5,150도전과제 점수
Players with Dotabuff Plus can see your world rank, percentile and chart of achievement points over time.
Across multiple matches, get 100+ Denies
Across multiple matches, get 1,000+ Denies
Across multiple matches, get 2,500+ Denies
Across multiple matches, get 5,000+ Denies
Across multiple matches, get 10,000+ Denies
Across multiple matches, get 25,000+ Denies
Across multiple matches, get 50,000+ Denies
Within 10+ victories, finish a match
Within 100+ victories, finish a match
Within 500+ victories, finish a match
Within 1,000+ victories, finish a match
Within 2,500+ victories, finish a match
Within 5,000+ victories, finish a match
Across multiple matches, get 1,000+ Last Hits
Across multiple matches, get 10,000+ Last Hits
Across multiple matches, get 50,000+ Last Hits
Across multiple matches, get 100,000+ Last Hits
Across multiple matches, get 250,000+ Last Hits
Across multiple matches, get 500,000+ Last Hits
Across multiple matches, get 1,000,000+ Last Hits
Within 50+ victories, build Guardian Greaves
Within 10+ victories, finish a match
Within 100+ victories, finish a match
Within 500+ victories, finish a match
Within 1,000+ victories, finish a match
Within 2,500+ victories, finish a match
Within 5,000+ victories, finish a match
Within 2+ victories, play Brewmaster
Within 10+ victories, play Brewmaster
Within 20+ victories, play Brewmaster
Within 2+ victories, play Enchantress
Within 10+ victories, play Enchantress
Within 20+ victories, play Enchantress
Across multiple matches, get 100,000+ Net Worth
Across multiple matches, get 1,000,000+ Net Worth
Across multiple matches, get 5,000,000+ Net Worth
Across multiple matches, get 10,000,000+ Net Worth
Across multiple matches, get 25,000,000+ Net Worth
Across multiple matches, get 50,000,000+ Net Worth
Across multiple matches, get 100,000,000+ Net Worth
Within 2+ victories, play Dark Willow
Within 10+ victories, play Dark Willow
Within 20+ victories, play Dark Willow
Across multiple matches, get 100+ Kills
Across multiple matches, get 1,000+ Kills
Across multiple matches, get 2,500+ Kills
Across multiple matches, get 5,000+ Kills
Across multiple matches, get 10,000+ Kills
Across multiple matches, get 25,000+ Kills
Across multiple matches, get 50,000+ Kills
Across multiple matches, get 100+ Denies
Across multiple matches, get 1,000+ Denies
Across multiple matches, get 2,500+ Denies
Across multiple matches, get 5,000+ Denies
Across multiple matches, get 10,000+ Denies
Across multiple matches, get 25,000+ Denies
Across multiple matches, get 50,000+ Denies
Across multiple matches, get 1,000+ Last Hits
Across multiple matches, get 10,000+ Last Hits
Across multiple matches, get 50,000+ Last Hits
Across multiple matches, get 100,000+ Last Hits
Across multiple matches, get 250,000+ Last Hits
Across multiple matches, get 500,000+ Last Hits
Across multiple matches, get 1,000,000+ Last Hits
Within 2+ victories, play Death Prophet
Within 10+ victories, play Death Prophet
Within 20+ victories, play Death Prophet
Across multiple victories, play Death Prophet and get 10,000+ Tower Damage
Across multiple victories, play Death Prophet and get 50,000+ Tower Damage
Across multiple victories, play Death Prophet and get 100,000+ Tower Damage
Across multiple victories, play Broodmother and get 10,000+ Tower Damage
Across multiple victories, play Broodmother and get 25,000+ Tower Damage
Across multiple victories, play Broodmother and get 50,000+ Tower Damage
Across multiple victories, play Death Prophet and get 10,000+ Tower Damage
Across multiple victories, play Death Prophet and get 50,000+ Tower Damage
Across multiple victories, play Death Prophet and get 100,000+ Tower Damage
Within 1+ victories, play Anti-Mage
Within 1+ victories, play Axe
Within 1+ victories, play Bane
Within 1+ victories, play Bloodseeker
Within 1+ victories, play Crystal Maiden
Within 1+ victories, play Drow Ranger
Within 1+ victories, play Earthshaker
Within 1+ victories, play Juggernaut
Within 1+ victories, play Mirana
Within 1+ victories, play Morphling
Within 1+ victories, play Shadow Fiend
Within 1+ victories, play Phantom Lancer
Within 1+ victories, play Puck
Within 1+ victories, play Pudge
Within 1+ victories, play Razor
Within 1+ victories, play Sand King
Within 1+ victories, play Storm Spirit
Within 1+ victories, play Sven
Within 1+ victories, play Tiny
Within 1+ victories, play Vengeful Spirit
Within 1+ victories, play Windranger
Within 1+ victories, play Zeus
Within 1+ victories, play Kunkka
Within 1+ victories, play Lina
Within 1+ victories, play Lion
Within 1+ victories, play Shadow Shaman
Within 1+ victories, play Slardar
Within 1+ victories, play Tidehunter
Within 1+ victories, play Witch Doctor
Within 1+ victories, play Lich
Within 1+ victories, play Riki
Within 1+ victories, play Enigma
Within 1+ victories, play Tinker
Within 1+ victories, play Sniper
Within 1+ victories, play Necrophos
Within 1+ victories, play Warlock
Within 1+ victories, play Beastmaster
Within 1+ victories, play Venomancer
Within 1+ victories, play Faceless Void
Within 1+ victories, play Wraith King
Within 1+ victories, play Death Prophet
Within 1+ victories, play Phantom Assassin
Within 1+ victories, play Pugna
Within 1+ victories, play Templar Assassin
Within 1+ victories, play Viper
Within 1+ victories, play Luna
Within 1+ victories, play Dragon Knight
Within 1+ victories, play Dazzle
Within 1+ victories, play Clockwerk
Within 1+ victories, play Leshrac
Within 1+ victories, play Nature's Prophet
Within 1+ victories, play Lifestealer
Within 1+ victories, play Clinkz
Within 1+ victories, play Omniknight
Within 1+ victories, play Enchantress
Within 1+ victories, play Huskar
Within 1+ victories, play Night Stalker
Within 1+ victories, play Broodmother
Within 1+ victories, play Bounty Hunter
Within 1+ victories, play Weaver
Within 1+ victories, play Jakiro
Within 1+ victories, play Batrider
Within 1+ victories, play Spectre
Within 1+ victories, play Ancient Apparition
Within 1+ victories, play Doom
Within 1+ victories, play Ursa
Within 1+ victories, play Spirit Breaker
Within 1+ victories, play Gyrocopter
Within 1+ victories, play Alchemist
Within 1+ victories, play Invoker
Within 1+ victories, play Silencer
Within 1+ victories, play Outworld Destroyer
Within 1+ victories, play Lycan
Within 1+ victories, play Brewmaster
Within 1+ victories, play Shadow Demon
Within 1+ victories, play Lone Druid
Within 1+ victories, play Chaos Knight
Within 1+ victories, play Treant Protector
Within 1+ victories, play Ogre Magi
Within 1+ victories, play Undying
Within 1+ victories, play Rubick
Within 1+ victories, play Nyx Assassin
Within 1+ victories, play Naga Siren
