If you could 1v5 at archon you won't be a archon dog. You know simple logic. XD
IDK, last time I checked, Dota was a 5v5 game, not a 1v5 game or am I delusional? Who knows maybe you're right that Dota is 1v5 game and all the other 4 players on your team are just ancient creeps walking on lanes and attacking enemy heroes, right?
Dont blame people, urself are the problem.
If you dont realise that you cant move forward xD
I just hit 3k kek. I see you like to play carry. I think it requires a lot of skill to have game impact as carry before you get your items (like ex.: farming camps INTO fights). I say if the team you're on has no coordination then you have to take initiative. Group up for smokes when you get key items like BKB and stuff. Always ward enemy jungle before going rosh.
Or just pick Bristleback.
grinded my way from archon to ancient with pos 4 voker, i think playing a really scaleable hero on pos 4 works cuz u can be helpful later in the game too. also u can shut down the opponent pos 1 and ez game. once u reach ancient shift to pos 3 and spam whatever hero broken at that time and ez divine. basically spam 1 hero and mute everyone(this helps)
Watch the BSJ educational smurf videos and carry/mid coaching sessions, you can absolutely learn how to play better than everyone else in your bracket.
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Everytime I get close to 3k I get grief picks, toxic players or people dont pick any stuns