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Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion

    Going to skip Shred to bits because he didn't play any since his game before.


    Wow you picked offlane Abaddon and won, your mum must be so proud that her child is an offlane Abaddon picker >:

    Pale Mannie

      Your lane went well probably offlane. You've been in teamfights a lot and how the fuck are enemy Tinker and Brood so dumb to have the lowest TD ever as splitpushers.


        That looks like a really weird game, did you go support doom? But since there was nothing but Melee carries your itemization seems correct, but I realize no one on your team had detections for the Riki lol. I also notice you didn't try to farm as much as you should have. You probably would have had more game impact if you spent as much time farming as possible keeps.


          Looked like a close game for you at first, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand then it went all your way for the rest of the game.
          Despite WR and Weaver's poor KDA, you guys pulled it out. I have never seen diffusal on Jugg though - so thumbs up from me for originality.


            You carried game hard and you stomped the game along with your team. Easy game.

            Dune, the Desert Planet

              Brutal Zeus, but I guess you co-carried with Spec. Feelbadman


                It seems you managed to beat that dp in the landing stage, which I hear is tough to do as a Zeus.


                  Fellow Jugger picker =) I guess you did fine, but honestly you could have done a lot more if you maybe bought blink which is super good on that hero, allows you to pickoff with ease and push safer. They had really strong teamfight so splitpushing was correct way to play this game.


                    I'll keep that in mind, I didn't have any support in Lane against spectre and warlock so I was behind quite a bit for the first 16 minutes or so. We had a BB that was supposed to go offline and a last pick ds that was supposed to support me as someone other than ds, but he decided to pick ds and go offlane. BB ended up switching and tried to zone them out, but it seemed like Zeus was there the entire time too


                      u have to believe in the 5 core strat


                        True, that shit always wins if game goes past 50 min.


                          very nice farm and hero damage. The game lasted so much but you still managed to beat the morphling

                          Mary Poppins

                            Nice KDA , 0 death is all time a good challenge :)


                              try to pick other heroes . i can see that ur trying to raise your gpm but spamming carries isnt always good


                                46 matches and most of them in VHS, respect.


                                  U picked undying and bought very useful items for the team. Thats exactly how 1 should play undying


                                    Uhhhhhhh sooooo. I'm going to assume you're smurfing. You died 21 times as Earth Shaker, with 20 CS in a 54 minute game. Either you were feeding on purpose for some reason, or you got caught out way too much. Like, way, way, way too much. In which case, you should probably go back to playing on your main account, lol.

                                    Синячий патруль

                                      cumbag is not always israel


                                        Well, you either laned against Rubik, Lina, or Puck, but no matter what happened you cleaned shop.
                                        Buuuuut, who doesn't expect to clean shop when you are TA against 3 of the squishiest mids?
                                        Won despite BS abandoning as well, good job.

                                        Mary Poppins

                                          Love the axe anb dazzle build, ZAPPP .

                                          2 Boots better than one :D

                                          EDIT: @Kyoy[A] i do my quests so need pick carry for radiance before 30, midas before 10, BF before 20 etc ..

                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                            ^picking PA, but not doing slahsers way. Clearly you're not a true memer

                                            Mary Poppins

                                              try blink instead of shadow blade on slark you will love it

                                              SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                                                You look like you're struggling on high skill bracket; couldn't salvage that game I think, cw abandoned, spacecow fed. :/


                                                  You look like you're doing a whole lot better than I am.
                                                  That's good enough of a reply, but hell your dork seer was good.
                                                  Chrono + sleight + vacc + wall. Nice... I wish I won games. :'(

                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                    Got stomped by Tiny, your entire team fed horribly.

                                                    TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                      I guess your team lineup lacked kiting ability to deal with that tiny. Probably was able to farm dagger fast enough to go all around the map and nab kills. Their lineup also enabled quick early ganks. I reckon maybe it would have been a different game if kunkka played support instead of carry and tried to shut down tiny early. Kunkka is just shit as carry nowadays except, of course, if you're THE !attacker.

                                                      TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                        oops 3 minutes late wolololol guess i should oblige with sharing some of my normal skill insights then.

                                                        looks like a low prio stomp lol

                                                        *edit* okay there goes my normal skill syndrome again. I should really ought to try that game mode for ranked.

                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                          (Skip me)

                                                          Nah, was legit ranked game in which I fed FB to DP. Still won.

                                                          Mary Poppins

                                                            ^agha is not worth on zeus ? price/damage ?

                                                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                              ^ it's not that it's not worth, but there are better items to buy for 4200 gold. For that money you can buy two out of Veil, Lens, Dagger, Force, BoT.