Within 1+ victories, play Keeper of the Light
Within 1+ victories, play Io
Within 1+ victories, play Visage
Within 1+ victories, play Slark
Within 1+ victories, play Medusa
Within 1+ victories, play Troll Warlord
Within 1+ victories, play Centaur Warrunner
Within 1+ victories, play Magnus
Within 1+ victories, play Timbersaw
Within 1+ victories, play Bristleback
Within 1+ victories, play Tusk
Within 1+ victories, play Skywrath Mage
Within 1+ victories, play Abaddon
Within 1+ victories, play Elder Titan
Within 1+ victories, play Legion Commander
Within 1+ victories, play Techies
Within 1+ victories, play Ember Spirit
Within 1+ victories, play Earth Spirit
Within 1+ victories, play Terrorblade
Within 1+ victories, play Phoenix
Within 1+ victories, play Oracle
Within 1+ victories, play Underlord
Within 1+ victories, play Dark Willow
Within 1+ victories, play Pangolier
Within 1+ victories, play Queen of Pain
Within 1+ victories, play Dark Seer
Within 1+ victories, play Chen
Within 1+ victories, play Meepo
Within 1+ victories, play Disruptor
Within 1+ victories, play Winter Wyvern
Within 1+ victories, play Arc Warden
Within 1+ victories, play Monkey King
Within 2+ victories, play Vengeful Spirit
Within 10+ victories, play Vengeful Spirit
Within 20+ victories, play Vengeful Spirit
Across multiple victories, play Enchantress and get 5,000+ Hero Healing
Across multiple victories, play Enchantress and get 10,000+ Hero Healing
Across multiple victories, play Enchantress and get 25,000+ Hero Healing
Within 1+ victories, build Moon Shard
Within 1+ victories, build Pipe of Insight
Within 1+ victories, build Guardian Greaves
Within 1+ victories, build Solar Crest
Within 1+ victories, build Rod of Atos
Within 1+ victories, build Bloodthorn
Within 1+ victories, build Aghanim's Scepter
Within 1+ victories, build Refresher Orb
Within 1+ victories, build Scythe of Vyse
Within 1+ victories, build Octarine Core
Within 1+ victories, build Battle Fury
Within 1+ victories, build Ethereal Blade
Within 1+ victories, build Silver Edge
Within 1+ victories, build Radiance
Within 1+ victories, build Monkey King Bar
Within 1+ victories, build Daedalus
Within 1+ victories, build Butterfly
Within 1+ victories, build Divine Rapier
Within 1+ victories, build Heart of Tarrasque
Within 1+ victories, build Desolator
Within 1+ victories, build Heaven's Halberd
Within 1+ victories, build Sange and Yasha
Within 1+ victories, build Eye of Skadi
Within 1+ victories, build Mjollnir
Within 1+ victories, build Satanic
Within 1+ victories, build Abyssal Blade
Within 1+ victories, build Crimson Guard
Within 1+ victories, build Black King Bar
Within 1+ victories, build Lotus Orb
Within 1+ victories, build Shiva's Guard
Within 1+ victories, build Bloodstone
Within 1+ victories, build Manta Style
Within 1+ victories, build Linken's Sphere
Within 1+ victories, build Assault Cuirass
Within 1+ victories, build Hurricane Pike
Within 1+ victories, build Dagon (level 5)
Within 1+ victories, build Meteor Hammer
Within 1+ victories, build Aeon Disk
Within 1+ victories, build Spirit Vessel
Within 1+ victories, build Nullifier
Within a single victory, get 20:00 or less Match Duration
x5Within a single victory, play Axe and get a match start date after Tue 2016-04-26 02:00 UTC
Within a single victory, play Lifestealer and get a match start date after Tue 2016-04-26 02:00 UTC
Within a single victory, play Storm Spirit and get a match start date after Tue 2016-04-26 02:00 UTC
Within a single victory, play Timbersaw and get a match start date after Tue 2016-04-26 02:00 UTC
Within a single victory, play Elder Titan and get a match start date after Tue 2016-04-26 02:00 UTC
Within a single victory, play Riki and get a match start date after Tue 2016-04-26 02:00 UTC
Within a single victory, play Tinker and get a match start date after Tue 2016-04-26 02:00 UTC
Within a single victory, play Slark and get a match start date after Tue 2016-04-26 02:00 UTC
Within a single victory, play Phantom Assassin and get a match start date after Tue 2016-04-26 02:00 UTC
Within 1+ losses, finish a match
Within a single victory, get 0 Deaths
x10Within a single victory, get 200+ Last Hits
x5Within a single victory, play lobby type Ranked Matchmaking and get a match start date after Tue 2016-04-26 02:00 UTC
x10Within a single victory, get 10+ Denies
x20Within a single victory, get 20+ Assists
Within 1+ losses, build Observer and Sentry Wards
Within 1+ losses, build Observer Ward
Within 1+ losses, build Sentry Ward
Within 1+ losses, build Town Portal Scroll
Within the same victory, get 10+ Kills
Within the same victory, get 10+ Assists
Within the same victory, get 100+ Last Hits
Within the same victory, get 20:00 or less Match Duration
Within 1+ victories, play Anti-Mage
Within 1+ victories, play Axe
Within 1+ victories, play Bane
Within 1+ victories, play Bloodseeker
Within 1+ victories, play Crystal Maiden
Within 1+ victories, play Drow Ranger
Within 1+ victories, play Earthshaker
Within 1+ victories, play Juggernaut
Within 1+ victories, play Mirana
Within 1+ victories, play Morphling
Within 1+ victories, play Shadow Fiend
Within 1+ victories, play Phantom Lancer
Within 1+ victories, play Puck
Within 1+ victories, play Pudge
Within 1+ victories, play Razor
Within 1+ victories, play Sand King
Within 1+ victories, play Storm Spirit
Within 1+ victories, play Sven
Within 1+ victories, play Tiny
Within 1+ victories, play Vengeful Spirit
Within 1+ victories, play Windranger
Within 1+ victories, play Zeus
Within 1+ victories, play Kunkka
Within 1+ victories, play Lina
Within 1+ victories, play Lion
Within 1+ victories, play Shadow Shaman
Within 1+ victories, play Slardar
Within 1+ victories, play Tidehunter
Within 1+ victories, play Witch Doctor
Within 1+ victories, play Lich
Within 1+ victories, play Riki
Within 1+ victories, play Enigma
Within 1+ victories, play Tinker
Within 1+ victories, play Sniper
Within 1+ victories, play Necrophos
Within 1+ victories, play Warlock
Within 1+ victories, play Beastmaster
Within 1+ victories, play Venomancer
Within 1+ victories, play Faceless Void
Within 1+ victories, play Wraith King
Within 1+ victories, play Death Prophet
Within 1+ victories, play Phantom Assassin
Within 1+ victories, play Pugna
Within 1+ victories, play Templar Assassin
Within 1+ victories, play Viper
Within 1+ victories, play Luna
Within 1+ victories, play Dragon Knight
Within 1+ victories, play Dazzle
Within 1+ victories, play Clockwerk
Within 1+ victories, play Leshrac
Within 1+ victories, play Nature's Prophet
Within 1+ victories, play Lifestealer
Within 1+ victories, play Clinkz
Within 1+ victories, play Omniknight
Within 1+ victories, play Enchantress
