General Discussion

General DiscussionDotabuff forum is full of poor people

Dotabuff forum is full of poor people in General Discussion

    None of you have 6 fig in your bank acc right now n das a fact

    Go to a broker and buy stocks, this is the time, even sell all your shit if you need to, even for just 1 lot.

    Thank me 10 years later.


      Says someone who doesn't even have dotabuff plus. omegalul


        That KODK pump by orange man from $19 to $60 in hours then back to 30 for another short xd

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          Says someone who doesn't even have dotabuff plus. omegalul

          OP is using his money to buy divine acc to flex blue star btw


            how do u know that


              Imagine being from fucking INDONESIA

              aren't rupiahs like 0.0001 dollars? then yes I got a 6 dollar figure in indonesian rupiahs LMAO

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
              Kabir singh's bo0ster

                He can buy a lot of rice with that.

                C6 Yelan

                  Tsla was 250ish 1 year ago and will be 250ish again on aug 31 only difference is there will be a 5 to 1 split lol. Literally 5 times your investment in 1 year.


                    im getting an education thats my investment


                      Imagine being from fucking INDONESIA

                      aren't rupiahs like 0.0001 dollars? then yes I got a 6 dollar figure in indonesian rupiahs LMAO

                      Imagine being this clueless about how the currency works.

                      Education is an important investment.


                        Honestly? I have no idea how Indonesian currencies are going or whether I should care, I honestly couldn't care less.
                        The fact that you think you got some idea how investment works is honestly laughable. Selling and trading stocks works to your advantage when you move LARGE amounts of money due to the potential rewards you can get out of them. Buying 10 blue chip stocks or even gambling on buying say, TSLA won't net you any potential rewards in years (more when you consider the move they did today), even considering hedging by dividing your money in between 3 companies that you think (or more likely, you heard on fucking bloomberg) will give you return in years or some fucking random new IPO that works around green energy, you still need capital to invest.

                        Education is important, that's why I finished a degree the past year. You're still in college right? Tuition isn't free on indonesia, is it? Well, there goes your investment money friendo

                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                          "let me write a pharagraph long comments so i sound like i know what im talking about"

                          You're trying too hard on a shitpost thread.


                            Arent dota players 22 years old on average ?

                            100% la creatura

                              @hayley pls giv me 4 digit den so i can get 1k mmr


                                you can certainly invest little money and gain large returns by moving it around

                                i mean there are literally apps that do that for you adn give you good return

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                  And you didn't adress a single thing I said on my post or didn't answer jackshit while still trying to come off as smug

                                  Better go look for more POP women artist avatars that you're running on low

                                  Arent dota players 22 years old on average ?

                                  That was on the poll taken in 2013 I think. Right now, the average dropped to 21 or something along those lines, where as older ones dropped the game hard back on 2016 or 2017.

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                    Imagine trying to have a debate about STOCK MARKET on DOTABUFF FORUM lol
                                    idc what u said thas why i dont answer anything, even edited every comment he post probably double checking for typos and spelling error, what an autist haha

                                    Tu tayta

                                      aren't rupiahs like 0.0001 dollars? then yes I got a 6 dollar figure in indonesian rupiahs LMAO

                                      ...I'd really like to see you go to Tokyo with this kind of mentality.

                                      CHAD THUNDERCOCK

                                        invest in TSLA and APPL before the splits u noobs

                                        100% la creatura

                                          wer is my monies
                                          pls gip


                                            Imagine trying to have a debate about STOCK MARKET on DOTABUFF FORUM lol

                                            Wouldn't know about that, I didn't do this topic or tried to come off as stock savvy on a dotabuff forum, that would be you.
                                            And there's no debate going on, you refused to even talk about basic terminology but still claimed high ground for some reason.
                                            And honestly I edit stuff to add stuff, never to correct typos.

                                            If you're gonna throw me an insult like autist, at least try harder. That way I can call you a manlet from indonesia who idolizes pop Idols because he's too much of a beta to talk to real women or go to a business forum to talk with the big boys about how XRP is exploding today. But you're not gonna do that, are you

                                            submissive & breedable fe...

                                              my man thinks buying stocks equal to winning in life lmaoo

                                              at most you can get around 10-20% yield bruh, except you go fuckin tryhard and trying to trading AGAINST someone who literally trading stocks for living


                                                claimed high ground for some reason

                                                never did. pls quote which part lol

                                                my man thinks buying stocks equal to winning in life lmaoo
                                                never said this either lol

                                                people be making shit up, and throw their own conclusion haha


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