 4K (but essentially never 100% like 4K in a match, but there ARE periods of time), and sometimes plays like a 2K. Attitude is often not on the level of an enlightened mediator, indicating a general aura of non-seriousness, lacking objectivity, which will harm a player at this level because they do not have an overflow of other good attributes. Good players will often simply MUTE someone who is an asshole; the understanding is that people will BE and you can not "feed" people like that.

                                    3K players are often out of position, lack teamwork and most importantly, leadership--making it "overpowered" for heroes like slark to be played at such a level. A good attitude and someone to call the shots will go far in 3K. There's also not as many picks that make your life hell. E.g. if I get slark then at upper 4k you may see a disgusting trilane that shuts me down, but in 3K the lane is probably free. Not that lanes aren't free in upper 4k too sometimes, but the difference is that the consistency in punishing lanes is greater.


                                      Dude youre ancient 3,theres no high ancient low divine here

                                      Solo Leveling

                                        Well see Blank what you used was a double entendre. You used my use of HighHorse (as in sitting higher than others and looking down on them) by also insinuating that my horse must be Higher (which in this context you meant that my horse must be really high on drugs therefore making my horse delusional)

                                        What started as me hating you has turned into a passionate dialogue of two High Skill Players. yay for life


                                          youre retarded


                                            4k=full of 5ks smurfing so there is no real difference actually


                                              the absolute state of ancient players LMAO


                                                Divine owl has been flaming divine players for like a week straight on this forum. To clarify. Ywn (blank) is definitely on a different level than ancients.. other divines are questionable at times, but generally more consistent at the very least. They are a higher rank for a reason..

                                                In answer to this thread 3-4k players have trouble ending the game. And also suck more at farming in my observation.

                                                Solo Leveling

                                                  G-Zooz well in my solo games I get a range of Ancient 3 Players to Divine 3 players. Therefore that is the bracket I am playing in.

                                                  Solo Leveling

                                                    "Flaming divine players" is a lot different from being sick of divine players acting like they are donald trumps of dota


                                                      im 4k brokeback im good at dota brokeback

                                                      Solo Leveling

                                                        i respect divine players. I dont respect someone that spammed meepo to divine. Although I can see that (blank) is a God on TA which isnt easy in my opinion.

                                                        Im not a troll, Im honest. I tell it like it is. Something this forum could use more of

                                                        Solo Leveling

                                                          Heres an example of me beating a divine 2 player mid. Does that mean I should be divine 3 ROFL



                                                            u know u can be 4k and be divine 5

                                                            Solo Leveling

                                                              at least admit that i got your joke first!!! :D

                                                              My understanding was that Divine 0 is right around 4750.

                                                              I got Ancient 2 at 4150 Ancient 3 at 4300

                                                              Also teach me how to TA, easily my worst Mid hero

                                                              me, government hooker

                                                                top 4% players world!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                Solo Leveling

                                                                  Statistics are great arent they

                                                                  Solo Leveling

                                                                    Kill my pain you are in the top 1% of players. Grats man

                                                                    Solo Leveling

                                                                        Out of that link the graph that interested me the most was the one I didn't understand. Which region is best?!


                                                                          Those "divine 3" and "divine 4" players you get in your ancient games aren't divine. Everyone in your games are all the same exact mmr are you. They either just bought their account and are slowly descending to their actual mmr or are on a horrible loss streak which really is just as bad.

                                                                          All those divine players in your games are just as ancient as you are.

                                                                          It's actually funny cause there will be divine 3/4 players I once played with on my main getting matched with/against me on my div 0 smurf. Really gets me thinking as to what happened to their mmr :thinking:.

                                                                          Solo Leveling

                                                                            I was confused too Jack. Is America the smallest section of Dota?

                                                                            Solo Leveling

                                                                              Woof Bark I know this I am just trolling. To be fair that shadow fiend that was Divine 2 that I beat was a fucking God. Like stop clicking every last hit to the point I thought he was scripting.

                                                                              I am confident in my skill and know i will be Divine if I keep playing. I dont speak for all the shitty ancients out there I speak for myself. See you in Divine Brother


                                                                                I'd have to agree with the comments about objectives, and holy fk is it frustrating. 50% of the games end up with the losing team winning due to some idiot going full Rambo without a buyback, or not backing when the other team is respawning.


                                                                                  Even 3k trench still have many people who dont have map awareness and playing dota like a fecking FPS.


                                                                                    roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan roshan

                                                                                    Lruce Bee

                                                                                      remember that the higher you go the diffrence becomes smaller and smaller. differences lie on a continuum. basically the less good you are at a game, the less opportunities you recognize to get farm (as a team), objectives (as a team), kills (as a team) because you're just not at the level of understanding of what combination of heroes can do what at given states in the game. example is a herald can only think in terms of only what his hero can do, and not even know what other heroes can do, or what his teammates can do, so his behaviour will reflect that.


                                                                                        "oh we got a teamwipe, lets use that space to farm more and get more items instead of getting objectives that nets us an even greater advantage"

                                                                                        -me and my brethrens thought process in ranked mmr

                                                                                        Johnny B. Goode

                                                                                          How to easily climb mmr as a 3-4k player:

                                                                                          As safelane carry/mid:
                                                                                          As a carry stop farming your own safelane and jungle past 10-20min. Your own jungle becomes their jungle, their jungle becomes your jungle. Furthermore, your job as carry or mid (depends on who does it best) is not to just afk farm but also apply map pressure, so push their safelane relentlessly. With a single ward in their jungle and a glimpse of map awareness you are impossible to kill unless their use a smoke. If you farm your own jungle you are easy to gank and it immediately opens up safelane barracks for the enemy team because the wave is closer to your base.

                                                                                          As supports/offlaner:
                                                                                          Stop picking cores as roamers or play supports/offlaner as cores/carry. Don't do this 1k mirana roam shit, don't go for sb on tusk, etc.
                                                                                          Think about the problem your cores have and itemize to enable them.
                                                                                          If they have an Axe or a void your glimmer does nothing. Go for euls. If they have Huskar/OD, go for Halbert.
                                                                                          Same applies for offlaners: Your dps doesnt matter in any way. Your job is to enable your carries so buy utility items. What does your team need to win a teamfight? Think about it and itemize accordingly.
                                                                                          Think about what your cores do and position accordingly. Often times the carry can put a ton more map pressure if a support sits behind him.
                                                                                          And most important thing as a support: WARD THEIR JUNGLE, NOT YOURS!
                                                                                          If your cores are retarded and wanna farm their jungle let them die there. There is no amount of wards that can protect them there and the effort is not worth the outcome. Ward the enemy jungle and often times a suitable mid area and the whole enemy jungle becomes yours. If you don't do this you effectively just give away an easy to take quarter from the map to the enemy.

                                                                                          Playing on the right side of the map and itemize according to the game. If these things are done correctly gaining mmr is incredibly easy.


                                                                                            Not having buybacks

                                                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                              Everything below numeric ranks is casual Dota. Even if you are divine 4 or 5 you are average. Also everything below 5k is just bad. There's no excuse.

                                                                                              I still can't believe that people think that they are good in Dota when they are 4k or 5k. That's kinda funny tbh.

                                                                                              This guy "Cavs in 6" is really funny. He's talking about top 4% and lower divine bracket xD. Divine 0 is 4k MMR I wouldn't be proud of it.

                                                                                              That's actually what GabeN wanted to achieve. He wanted to trick you that you are good in Dota. Second highest rank and stuff lol.

                                                                                              Try to get 6k+ that's some next level shit right there.

                                                                                              People in 4k have worse micro and macro then people 5k+. This is true for every 1k MMR difference. There are exceptions ofc. Smurfs, boosters or hero spammers.


                                                                                                I'm ancient 0. Warlock spammer. Casual player, I think my mistake is having a certain build in mind before the game even starts just because It's fun playing that particular build. It's not OP at all (Necro 3 build) I just like playing it that way because it fits his lore & I feel a sense of achievement when I actually win. Haha. I'm such a casual scrub.

                                                                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                                Story Time

                                                                                                  ^still nice spam. continue further, Sir


                                                                                                    4k players do not have good mechanical skill. I wouldn't consider myself mechanically skilled, just competent enough to press all my buttons and not get trashed in every lane.


                                                                                                      4k players think they are good because they are 4k


                                                                                                        kinda guessed it