Within 1+ victories, play Huskar
Within 1+ victories, play Night Stalker
Within 1+ victories, play Broodmother
Within 1+ victories, play Bounty Hunter
Within 1+ victories, play Weaver
Within 1+ victories, play Jakiro
Within 1+ victories, play Batrider
Within 1+ victories, play Spectre
Within 1+ victories, play Ancient Apparition
Within 1+ victories, play Doom
Within 1+ victories, play Ursa
Within 1+ victories, play Spirit Breaker
Within 1+ victories, play Gyrocopter
Within 1+ victories, play Alchemist
Within 1+ victories, play Invoker
Within 1+ victories, play Silencer
Within 1+ victories, play Outworld Destroyer
Within 1+ victories, play Lycan
Within 1+ victories, play Brewmaster
Within 1+ victories, play Shadow Demon
Within 1+ victories, play Lone Druid
Within 1+ victories, play Chaos Knight
Within 1+ victories, play Treant Protector
Within 1+ victories, play Ogre Magi
Within 1+ victories, play Undying
Within 1+ victories, play Rubick
Within 1+ victories, play Nyx Assassin
Within 1+ victories, play Naga Siren
Within 1+ victories, play Keeper of the Light
Within 1+ victories, play Io
Within 1+ victories, play Visage
Within 1+ victories, play Slark
Within 1+ victories, play Medusa
Within 1+ victories, play Troll Warlord
Within 1+ victories, play Centaur Warrunner
Within 1+ victories, play Magnus
Within 1+ victories, play Timbersaw
Within 1+ victories, play Bristleback
Within 1+ victories, play Tusk
Within 1+ victories, play Skywrath Mage
Within 1+ victories, play Abaddon
Within 1+ victories, play Elder Titan
Within 1+ victories, play Legion Commander
Within 1+ victories, play Techies
Within 1+ victories, play Ember Spirit
Within 1+ victories, play Earth Spirit
Within 1+ victories, play Terrorblade
Within 1+ victories, play Phoenix
Within 1+ victories, play Oracle
Within 1+ victories, play Underlord
Within 1+ victories, play Dark Willow
Within 1+ victories, play Pangolier
Within 1+ victories, play Queen of Pain
Within 1+ victories, play Dark Seer
Within 1+ victories, play Chen
Within 1+ victories, play Meepo
Within 1+ victories, play Disruptor
Within 1+ victories, play Winter Wyvern
Within 1+ victories, play Arc Warden
Within 1+ victories, play Monkey King
Within 10+ victories, play Clinkz
Within 10+ victories, play Nyx Assassin
Within 10+ victories, play Riki
Within 10+ victories, play Slark
Within 10+ victories, play Weaver
Within 10+ victories, play Windranger
Within 10+ victories, play Bounty Hunter
Within 10+ victories, play Broodmother
Within 10+ victories, play Storm Spirit
Within 1+ victories, play Anti-Mage
Within 1+ victories, play Axe
Within 1+ victories, play Bane
Within 1+ victories, play Bloodseeker
Within 1+ victories, play Crystal Maiden
Within 1+ victories, play Drow Ranger
Within 1+ victories, play Earthshaker
Within 1+ victories, play Juggernaut
Within 1+ victories, play Mirana
Within 1+ victories, play Morphling
Within 1+ victories, play Shadow Fiend
Within 1+ victories, play Phantom Lancer
Within 1+ victories, play Puck
Within 1+ victories, play Pudge
Within 1+ victories, play Razor
Within 1+ victories, play Sand King
Within 1+ victories, play Storm Spirit
Within 1+ victories, play Sven
Within 1+ victories, play Tiny
Within 1+ victories, play Vengeful Spirit
Within 1+ victories, play Windranger
Within 1+ victories, play Zeus
Within 1+ victories, play Kunkka
Within 1+ victories, play Lina
Within 1+ victories, play Lion
Within 1+ victories, play Shadow Shaman
Within 1+ victories, play Slardar
Within 1+ victories, play Tidehunter
Within 1+ victories, play Witch Doctor
Within 1+ victories, play Lich
Within 1+ victories, play Riki
Within 1+ victories, play Enigma
Within 1+ victories, play Tinker
Within 1+ victories, play Sniper
Within 1+ victories, play Necrophos
Within 1+ victories, play Warlock
Within 1+ victories, play Beastmaster
Within 1+ victories, play Venomancer
Within 1+ victories, play Faceless Void
Within 1+ victories, play Wraith King
Within 1+ victories, play Death Prophet
Within 1+ victories, play Phantom Assassin
Within 1+ victories, play Pugna
Within 1+ victories, play Templar Assassin
Within 1+ victories, play Viper
Within 1+ victories, play Luna
Within 1+ victories, play Dragon Knight
Within 1+ victories, play Dazzle
Within 1+ victories, play Clockwerk
Within 1+ victories, play Leshrac
Within 1+ victories, play Nature's Prophet
Within 1+ victories, play Lifestealer
Within 1+ victories, play Clinkz
Within 1+ victories, play Omniknight
Within 1+ victories, play Enchantress
Within 1+ victories, play Huskar
Within 1+ victories, play Night Stalker
Within 1+ victories, play Broodmother
Within 1+ victories, play Bounty Hunter
Within 1+ victories, play Weaver
Within 1+ victories, play Jakiro
Within 1+ victories, play Batrider
Within 1+ victories, play Spectre
Within 1+ victories, play Ancient Apparition
Within 1+ victories, play Doom
Within 1+ victories, play Ursa
Within 1+ victories, play Spirit Breaker
Within 1+ victories, play Gyrocopter
Within 1+ victories, play Alchemist
Within 1+ victories, play Invoker
Within 1+ victories, play Silencer
Within 1+ victories, play Outworld Destroyer
Within 1+ victories, play Lycan
Within 1+ victories, play Brewmaster
Within 1+ victories, play Shadow Demon
Within 1+ victories, play Lone Druid
Within 1+ victories, play Chaos Knight
Within 1+ victories, play Treant Protector
Within 1+ victories, play Ogre Magi
Within 1+ victories, play Undying
Within 1+ victories, play Rubick
Within 1+ victories, play Nyx Assassin
Within 1+ victories, play Naga Siren
Within 1+ victories, play Keeper of the Light
Within 1+ victories, play Io
Within 1+ victories, play Visage
Within 1+ victories, play Slark
Within 1+ victories, play Medusa
Within 1+ victories, play Troll Warlord
Within 1+ victories, play Centaur Warrunner
Within 1+ victories, play Magnus
Within 1+ victories, play Timbersaw
Within 1+ victories, play Bristleback
Within 1+ victories, play Tusk
Within 1+ victories, play Skywrath Mage
Within 1+ victories, play Abaddon
Within 1+ victories, play Elder Titan
Within 1+ victories, play Legion Commander
Within 1+ victories, play Techies
Within 1+ victories, play Ember Spirit
Within 1+ victories, play Earth Spirit
Within 1+ victories, play Terrorblade
Within 1+ victories, play Phoenix
Within 1+ victories, play Oracle
Within 1+ victories, play Underlord
Within 1+ victories, play Dark Willow
Within 1+ victories, play Pangolier
Within 1+ victories, play Queen of Pain
Within 1+ victories, play Dark Seer
Within 1+ victories, play Chen
Within 1+ victories, play Meepo
Within 1+ victories, play Disruptor
Within 1+ victories, play Winter Wyvern
Within 1+ victories, play Arc Warden
Within 1+ victories, play Monkey King
Within 10+ victories, play Clinkz
