General Discussion

General DiscussionMy offlanes seem to have brain removal surgeries before matches, how ...

My offlanes seem to have brain removal surgeries before matches, how to deal with that? in General Discussion

    Just lost a game because my LC went 1v4 to get a duel because "they didn't know they changed aghs". Yesterday my Mars hit 5 spears in 65 minutes. In 2 recent wins, my Dawnbreakers were fully toxic and would go 1v2 40 mins in without buyback. I either play hard or soft supp, how can I deal with that on each role? It feels unbearable.


      pls tell me this is a troll


        You are playing at herald, expecting players to even know what their spells do is too much.

        I remember, when I was crusader a player flamed me for telling him that dispersion makes spectre tanky. His words: "Dispersion is just like blademail, noob shit it doesn't block any damage."

        Till you atleast reach 3k, don't expect players to even know what their abilities do, let alone knowing changelogs.
        Even in 4k there are players who have no clue about hero changes. XD


          I get your point, but it's unbearable at this point. Who still thinks that LC Aghs Makes LC O ly get damage from the duel target? As I much as I admit I suck at playing any core role, I'd do better than hitting 5 Spears in 65 mins. If you don't know how to play a hero well, tllearn it in UNRANKED. I didn't know to play some heroes but I always started in UNRANKED.

          P. S. I don't know if there's a reply method, it's my first time making a forum and I'm from mobile.


            You shouldn't play support in low mmr unless you have me as the carry

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
            Von Darkmoor

              Dont ruin unranked go Ranked All-Tard or just unranked All-Tard thats where experimenting belongs.

              Also players not knowing how to play pos 3 is the last of your troubles 99% of safelane cant lasthit/itemize/skill/or leave the jungle.
              50% of the midders just straight Up Mega feeds and apperently its allways somebody elses fault and not their lack of skills.

              IF you want Good players go captainmode Ranked or unranked doesnt mather allways 1000% than All-Tard and you get atleast a decent draft.


                It's not about know to play a hero, it's about players having no clue how to play the game.

                Just remember this, for every game you have a LC that doesn't know how his scep works there would be a game where enemy player has no idea how their hero works.

                If you don't believe me, just check all your win games, there would at least be one guy in enemy that made stupid decisions and lost the game.

                There are games where I've lost after playing my level best and there are games where I win even with 25 deaths. XD

                Simple words I follow: Gaben giveth, Gaben taketh. Just make sure you win games where Gaben is in neutral/giveth position and move on from lost games.

                Also, ranked/unranked means nothing below 2k mmr. There's nothing like "know how to play a hero well" at that mmr. Speaking from personal experience, the day you learn how to play a hero well and spam it, you will be casually sitting at 2.5k mmr. The only reason why players get stuck at 2k mmr, is due to their own ego.


                  Von Darkmoor, what do you mean by All-Tard?


                    he means all-pick


                      But since I play support that means that I can help my team and support them, how can I specifically make my offlane have a better game?


                        ad.goku is right (sorry for calling you an incel in the past :happy: )


                          dont worry ancient/divine bracket are the same.


                            If you play p4, just keep trading with the enemy. The more they hit/spam spells on you, the easier is the lane for offlane. Don't skip out on regen, it's ok if you only have brown boots at 10 mins, as long as your offlaner has a free lane.
                            Even if your offlaner is shit, if you ensure that the enemy safe lane didn't have a good game, you are exerting pressure and by extension you are tilting them.

                            Don't bother with "winning the game", try to win the current situation.
                            The more "situations" you win at, the better your chances at winning the game.

                            For supports it's all about exerting mental pressure. Ex- A easy kill for enemy core denied by a simple glimmer/force is a tilt factor. Thus, you force that pos 1 to block a slot for dust or even better he refuses to buy dust and flames his support and if the same shit happens again, you start a internal fight among enemy team.
                            At early game a void/Es/magnus/enigma going around using ulti as soon as they get it, regardless of kill potential is considered a threat, as opposed to a one who uses 2 ulties in 20 mins.

                            More pressure you exert, the more aware enemy become of you, and the chances of their fuck up increase.
                            Also, as p4 don't be afraid of dying. Just ensure you are able to asses the reason(don't consider your team for this assessment) for your death and you will improve every single game. Something like "I should've dropped that uphill ward first, before walking in" or "I should've solo smoked to get this obs deeper" etc

                            Most important thing: Keep thinking throughout the game about your next action. Don't let the auto-pilot set in, where you just randomly walk and only do reactive plays.


