General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat are the best pos3 heroes to play right now?

What are the best pos3 heroes to play right now? in General Discussion
Wait, it's all LP?

    Idk what to say here


      arc warden and cm


        I would say it may depend on your micro skills and your experience/rank but for a general answer just look at the win rates.

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          Ursa POS3 is the best for me :lick:


            Guardian? Play WK Huskar 'offlane'.
            Joke aside, Doom is really good and u already play it.

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            another day in paradise

              SK, Necro, Enigma, NS and Legion one of the highest winrates on all brackets overall so those are kinda general offlane heroes that can be good to grind that mmr. Marci is still quite good too, if you wanna learn her.

              Some more experimental heroes that seem to work well are at least Io and Bara (Spirit Breaker). Both have been played by some pro players as offlaners lately, Io most by Ceb (check his games in here and Bara by ppl like zai and tobi for example. If you know how to play Io, he seems really strong.

              In the lowest MMR's, like some previous comments already stated, its actually pretty viable to play greedier heroes as the offlaner. In guardian for example, highest winrate heroes in offlane (in addition to the previous ones), are heroes like WK, Pudge and CK.

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                Base on your rank. Go viper magic build and necro eternalshroud/or any tanky items that makes u unkillable when fed, pretty easy to use. (Assuming your rank = micro skills)

                special mention: bristleback. mostly no one know how to deal with him on your bracket. Spam qw ez game

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                  always let your support especially p4 pick first so you can know if the lane is 2v2 or 1v2