Within 10+ victories, play Nyx Assassin
Within 10+ victories, play Riki
Within 10+ victories, play Slark
Within 10+ victories, play Weaver
Within 10+ victories, play Windranger
Within 10+ victories, play Bounty Hunter
Within 10+ victories, play Broodmother
Within 10+ victories, play Storm Spirit
Within 3+ victories, play Death Prophet
Within 3+ victories, play Drow Ranger
Within 3+ victories, play Enchantress
Within 3+ victories, play Legion Commander
Within 3+ victories, play Phantom Assassin
Within 3+ victories, play Spectre
Within 3+ victories, play Templar Assassin
Within 3+ victories, play Vengeful Spirit
Within 3+ victories, play Windranger
Within 3+ victories, play Dark Willow
Within 3+ victories, play Broodmother
Within 3+ victories, play Crystal Maiden
Within 3+ victories, play Lina
Within 3+ victories, play Luna
Within 3+ victories, play Medusa
Within 3+ victories, play Queen of Pain
Within 3+ victories, play Winter Wyvern
Within 3+ victories, play Mirana
Within 3+ victories, play Naga Siren
Within a single victory, play Bloodseeker and build
Aghanim's Scepter and get a match start date after Tue 2016-04-26 02:00 UTC
Within a single victory, play Earthshaker and build
Aghanim's Scepter and get a match start date after Tue 2016-04-26 02:00 UTC
Within a single victory, play Gyrocopter and build
Aghanim's Scepter and get a match start date after Tue 2016-04-26 02:00 UTC
Within a single victory, play Mirana and build
Aghanim's Scepter and get a match start date after Tue 2016-04-26 02:00 UTC
Within a single victory, play Oracle and build
Aghanim's Scepter and get a match start date after Tue 2016-04-26 02:00 UTC
Within a single victory, play Storm Spirit and build
Aghanim's Scepter and get a match start date after Tue 2016-04-26 02:00 UTC
Within a single victory, play Shadow Fiend and build
Aghanim's Scepter and get a match start date after Tue 2016-04-26 02:00 UTC
Within a single victory, play Winter Wyvern and build
Aghanim's Scepter and get a match start date after Tue 2016-04-26 02:00 UTC
Within 2+ victories, play Wraith King
Within 10+ victories, play Wraith King
Within 20+ victories, play Wraith King
Within 2+ victories, play Windranger
Within 10+ victories, play Windranger
Within 20+ victories, play Windranger
Within 2+ victories, play Troll Warlord
Within 10+ victories, play Troll Warlord
Within 20+ victories, play Troll Warlord
Within 2+ victories, play Spirit Breaker
Within 10+ victories, play Spirit Breaker
Within 20+ victories, play Spirit Breaker
Within 2+ victories, play Shadow Shaman
Within 10+ victories, play Shadow Shaman
Within 20+ victories, play Shadow Shaman
Within 2+ victories, play Phantom Lancer
Within 10+ victories, play Phantom Lancer
Within 20+ victories, play Phantom Lancer
Within 2+ victories, play Night Stalker
Within 10+ victories, play Night Stalker
Within 20+ victories, play Night Stalker
Within 2+ victories, play Lifestealer
Within 10+ victories, play Lifestealer
Within 20+ victories, play Lifestealer
Within 2+ victories, play Legion Commander
Within 10+ victories, play Legion Commander
Within 20+ victories, play Legion Commander
Within 2+ victories, play Juggernaut
Within 10+ victories, play Juggernaut
Within 20+ victories, play Juggernaut
Within 2+ victories, play Faceless Void
Within 10+ victories, play Faceless Void
Within 20+ victories, play Faceless Void
Within 2+ victories, play Enchantress
Within 10+ victories, play Enchantress
Within 20+ victories, play Enchantress
Within 2+ victories, play Dark Willow
Within 10+ victories, play Dark Willow
Within 20+ victories, play Dark Willow
Within 2+ victories, play Chaos Knight
Within 10+ victories, play Chaos Knight
Within 20+ victories, play Chaos Knight
Within 2+ victories, play Centaur Warrunner
Within 10+ victories, play Centaur Warrunner
Within 20+ victories, play Centaur Warrunner
Within 2+ victories, play Bristleback
Within 10+ victories, play Bristleback
Within 20+ victories, play Bristleback
Within 2+ victories, play Brewmaster
Within 10+ victories, play Brewmaster
Within 20+ victories, play Brewmaster
Within 2+ victories, play Bloodseeker
Within 10+ victories, play Bloodseeker
Within 20+ victories, play Bloodseeker
Within 2+ victories, play Treant Protector
Within 10+ victories, play Treant Protector
Within 20+ victories, play Treant Protector
Within 2+ victories, play Tidehunter
Within 10+ victories, play Tidehunter
Within 20+ victories, play Tidehunter
Within 2+ victories, play Phantom Assassin
Within 10+ victories, play Phantom Assassin
Within 20+ victories, play Phantom Assassin
Within 2+ victories, play Nyx Assassin
Within 10+ victories, play Nyx Assassin
Within 20+ victories, play Nyx Assassin
Within 2+ victories, play Earthshaker
Within 10+ victories, play Earthshaker
Within 20+ victories, play Earthshaker
Within 2+ victories, play Drow Ranger
Within 10+ victories, play Drow Ranger
Within 20+ victories, play Drow Ranger
Within 2+ victories, play Dragon Knight
Within 10+ victories, play Dragon Knight
Within 20+ victories, play Dragon Knight
Within 2+ victories, play Death Prophet
Within 10+ victories, play Death Prophet
Within 20+ victories, play Death Prophet
Within 2+ victories, play Witch Doctor
Within 10+ victories, play Witch Doctor
Within 20+ victories, play Witch Doctor
Within 2+ victories, play Venomancer
Within 10+ victories, play Venomancer
Within 20+ victories, play Venomancer
Within 2+ victories, play Vengeful Spirit
Within 10+ victories, play Vengeful Spirit
Within 20+ victories, play Vengeful Spirit
Within 2+ victories, play Terrorblade
Within 10+ victories, play Terrorblade
Within 20+ victories, play Terrorblade
Within 2+ victories, play Templar Assassin
Within 10+ victories, play Templar Assassin
Within 20+ victories, play Templar Assassin
Within 2+ victories, play Storm Spirit
Within 10+ victories, play Storm Spirit
Within 20+ victories, play Storm Spirit
Within 2+ victories, play Skywrath Mage
Within 10+ victories, play Skywrath Mage
Within 20+ victories, play Skywrath Mage
Within 2+ victories, play Shadow Fiend
Within 10+ victories, play Shadow Fiend
Within 20+ victories, play Shadow Fiend
Within 2+ victories, play Shadow Demon
Within 10+ victories, play Shadow Demon
Within 20+ victories, play Shadow Demon
Within 2+ victories, play Omniknight
Within 10+ victories, play Omniknight
Within 20+ victories, play Omniknight
Within 2+ victories, play Nature's Prophet
Within 10+ victories, play Nature's Prophet
Within 20+ victories, play Nature's Prophet
Within 2+ victories, play Naga Siren
Within 10+ victories, play Naga Siren
Within 20+ victories, play Naga Siren
Within 2+ victories, play Keeper of the Light
Within 10+ victories, play Keeper of the Light
Within 20+ victories, play Keeper of the Light
Within 2+ victories, play Gyrocopter
Within 10+ victories, play Gyrocopter
Within 20+ victories, play Gyrocopter
Within 2+ victories, play Ember Spirit
Within 10+ victories, play Ember Spirit
Within 20+ victories, play Ember Spirit
Within 2+ victories, play Earth Spirit
Within 10+ victories, play Earth Spirit
Within 20+ victories, play Earth Spirit
Within 2+ victories, play Crystal Maiden
Within 10+ victories, play Crystal Maiden
Within 20+ victories, play Crystal Maiden
Within 2+ victories, play Broodmother
Within 10+ victories, play Broodmother
Within 20+ victories, play Broodmother
Within 2+ victories, play Bounty Hunter
Within 10+ victories, play Bounty Hunter
Within 20+ victories, play Bounty Hunter
Within 2+ victories, play Beastmaster
Within 10+ victories, play Beastmaster
Within 20+ victories, play Beastmaster
Within 2+ victories, play Ancient Apparition
Within 10+ victories, play Ancient Apparition
Within 20+ victories, play Ancient Apparition
Within 2+ victories, play Vengeful Spirit
Within 10+ victories, play Vengeful Spirit
Within 20+ victories, play Vengeful Spirit
Within 2+ victories, play Treant Protector
Within 10+ victories, play Treant Protector
Within 20+ victories, play Treant Protector
Within 2+ victories, play Death Prophet
Within 10+ victories, play Death Prophet
Within 20+ victories, play Death Prophet
Within 2+ victories, play Bounty Hunter
Within 10+ victories, play Bounty Hunter
Within 20+ victories, play Bounty Hunter
Within 2+ victories, play Earthshaker
Within 10+ victories, play Earthshaker
Within 20+ victories, play Earthshaker
Within 2+ victories, play Omniknight
Within 10+ victories, play Omniknight
Within 20+ victories, play Omniknight
Within 2+ victories, play Dragon Knight
Within 10+ victories, play Dragon Knight
Within 20+ victories, play Dragon Knight
Within 2+ victories, play Nyx Assassin
Within 10+ victories, play Nyx Assassin
Within 20+ victories, play Nyx Assassin
Within 2+ victories, play Templar Assassin
Within 10+ victories, play Templar Assassin
Within 20+ victories, play Templar Assassin
Within 2+ victories, play Phantom Assassin
Within 10+ victories, play Phantom Assassin
Within 20+ victories, play Phantom Assassin
Within 2+ victories, play Gyrocopter
Within 10+ victories, play Gyrocopter
Within 20+ victories, play Gyrocopter
Within 2+ victories, play Beastmaster
Within 10+ victories, play Beastmaster
Within 20+ victories, play Beastmaster
Within 2+ victories, play Tidehunter
Within 10+ victories, play Tidehunter
Within 20+ victories, play Tidehunter
Within 2+ victories, play Outworld Destroyer
Within 10+ victories, play Outworld Destroyer
Within 20+ victories, play Outworld Destroyer
Within 2+ victories, play Lone Druid
Within 10+ victories, play Lone Druid
Within 20+ victories, play Lone Druid
Within 2+ victories, play Elder Titan
Within 10+ victories, play Elder Titan
Within 20+ victories, play Elder Titan
Within 2+ victories, play Earth Spirit
Within 10+ victories, play Earth Spirit
Within 20+ victories, play Earth Spirit
Within 2+ victories, play Drow Ranger
Within 10+ victories, play Drow Ranger
Within 20+ victories, play Drow Ranger
Within 2+ victories, play Ancient Apparition
Within 10+ victories, play Ancient Apparition
Within 20+ victories, play Ancient Apparition
Within 2+ victories, play Witch Doctor
Within 10+ victories, play Witch Doctor
Within 20+ victories, play Witch Doctor
Within 2+ victories, play Venomancer
Within 10+ victories, play Venomancer
Within 20+ victories, play Venomancer
Within 2+ victories, play Terrorblade
Within 10+ victories, play Terrorblade
Within 20+ victories, play Terrorblade
Within 2+ victories, play Shadow Demon
Within 10+ victories, play Shadow Demon
Within 20+ victories, play Shadow Demon
Within 2+ victories, play Nature's Prophet
Within 10+ victories, play Nature's Prophet
Within 20+ victories, play Nature's Prophet
Within 2+ victories, play Ember Spirit
Within 10+ victories, play Ember Spirit
Within 20+ victories, play Ember Spirit
Within 2+ victories, play Storm Spirit
Within 10+ victories, play Storm Spirit
Within 20+ victories, play Storm Spirit
Within 2+ victories, play Skywrath Mage
Within 10+ victories, play Skywrath Mage
Within 20+ victories, play Skywrath Mage
Within 2+ victories, play Shadow Fiend
Within 10+ victories, play Shadow Fiend
Within 20+ victories, play Shadow Fiend
Within 2+ victories, play Naga Siren
Within 10+ victories, play Naga Siren
Within 20+ victories, play Naga Siren
Within 2+ victories, play Keeper of the Light
Within 10+ victories, play Keeper of the Light
Within 20+ victories, play Keeper of the Light
Within 2+ victories, play Crystal Maiden
Within 10+ victories, play Crystal Maiden
Within 20+ victories, play Crystal Maiden
Within 2+ victories, play Broodmother
Within 10+ victories, play Broodmother
Within 20+ victories, play Broodmother
Within 2+ victories, play Winter Wyvern
Within 10+ victories, play Winter Wyvern
Within 20+ victories, play Winter Wyvern
Within 2+ victories, play Queen of Pain
Within 10+ victories, play Queen of Pain
Within 20+ victories, play Queen of Pain
Within 2+ victories, play Monkey King
Within 10+ victories, play Monkey King
Within 20+ victories, play Monkey King
Within 2+ victories, play Arc Warden
Within 10+ victories, play Arc Warden
Within 20+ victories, play Arc Warden
Across victories, play Dazzle and build
Guardian Greaves
Across victories, play Dazzle and build
Medallion of Courage
Across victories, play Dazzle and build
Solar Crest
Within a single victory, play Lycan and build
Vladmir's Offering and get 5+ Kills
Within 1+ victories, play Riki and build
Diffusal Blade
Within 1+ victories, play Riki and build
Diffusal Blade (level 2)
Within a single victory, play Troll Warlord and build
Black King Bar and get 5+ Kills
Within the same victory, play Batrider and build
Blink Dagger
Within the same victory, play Batrider and build
Force Staff
Within a single victory, play Vengeful Spirit and build
Desolator and get 5+ Assists
Within a single victory, play Night Stalker and build
Aghanim's Scepter and get 5+ Kills
Within a single victory, play Centaur Warrunner and build
Blink Dagger and get 5+ Kills
Within a single victory, play Centaur Warrunner and build
Heart of Tarrasque and get 5+ Assists
Within a single victory, play Chaos Knight and build
Manta Style and get 5+ Kills
Within a single victory, play Legion Commander and build
Blink Dagger and get 5+ Kills
Within the same victory, play Tiny and build
Aghanim's Scepter
Within the same victory, play Tiny and build
Assault Cuirass
Within a single victory, play Brewmaster and build
Blink Dagger and get 5+ Kills
Within 5+ victories, play Ogre Magi and build
Arcane Boots
Within 10+ victories, play Ogre Magi and build
Arcane Boots
Within a single victory, play Death Prophet and build
Octarine Core and get 5+ Kills
Within a single victory, play Death Prophet and build
Bloodstone and get 5+ Kills
Within a single victory, play Slardar and build
Blink Dagger and get 25+ Kills Or Assists
Within a single victory, play Necrophos and build
Aghanim's Scepter and get 5+ Kills
Within the same victory, play Timbersaw and build
Aghanim's Scepter
Within the same victory, play Timbersaw and build
Within a single victory, play Wraith King and build
Armlet of Mordiggian and get 7,500+ Hero Damage
Within a single victory, play Drow Ranger and build
Power Treads and get 10,000+ Hero Damage
Within 1+ victories, play Clockwerk and build
Aghanim's Scepter
Within a single victory, play Ursa and build
Abyssal Blade and get 5,000+ Hero Damage
Within a single victory, play Bloodseeker and build
Sange and Yasha and get 5+ Kills
Within the same victory, play Phantom Lancer and build
Heart of Tarrasque and get 2,000+ Tower Damage
Within the same victory, play Templar Assassin and build
Blink Dagger
Within the same victory, play Templar Assassin and build
Within a single victory, play Juggernaut and build
Sange and Yasha and get 15+ Kills
Within a single victory, play Morphling and build
Manta Style and get 20+ Kills Or Assists
Within a single victory, play Morphling and build
Butterfly and get 20+ Kills Or Assists
Within a single victory, play Gyrocopter and build
Phase Boots and get 10+ Kills
Within 1+ victories, play Crystal Maiden and build
Tranquil Boots
Within a single victory, play Ancient Apparition and build
Aghanim's Scepter and get 10+ Assists
Within a single victory, play Mirana and build
Power Treads and get less than 5 Deaths
Within a single victory, play Crystal Maiden and build
Blink Dagger and get 5,000+ Hero Damage
Within 1+ victories, play Beastmaster and build
Necronomicon (level 3)
Within 1+ victories, play Beastmaster and build
Within 1+ victories, play Beastmaster and build
Necronomicon (level 2)
Within 1+ victories, play Nyx Assassin and build
Aghanim's Scepter
Within a single victory, play Sven and build
Blink Dagger and get 10+ Kills
Within the same victory, play Underlord and build
Guardian Greaves
Within the same victory, play Underlord and build
Shiva's Guard
Within 1+ victories, play Earthshaker and build
Blink Dagger
Within the same victory, play Lion and build
Blink Dagger
Within 1+ victories, play Puck and build
Blink Dagger
Within 1+ victories, play Terrorblade and build
Manta Style
Within 5+ victories, play Dragon Knight and build
Power Treads
Within 10+ victories, play Dragon Knight and build
Power Treads
Within the same victory, play Sand King and build
Aghanim's Scepter
Within the same victory, play Sand King and build
Blink Dagger
Within 1+ victories, play Axe and build
Blade Mail
Within 1+ victories, play Venomancer and build
Aghanim's Scepter
Within 5+ victories, play Morphling and build
Linken's Sphere
Within 10+ victories, play Morphling and build
Linken's Sphere
Within 1+ victories, play Bane and build
Aether Lens
Within a single victory, play Lifestealer and build
Armlet of Mordiggian and get 5,000+ Hero Damage
Within 1+ victories, play Bristleback and build
Blade Mail
Within 1+ victories, play Enigma and build
Refresher Orb
Within 1+ victories, play Weaver and build
Linken's Sphere
Within a single victory, play Night Stalker and build
Phase Boots and get 5+ Kills
Within a single victory, play Spirit Breaker and build
Mask of Madness and get 5+ Kills
Within the same victory, play Ember Spirit and build
Battle Fury
Within the same victory, play Ember Spirit and build
Within a single victory, play Clockwerk and build
Blade Mail and get 5+ Kills
Within the same victory, play Anti-Mage and build
Manta Style
Within the same victory, play Anti-Mage and build
Battle Fury
Within 1+ victories, play Tidehunter and build
Blink Dagger
Within a single victory, play Tidehunter and build
Refresher Orb and get 10+ Assists
Within the same victory, play Windranger and build
Aghanim's Scepter
Within the same victory, play Windranger and build
Within 1+ victories, play Medusa and build
Eye of Skadi
Within 5+ victories, play Omniknight and build
Guardian Greaves
Within 10+ victories, play Omniknight and build
Guardian Greaves
Within 5+ victories, play Lich and build
Aghanim's Scepter
Within 10+ victories, play Lich and build
Aghanim's Scepter
Within 5+ victories, play Omniknight and build
Guardian Greaves
Within 10+ victories, play Omniknight and build
Guardian Greaves
Within 5+ victories, play Lich and build
Aghanim's Scepter
Within 10+ victories, play Lich and build
Aghanim's Scepter
Within 5+ victories, play Magnus and build
Blink Dagger
Within 10+ victories, play Magnus and build
Blink Dagger
Within 15+ victories, play Magnus and build
Blink Dagger
Within a single victory, play Skywrath Mage and build
Arcane Boots and get 10+ Kills
Within 10+ victories, play Treant Protector and build
Aghanim's Scepter
Within 10+ victories, play Witch Doctor and build
Glimmer Cape
Across multiple victories, play Sniper and build
Shadow Blade and get 100+ Kills
Across multiple victories, play Sniper and build
Silver Edge and get 100+ Kills
Across victories, play Doom and build
Phase Boots
Across victories, play Doom and build
Boots of Travel
Across victories, play Doom and build
Boots of Travel 2
Within a single victory, play Keeper of the Light and build
Aghanim's Scepter and get 16+ Levels
Within the same victory, play Winter Wyvern and build
Glimmer Cape
Within the same victory, play Winter Wyvern and build
Force Staff
Within 10+ victories, play Monkey King and build
Monkey King Bar
Within 1+ victories, play Venomancer and build
Octarine Core
Within a single victory, play Broodmother and build
Orchid Malevolence and get 5,000+ Hero Damage
Within a single victory, play Broodmother and build
Bloodthorn and get 5,000+ Hero Damage
Across victories, play Invoker and build
Boots of Travel 2
Across victories, play Invoker and build
Boots of Travel
Within the same victory, play Storm Spirit and build
Within the same victory, play Storm Spirit and build
Within 1+ victories, play Arc Warden and build
Divine Rapier
Within 1+ victories, play Silencer and build
Orchid Malevolence
Within 1+ victories, play Silencer and build
Across multiple victories, play Invoker and build
Aghanim's Scepter and get 25+ Kills
Across multiple victories, play Invoker and build
Aghanim's Scepter and get 50+ Kills
Across multiple victories, play Invoker and build
Aghanim's Scepter and get 100+ Kills
Within a single victory, play Meepo and build