                              Thank you AD.GokU. Kinda feels like I know what to do now. I'm gonna try to apply it to my games from now on. Oh and what about VonDarkmoor said, I queue for all ranked game modes but always get all pick instead of random draft, and in captains mode the worst person in the team become3s captain and just picks random heroes :(

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                Game mode doesn't matter as far as I know. You get good, you enjoy game, you climb. It's as simple as that. Bothering with stuff you can't control is just 24/7 tilt. xD

                                Аня Тейлор-Джой

                                  Just pick arc warden and go mid damn it.


                                    Currently, the offlane is the most likely to be retarded as they queue as Core but only wants to play Mid or Carry.


                                      Hello friends, I am telling you that the last series for the European Regional League between Team Liquid and OG is currently taking place. Although the confrontation is being a delight for all Dota 2 fans worldwide, during the transmission ESL and Dreamleague took the opportunity to make an announcement that surprised the entire community.

                                      Tournament organizers announced the realization of ESL One Summer 2021. Through a rather curious commercial, ESL announced this tournament that will take place between June 16 and 20. 3 days after we meet the champion of the Kiev Major.

                                      See details --->

                                      wait for me

                                        @AD.GokU™ |,

                                        How do I improve?? I was Guardian ranked and now crusader,my goal is to reach legend.

                                        wait for me

                                          I mostly play position 1


                                            I don't really play pos 1 much but as a support, my expectation of my p1 are:

                                            1) Don't miss easy last hits/deny, don't auto-attack creeps resulting in wave getting pushed in enemy twr.
                                            2) Don't auto-pilot at any stage of game. Keep thinking, any time you are idle (waiting for creeps to reach low hp) think about your game play considering the current enemy lineup.
                                            3) Learn to use creep aggro. There's many Youtube vids for this.
                                            4) Make your items and build your skills based on enemies and flow of game. Ex. Enemy has a orchid rush hero(qop/storm), as a void, a mom+manta at 20 mins is way more valuable than midas+mkb at 20 mins.
                                            5) Identify good and bad fights, and show up at good fights.
                                            6) Identify the power spikes of your hero and play on them.
                                            7) Don't be the like the void player that uses his chrono only 2 times in 20 mins. At early game, you can use your big spell casually. The more you use them, the more enemy team is pressured.
                                            8) Don't hesitate to buy regen in lane. Ensure you are always at more than 60% hp and enough mana to cast your escape/disengage spells during the laning phase.
                                            9) Don't go for risky last hits, when you support is pulling. Stay in xp range, let the wave push in. Once the enemy wave is pushed in, tank it a bit so that your creeps meet the pushed enemy wave outside of your twr attack range. -> This comes under maintaining lane equilibrium. Again, many guides on youtube for this.
                                            10) In late game, identify the biggest threat TO YOU(in many cases biggest threat to p1 are enemy p4/p5, with their disables or saving items), don't jump in till the threat has shown themselves in fight.
                                            11) Reset if an initiation fails, don't commit on a failed initiate.
                                            12) Don't over commit.

                                            Lastly, don't bother explaining your item/skill/gameplay choices to any teammate. At 2k mmr, it's a lost cause. 90% of the players are willfully ignorant.
                                            Make sure you are not one of those 90%, while making those choices.


                                              Dota 2 is a fair game. Just play it ! don't complain ! :rage:


                                                Ancient bracket is so toxic. Had a tiny picker that steals mid n toss teammates to opponent and io tethering to opp fountain.


                                                  Tell me the fairness


                                                    Maybe don't go dual lane with Tiny?
                                                    Even if the tiny is in the wrong, he has the ability to fuck your game if you stay mid.
                                                    If this happens in ranked roles, this is like the easiest report. If this happens in classic ranked and if you want to win, you swallow your pride and walk away.
                                                    Else you accept that the game is a loss and be the bigger mf, trash talking, pinging, etc and ruining their game. Buy a force staff, euls, and ruin all his combos and push him into enemies. XD
                                                    Against IO, you just disable the "help" option from score board and he can't do the fountain tether to you.

                                                    You either choose to win or you choose to be a toxic mf and honestly some games are worth losing, just to be a toxic mf. xD


                                                      Im archon and spam broodmother offlane @gartoll and you'll be in archon in no time maybe even higher


                                                        22 games 54% win rate. That's a pathetic win rate for brood.