General Discussion

General DiscussionCarry Treant?

Carry Treant? in General Discussion
§ȺŁ₸ƴ ʗȺǷͲѧΐԤ

    Can he be a carry? He's got the highest damage in the game starting off.

    You would think this is feasible?

    What do you guys think?


      even Dazzle can be carry if you dress him up properly. The question is not "Can he be carry?", but "Should he be carry?"


        I think the reason why people don't play him as carry is because treant doesn't really scale very well from mid-late game. The hero has good setup, but his other skills are dogshit for a carry.


          Even Techies can be pos 1 (+251 demage). It's just other hero is better. You do it = got reports :laugh: :axe_laugh:

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            treant carry is not a really viable option man, bcs he dont have a good way to farm, building att spd on him is not really good either, and i dont think his skills accomodate his punching abilities

            Hexy Rose~

              Can IO be a carry?
              everybody: no, he can't scale. only idiots would do so
              OG: makes IO carry in international final and ez wins
              everybody: damn IO can be a carry since now

              maybe the same story for treant (Groot)


                @I am Groot

                The term "carry" here needs to be defined. Io carry never really "carried". You would more accurately call it Pos 1 IO. But the Pos 1 IO would bring in great contributions to a game. Its possible to see it come back again maybe with helm of the overlord.

                Carry usually means someone that can shine above and largely influence the outcome of the game. But Carry IO was never really still a carry even in the Pos 1 role. Because in the end, it's a team game and they need everyone.


                  yeah groot bro, i think many people said that he cant scale, however og abused the fact that io can actually flash farm with helm and spirits, and making aghs that time would result in a tremendous amount of dmg, even his att spd and dmg is very incredible, making him a potent carry back then, but i dont really agree in treants case, unless valve gives treant something like a flash farming tool

                  §ȺŁ₸ƴ ʗȺǷͲѧΐԤ

                    I gave it a shot trying to carry with a Treant.

                    You can basically get a sceptre and refresher by 25 minutes if you get lane farm.

                    Totally worth it!