Aghanim's Scepter
Across victories, play Tinker and build
Boots of Travel
Across victories, play Tinker and build
Boots of Travel 2
Within the same victory, play Mirana and build
Manta Style
Within 5+ victories, play Dark Seer and build
Blink Dagger
Within 10+ victories, play Dark Seer and build
Blink Dagger
Within a single victory, play Zeus and build
Refresher Orb and get 20,000+ Hero Damage
Within the same victory, play Lina and build
Aghanim's Scepter
Within the same victory, play Lina and build
Eul's Scepter of Divinity
Within a single victory, play Queen of Pain and build
Orchid Malevolence and get 5+ Kills
Within a single victory, play Queen of Pain and build
Bloodthorn and get 5+ Kills
Within 5+ victories, play Pugna and build
Aghanim's Scepter
Within 10+ victories, play Pugna and build
Aghanim's Scepter
Within 5+ victories, play Earth Spirit and build
Aghanim's Scepter
Within 10+ victories, play Earth Spirit and build
Aghanim's Scepter
Within a single victory, play Naga Siren and build
Radiance and get 5,000+ Hero Damage
Across victories, play Chen and build
Guardian Greaves
Within 1+ victories, play Pudge and build
Pipe of Insight
Within a single victory, play Rubick and build
Aether Lens and get 8,000+ Hero Damage
Within the same victory, play Meepo and build
Blink Dagger
Within the same victory, play Meepo and build
Aghanim's Scepter
Within a single victory, play Shadow Fiend and build
Shadow Blade and get 10+ Kills
Within a single victory, play Shadow Fiend and build
Silver Edge and get 10+ Kills
Within 1+ victories, play Broodmother and build
Gem of True Sight
Within 1+ victories, play Ember Spirit and build
Divine Rapier
Within the same victory, play Visage and build
Solar Crest
Within the same victory, play Visage and build
Aghanim's Scepter
Within 5+ victories, play Disruptor and build
Aghanim's Scepter
Across multiple victories, play Phantom Assassin and build
Satanic and get 15+ Kills
Within the same victory, play Warlock and build
Aghanim's Scepter
Within the same victory, play Warlock and build
Refresher Orb
Within 5+ victories, play Outworld Destroyer and build
Scythe of Vyse
Within 10+ victories, play Outworld Destroyer and build
Scythe of Vyse
Across multiple victories, play Enchantress and get 10,000+ Hero Damage
Across multiple victories, play Enchantress and get 25,000+ Hero Damage
Across multiple victories, play Enchantress and get 50,000+ Hero Damage
Across multiple victories, play Dragon Knight and get 100+ Kills Or Assists
Across multiple victories, play Windranger and get 10,000+ Tower Damage
Across multiple victories, play Windranger and get 25,000+ Tower Damage
Across multiple victories, play Windranger and get 50,000+ Tower Damage
Across multiple victories, play Bloodseeker and get 100+ Kills Or Assists
Across multiple victories, play Shadow Shaman and get 25,000+ Hero Damage
Across multiple victories, play Shadow Shaman and get 50,000+ Hero Damage
Across multiple victories, play Shadow Shaman and get 100,000+ Hero Damage
Within a single victory, play Riki and get 15+ Kills
Within a single victory, play Undying and get 0 or less Deaths
Within a single victory, play Tiny and get 5,000+ Tower Damage
Across multiple victories, play Faceless Void and get 100+ Kills Or Assists
Within a single victory, play Faceless Void and get 40:00 or less Match Duration
Within a single victory, play Razor and get 10,000+ Hero Damage
Across multiple victories, play Bounty Hunter and get 100+ Kills Or Assists
Within a single victory, play Io and get 10+ Assists
Within a single victory, play Oracle and get 5,000+ Hero Healing
Within a single victory, play Jakiro and get 5,000+ Hero Damage
Within a single victory, play Tiny and get a match start date after Wed 2017-11-01 00:00 UTC
Across multiple victories, play Omniknight and get 10,000+ Hero Healing
Across multiple victories, play Omniknight and get 25,000+ Hero Healing
Across multiple victories, play Omniknight and get 50,000+ Hero Healing
Across multiple victories, play Bounty Hunter and get 25,000+ Gold Earned
Across multiple victories, play Bounty Hunter and get 50,000+ Gold Earned
Across multiple victories, play Bounty Hunter and get 100,000+ Gold Earned
Across multiple victories, play Bounty Hunter and get 250,000+ Gold Earned
Across multiple victories, play Enchantress and get 5,000+ Hero Healing
Across multiple victories, play Enchantress and get 10,000+ Hero Healing
Across multiple victories, play Enchantress and get 25,000+ Hero Healing
Across multiple victories, play Death Prophet and get 10,000+ Tower Damage
Across multiple victories, play Death Prophet and get 50,000+ Tower Damage
Across multiple victories, play Death Prophet and get 100,000+ Tower Damage
Within a single victory, play Nature's Prophet and get 20+ Kills Or Assists
Within a single victory, play Nature's Prophet and get 30+ Kills Or Assists
Across multiple victories, play Shadow Demon and get 50+ Kills Or Assists
Across multiple victories, play Shadow Demon and get 100+ Kills Or Assists
Across multiple victories, play Nature's Prophet and get 10,000+ Tower Damage
Across multiple victories, play Nature's Prophet and get 25,000+ Tower Damage
Across multiple victories, play Nature's Prophet and get 50,000+ Tower Damage
Across multiple victories, play Witch Doctor and get 50+ Kills Or Assists
Across multiple victories, play Witch Doctor and get 100+ Kills Or Assists
Across multiple victories, play Broodmother and get 10,000+ Tower Damage
Across multiple victories, play Broodmother and get 25,000+ Tower Damage
Across multiple victories, play Broodmother and get 50,000+ Tower Damage
Across multiple victories, play Death Prophet and get 10,000+ Tower Damage
Across multiple victories, play Death Prophet and get 50,000+ Tower Damage
Across multiple victories, play Death Prophet and get 100,000+ Tower Damage
Across multiple victories, play Enchantress and get 5,000+ Hero Healing
Across multiple victories, play Enchantress and get 10,000+ Hero Healing
Across multiple victories, play Enchantress and get 25,000+ Hero Healing
Across multiple victories, play Omniknight and get 10,000+ Hero Healing
Across multiple victories, play Omniknight and get 25,000+ Hero Healing
Across multiple victories, play Omniknight and get 50,000+ Hero Healing
Across multiple victories, play Outworld Destroyer and get 25+ Kills Or Assists
Across multiple victories, play Outworld Destroyer and get 50+ Kills Or Assists
Across multiple victories, play Outworld Destroyer and get 100+ Kills Or Assists
Across multiple victories, play Witch Doctor and get 50+ Kills Or Assists
Across multiple victories, play Witch Doctor and get 100+ Kills Or Assists
