General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed general help

Need general help in General Discussion

    Hello guys

    I am on a hard losing streak and deranking a lot so i just need help to help me know where i am going wrong.


      It looks like you spam heroes a lot, which can be a good thing but you should have like three heroes for each position that you rotate around. Something like this might help.


        Try to improve in the game first, before writing blogs would be my suggestion. You haven't even highlighted the parts that make those offlane heroes strong. You just slap "Hero is good at jungling", or split description of one ability into 2 just to fill up the word quota.
        "Timber gets bonus HP regen from his passive." "Timbersaw's reactive armor gives him bonus armor when he's attacked."

        The most broken part of Batrider, is the ability to slow turn rate + stack damage, not mentioned.
        "Doom's Scorched Earth increases his movement speed." yup, let's ignore the part where that ability does like 15dps over 15 secs at level 1

        Writing shit guide and then posting it everywhere. YIKES

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          Small tips from me for playing mars
          -Max his 2nd first. You'll realize you deals much more damage than u maxing spears, because u can spam it forever, unlike spears
          -Always take 3rd skill 1 point in early. It reduces physical damage by 40%, and its better than tide 2nd in early game
          -Always buy orb of venom or blight stone. But not both
          -When using arena, dont rush using spears if ur enemy is fast enough, you'll miss it a lot. Always rebuke first to slow them down, then use spears. Arena last for 5 scd at lvl 1 so u probably will have enough time to do alot of combo

          -For item customization, try to not rushing dagger as 1st item. You're not earthshaker who need to close as possible to deals damage. You can change euls into arcane boots+drums. Last but not least, always buy aghanim in early. You'll realize you farm faster with it, and you're more useful in team fights (instead dagger-arena-running tactics).

          I recommended oov+stick+quelling ->arcane boots-> drums/hood -> dagger ->aghanims ->anything else

          (Or just rushing aghanim after arcane lul)


            Man your stats are way beyond terrible. I doubt this game is even for you. After 6 k games you play on Archon.

            So many games where you dont even have 5 assists as a support or offlaner. You probably have bad habits so ingrained, it will be almost impossible for you to change them. I would just uninstall and Im serious.

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

              The best way is spam only 1 hero like me. Now I am OffLaner too. Remark Off Lane become harder and harder as your rank go up. :lick: