General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion

    Strange jugg build, basically what u want to do is 4-1-1-1 than stats, which gives u better suitability. Even tho u managed to win, with so many deaths on the account, this was on the border of loosing, bet u have omni-ed into the whole team and prayed :)

    On the other hand I am not a fan of deso jugg, doesnt work for jugg imo, you are far better with BF/SnY/Blink/Stun-evasion


      Looks like you had a fun and easy game in which you just dominated. That Bloodseeker had absolutely nothing to deal with you - or anyone else on your team for that matter. Looking at their lineup, Butterfly was totally the right choice. They can't right click you if you have 30% evasion. Although I am surprised it took you so long to get your Bfly with the GPM you had.

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        Nice spectre spamming. Looks like your team just rolled over their team (especially your pudge. Based on his hero damage and the amount of time played in that game, he must have been hitting a lot of hooks)

        @Bottom: it's never one sided with a split pushing Alch/NP :(

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          EW, Earth Spirit

          It seems that you were able to achieve a lot without much in the way of gold.
          But from kills and net worth it looks really one sided yet the game lasted 70 mins.

          @below - Yeah we were a 5 stack and we always 5 random in AP (for better or worse)
          We died getting megas, then they did the same. Was Megas vs Megas for about 10 minutes!

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          Hide The Pain - Herald

            Quite the greedy lineup.... Seems like it became the case of who had the most carries wins as game lasted a good 75mins.

            Was it a base race to throne? many structures dead.

            nice hero damage


              Say something about my last match using Ember :P


                Good ember good damage goos farm ez rampage ayy lmao


                  ^rule is that u comment on Guy above u first lmao


                    Maybe? :B


                      All I can notice are those 35 kills with Invoker,almost as same as their whole team.

                      mr lizard

                        In your Lone Druid game you killed 6 heroes, 195 creeps, 127 neutrals and 7 towers.
                        Other than playing jungle I think you done prety much the basics correct, maybe you could stay with brown boots to get a faster radiance.


                          Nice chasing mirana with a fast skadi.


                            I think you got carried quite hard, and I don;t think you did your supporting job well.

                            You're playin pos 4/5 greediest support ever. Rushing refresher, not even aghs or blink or shitloads of better items.

                            Can u even perform double ult without arcane boots mate?

                            I don't like how you played that game, but that's just my opinion.

                            I'm not trying to flame you, just trying to tell you how it looks like mate.


                              You played techies and won, immediate plus for you.
                              You died 13 times and contributed to only 13 of your team's 52 kills.

                              TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                I could heavily relate with your last game. argh it's painful to watch.


                                  In the contest of your teammates beeing awful, greedy, and no support, you have done your best, better luck next time.


                                    Frustrating game no doubt, but a Euls would have benefited you much more than double shivas or an Aghs honestly(1/2 of Shivas usefulness is the passive freezing aura attack slow, which doesnt stack). Perhaps you should have gotten a Pipe or Lotus Orb instead aswell, Pipe for QoP Burst or Lotus Orb for the double scythe (NP Sold his Scythe). That Spectre went pure tank and still had the most kills on her team no to sure how that happened but hey...normal skill

                                    Tl;dr Farm more, Itemize better

                                    bog water

                                      Looks like a pretty generic bad game to me. The squishyness of lone druid early on makes you an easy pick for drow. As for the items, I don't really know about the Mjollnir, but then again I don't know what kind of situation you were in.

                                        이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                          Judging by the items and amount of assists, a good sacrificial support. well played.


                                            Ez mid, Ez win with Invoker - in otherwords, nice Invoker play. Good that your team ended early. Congratz


                                              You were outdrafted, likely picked OD too early (I assume it was a first pick), and were countered by Templar. Your build is also outrageous, shadow blade on OD? Just right click their faces off? You should be building a right click / heal build to counter TA & LC. Also, Weaver is OP

                                              Feed me or you

                                                Ez stomp.I guess its 2k.


                                                  I'm guessing the total amount of detection bought by team Dire was a grand total of 0 for the whole game.


                                                    I'm guessing you farmed the whole game, and contributed nothing until the last few minutes? Haha, jk, looks like you did well. More or less carried by Invoker tho


                                                      Well, not much to say. Two abandon heroes on enemy, ez game.


                                                        ^First 20 minutes of game were ez though. I solo-laned against Alch and a TERRIBLE batrider. Was 9-0-0 by the 15 minute mark causing Bat and TA to rage quit.
                                                        Team drew the game out for no reason tho.

                                                        Dune, the Desert Planet


                                                          Only 5 deaths as KotL in a hour+ game, wp! Looks like a close game, I don't know how you won vs that lineup.


                                                            I dont understand your choice, there's techies, and then your LC nc, why didn't go safelane? So obvious 3 lanes of your team was fucked, ez mmr.

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                                                              Say something about mine :P
                                                              Lich + Ember autopick after I picked Meepo.


                                                                Lolz, looks like you just went on a rampage after 25:00
                                                                Silver edge instead of blink - really interesting. I don't play Meepo much but i guess you bought scythe to just shut Ember up, and Ethereal Blade to just nuke the hell out of Lich.
                                                                You beat direct counters to you, very well played.

                                                                KGBlue Lives Matter

                                                                  Very suprised your tam managed to beat a spectre that late into the game. ANyways nice job carrying as DP and managing to fend of NP rat.


                                                                    Which Russian account booster did you use to get that sort of kda?

                                                                    KGBlue Lives Matter

                                                                      @Murranji: No boosters or anything hahahahahha. I was stacking with a IRL friend who only plays DOTA with me and his mmr is pretty low. He is the tidehunter.

                                                                      EDIT: On your match. Looks like you and ember carried though your team overall seems to have done well. Like the veil octa core build as I feel too many Zeus pickers blinder rush aghs.

                                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                        Don't even know how the hell that game went for you to get those stats. Well played overall. Obvious that you totally carried your team on your shoulders.


                                                                          well played but lost due to abandon..sad for you man..

                                                                          7Mad About You

                                                                            Lich gonna have yo mama

                                                                            Good support lich with observer ward, dust and gurdian greaves.

                                                                            low on last hit and KDA, but who care if you win

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                                                                              12 death on carry is far too many.... Then again you still win, so it's okay I think....
                                                                              The rest seems okay, I don't know.
                                                                              For a NS commenting on a VHS player is silly anyway, sorry *weeping at the corner of the room*

                                                                              EDIT: replying comment to me

                                                                              Actually, laning stage is disastrous. Spectre CM WD against Naga Lion DS, Spectre hardly farm, at least until Ember comes to gank (and Sven comes, but also falls to Ember). Sven win 1v1 against Tide. Luckily mid game is ours

                                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                Hard supporting with only 2 deaths, especially as a CM is really impressive. Also, no kills but 12 assits. Nice job. Most people only know how to kill steal as a support. Looks like the game was pretty much a breeze.


                                                                                  PT Blink Octarine OD's like the worst shit every, but this boy is making it work LMao..

                                                                                  unfortuante Legion abandoned 5min into game in ur last game >.<

                                                                                  KGBlue Lives Matter

                                                                                    Holy fucking shit you stomped them and they had a pro player on their team nice job! WP to you and your team :D


                                                                                      lol what to say, you wrecked them.


                                                                                        Err i was late by few seconds so i go again. You too wrecked them :D


                                                                                          you died more than your pudge work on your positioning


                                                                                            bad positioning as spectre perhaps? or too YOLO? because the amount of your deaths is quite staggering. good game :)


                                                                                              Solid DS all around. I think you made great impact in that game. Gj!


                                                                                                good game man, itemized well, find your skill build kinda wierd personally. cus when i play slark i max pounce first? could you explain why you maxed dark pact first or is this more standard?


                                                                                                  @Nike(E) - it is standard to max dark pact first
                                                                                                  Your last match went pretty well. I have no idea how you did it though. Looks like you transitioned very well from farming to dealing alot of damage and pushing the towers to end quickly. WP.


                                                                                                    Nice hero and tower dmg, kda too. I guess you carried it really well. You didnt have a hard time to do so, cause your team was stomping them from start to end.


                                                                                                      @ Nike

                                                                                                      I used to go max pounce sometimes, When I felt like I want to put more agression during early phases of the game, like, when I would try to go for kill with trilane or some shit, not sure, get me I guess.

                                                                                                      Then I realised it's just bullshit, one good orb of venom will provide enough time to kill them anyways, and it's more about how you play slark during laning phase.

                                                                                                      Then again, maxing dark pact helps you farm a bit easier, like, what I love to do is get shadow amulet, clear camp, go invis, regen, repeat it.. Or just clear creep wave faster.

                                                                                                      I don't try to gank with him before level 9-10-11 anyways, so it's better to stick with farming SB after PT-orb of venom on him in my opinion.

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