Across multiple victories, play Witch Doctor and get 10,000+ Hero Healing
Across multiple victories, play Witch Doctor and get 25,000+ Hero Healing
Across multiple victories, play Witch Doctor and get 50,000+ Hero Healing
Across multiple victories, play Bounty Hunter and get 25,000+ Gold Earned
Across multiple victories, play Bounty Hunter and get 50,000+ Gold Earned
Across multiple victories, play Bounty Hunter and get 100,000+ Gold Earned
Across multiple victories, play Bounty Hunter and get 250,000+ Gold Earned
Across multiple victories, play Shadow Demon and get 50+ Kills Or Assists
Across multiple victories, play Shadow Demon and get 100+ Kills Or Assists
Across multiple victories, play Nature's Prophet and get 10,000+ Tower Damage
Across multiple victories, play Nature's Prophet and get 25,000+ Tower Damage
Across multiple victories, play Nature's Prophet and get 50,000+ Tower Damage
Within a single victory, play Nature's Prophet and get 20+ Kills Or Assists
Within a single victory, play Nature's Prophet and get 30+ Kills Or Assists
Across multiple victories, play Earth Spirit and get 100+ Kills Or Assists
Across multiple victories, play Luna and get 100+ Kills Or Assists
Across multiple victories, play Naga Siren and get 25,000+ Gold Earned
Across multiple victories, play Naga Siren and get 50,000+ Gold Earned
Across multiple victories, play Naga Siren and get 100,000+ Gold Earned
Across multiple victories, play Naga Siren and get 250,000+ Gold Earned
Across multiple victories, play Elder Titan and get 50+ Levels
Across multiple victories, play Elder Titan and get 150+ Levels
Across multiple victories, play Elder Titan and get 300+ Levels
Across multiple victories, play Disruptor and get 100+ Kills Or Assists
Within a single victory, play Lone Druid and get 10+ Kills
Within 5+ victories, build Boots of Travel
Within 20+ victories, build Boots of Travel
Within 100+ victories, build Boots of Travel
Within 5+ victories, build Aghanim's Scepter
Within 20+ victories, build Aghanim's Scepter
Within 100+ victories, build Aghanim's Scepter
Within 5+ victories, build Blink Dagger
Within 20+ victories, build Blink Dagger
Within 100+ victories, build Blink Dagger
Within 5+ victories, build Black King Bar
Within 20+ victories, build Black King Bar
Within 100+ victories, build Black King Bar
Within 50+ victories, build Hand of Midas
Within 50+ victories, build Guardian Greaves
Within 1+ victories, build Boots of Speed
Within 20+ victories, build Tranquil Boots
Within 20+ victories, build Power Treads
Within 20+ victories, build Phase Boots
Within 1+ victories, build Bloodthorn
Within 1+ victories, build Echo Sabre
Within 1+ victories, build Hurricane Pike
Within 10+ victories, build Gem of True Sight
Within 1+ victories, build Divine Rapier
Across multiple matches, get 10,000+ Tower Damage
Across multiple matches, get 100,000+ Tower Damage
Across multiple matches, get 500,000+ Tower Damage
Across multiple matches, get 1,000,000+ Tower Damage
Across multiple matches, get 2,500,000+ Tower Damage
Across multiple matches, get 5,000,000+ Tower Damage
Across multiple matches, get 10,000,000+ Tower Damage
Across multiple matches, get 100,000+ Net Worth
Across multiple matches, get 1,000,000+ Net Worth
Across multiple matches, get 5,000,000+ Net Worth
Across multiple matches, get 10,000,000+ Net Worth
Across multiple matches, get 25,000,000+ Net Worth
Across multiple matches, get 50,000,000+ Net Worth
Across multiple matches, get 100,000,000+ Net Worth
Across multiple matches, get 100+ Levels
Across multiple matches, get 1,000+ Levels
Across multiple matches, get 5,000+ Levels
Across multiple matches, get 10,000+ Levels
Across multiple matches, get 25,000+ Levels
Across multiple matches, get 50,000+ Levels
Across multiple matches, get 100,000+ Levels
Across multiple matches, get 1,000+ Last Hits
Across multiple matches, get 10,000+ Last Hits
Across multiple matches, get 50,000+ Last Hits
Across multiple matches, get 100,000+ Last Hits
Across multiple matches, get 250,000+ Last Hits
Across multiple matches, get 500,000+ Last Hits
Across multiple matches, get 1,000,000+ Last Hits
Across multiple matches, get 100+ Kills
Across multiple matches, get 1,000+ Kills
Across multiple matches, get 2,500+ Kills
Across multiple matches, get 5,000+ Kills
Across multiple matches, get 10,000+ Kills
Across multiple matches, get 25,000+ Kills
Across multiple matches, get 50,000+ Kills
Across multiple matches, get 2,000+ Hero Healing
Across multiple matches, get 20,000+ Hero Healing
Across multiple matches, get 100,000+ Hero Healing
Across multiple matches, get 200,000+ Hero Healing
Across multiple matches, get 500,000+ Hero Healing
Across multiple matches, get 1,000,000+ Hero Healing
Across multiple matches, get 2,000,000+ Hero Healing
Across multiple matches, get 100,000+ Hero Damage
Across multiple matches, get 1,000,000+ Hero Damage
Across multiple matches, get 5,000,000+ Hero Damage
Across multiple matches, get 10,000,000+ Hero Damage
Across multiple matches, get 25,000,000+ Hero Damage
Across multiple matches, get 50,000,000+ Hero Damage
Across multiple matches, get 100,000,000+ Hero Damage
Across multiple matches, get 100,000+ Gold Earned
Across multiple matches, get 1,000,000+ Gold Earned
Across multiple matches, get 5,000,000+ Gold Earned
Across multiple matches, get 10,000,000+ Gold Earned
Across multiple matches, get 25,000,000+ Gold Earned
Across multiple matches, get 50,000,000+ Gold Earned
Across multiple matches, get 100,000,000+ Gold Earned
Across multiple matches, get 100+ Denies
Across multiple matches, get 1,000+ Denies
Across multiple matches, get 2,500+ Denies
Across multiple matches, get 5,000+ Denies
Across multiple matches, get 10,000+ Denies
Across multiple matches, get 25,000+ Denies
Across multiple matches, get 50,000+ Denies
Across multiple matches, get 100+ Assists
Across multiple matches, get 1,000+ Assists
Across multiple matches, get 2,500+ Assists
Across multiple matches, get 5,000+ Assists
Across multiple matches, get 10,000+ Assists
Across multiple matches, get 25,000+ Assists
Across multiple matches, get 50,000+ Assists
Within 10+ victories, finish a match
Within 100+ victories, finish a match
Within 500+ victories, finish a match
Within 1,000+ victories, finish a match
Within 2,500+ victories, finish a match
Within 5,000+ victories, finish a match
Within 10+ victories, play lobby type Ranked Matchmaking
Within 100+ victories, play lobby type Ranked Matchmaking
Within 1,000+ victories, play lobby type Ranked Matchmaking
Within 2,000+ victories, play lobby type Ranked Matchmaking
Within a single match, get 2015 or less Match Year
Within a single match, get 2015+ Match Year