                                                              Bottle and Arcane are a must. Veil almost always. BS if snowballing. I prefer to have Dagger on Zeus, but will get Force instead versus certain lineups. Lens is real good. OC and RO are natural late game choices. Hex, Eul and E Blade are situational.


                                                                Stomped the game, classic Zeus win.

                                                                Mary Poppins

                                                                  (skip me)

                                                                  Ok thanks gg, i'll download your replay and try it in my bracket. Any heros who zeus can't face in the mid lane ?

                                                                  Edit: looks like DP counter zeus really hard with her movespeed and nukes :s.

                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                    [Skip me]

                                                                    Basically I got rekt in lanining stage. One thing you will notice is that I try to use Arc without giving charges to her Wand by casting from fog (when DP is on low ground or by hiding in trees).

                                                                    Other major mistake was dying because I disabled my Dagger via WK Blademail. I did this at least three times. Also I forgot to use Veil many times.

                                                                    Other than that, 50k hero damage, ez.

                                                                    TA is hard for Zeus. Good Invokers also. As for other counters: Nyx, Clock and Slardar can be nasty.

                                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                    Mary Poppins

                                                                      [Skip me]

                                                                      Yeah i've notice that you fail some veil and forgot use it. Can i ask you what is your MMR ? Because at 8 min DP dive on T2 tower and no one tp for kill.

                                                                      Nice trick with the wand btw, when i looking i'm thinking "Why he is so scared". But hey, they can't handle your zeus gameplay xD

                                                                      I've see you keep your ultimate for teamfight and not use it everytime for ks like me when I play zeus.

                                                                      I'll try it now, hope for the best :D

                                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                        That game was at 4700 I think. I hover between 4600 and 4900 usually, broke 5k few times with a peak of 5200. Started at 3k. Party MMR also in that range.

                                                                        You should always open team fights with ulty because it deals maximum damage and you gain vision of every enemy so you can plan the fight better. Also you disable Daggers.

                                                                        About not being able to handle my gameplay, I just love to write shit in all chat. Kids get tilted easy. Especially if I'm feeding but team is winning, write that and enemies go mad. Lion was super salty that game.

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                                                                          이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.

                                                                            OfflandoBloom you apparently had no answer for that clockwerk and your ta couldnt find kills. Seems like you did all you could

                                                                            Mary Poppins

                                                                              @gg just ended my game, was really good game with cool mate who use mic and play as a team.

                                                                              I rape the invoker middle with bounty who roaming and ganked 3 time mid :).

                                                                              And fuck the veil is so better than rushing agha & refresher. The blink give good escape and give me a better positioning for teamfight.

                                                                              Really awesome build :)

                                                                              @34 nice carry with your mate (am)

                                                                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                @ xD

                                                                                Nice Zeus game, highest HD. But your CS are rather low, and you didn't max Arc after Bolt. With Arc you deal more damage early on and you farm better. Playing vs Nyx and NS as Zeus ain't ez.

                                                                                Don't go Bloodstone every game also. However, whenever possible - get it. Because infinite mana is awesome. It's also good versus Nyx because it adds HP and mana but not extra intelligence so burn doesn't fuck you up.

                                                                                Yeah, Veil is awesome. Active is great and extra armor and stats are a great bonus. Dagger is good because I love to be mobile.

                                                                                Mary Poppins

                                                                                  I got rekt by doto when I try to buy octarine with brown boots xD. Got arcane boots and lose 500 gold because can resell the energy booster only for 400gold xD.

                                                                                  yeah my cs was really bad, i need to practice more ^^ .

                                                                                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                    You can resell for full price if you don't use them before disassembling.

                                                                                    Mary Poppins

                                                                                      I have instant disassembling it and try to resell but only for 400gold. are you sure about that ?

                                                                                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                        100% mate. Either you used the active or 10 seconds have passed. Check the replay.


                                                                                          Eziest fucking game of your fucking life actually


                                                                                            This thread is full of attention wh*res, can you kids stop spaming it and move ON TOPIC.

                                                                                            Mary Poppins

                                                                                              @gg ok i bough the arcane at 41:44 min and try to sell the energy booster (without using arcane) at 41:50 and I can't resell it for full price.

                                                                                              I just try in lobby, farming arcane mid and build it, don't use it, disassemble and try to resell but can't resell the energy booster to the full price.

                                                                                              @1234 oh sorry if i ask a better player some advice for progress on the game

                                                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                                You were pretty good but arc warden shit on everyone the entire game


                                                                                                  You did well, but you and your team didn't push for some reason. You guys probably lost the advantage when Antimage got farm and Bristleback and Viper probably kited you and your team. FeelsBadMan

                                                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                                  lm ao

                                                                                                    ez stopm


                                                                                                      That BB just ruined your day ... Deso could have work... Seems like close match at some point