General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion

    Farmed well, carried well. Item choices could be better, I don't think radiance-alch is a thing anymore, and SNY&Blink-basher-abysal-ac is better for this patch.

    Divine also shows you're just greedy person, but I can't blame you. :p


      could have gotten a bkb but other than that it was well played.

      Dune, the Desert Planet

        No Boots WK ROFL. Nice that you won such a long game. IMO Abbadon should have gone Vlad's and Aghs and Sven AC. I mean your team is uber havy on physical damage.

        WP DP I guess, 40k+ HD. I wonder why she wasn't 8 sloted? I mean Lens and Eul and empty slot and regular BoT?


          It's great that you took objectives after a team fight or the space you created to allow specter to farm up and allow her to carry.


            You pick meepo. You try to carry team as meepo. You can't, but you rat the crap out of the enemy anyway to make space for voker who does carry you. Seems like you have your really good games on him though.


              Seems that you did pretty well, fat visage. bb 12k hero dmg? xD was he afk or something


                I notice people post here after they have had a really good game :D

                you picked OD gainst Voker, looks like, and you beat the crap out of them. i bet you were spamming "ez mid" to screw their minds. But the voker went Quas/Exort over Quas/Wex, which could explain the ez win. Anyways, you obviously did well.


                  That dp snowball...and u were blaming others for posting here after having good games :p well i cant blame u


                    not all of us post her then we have a good game

                    Bad Intentions

                      good impact on the king. new school build of ags and lens. overall, your team would not have won without you. solid wk game man :]


                        Very well played and good item build, would help much if you can invest at least 1 level on Venomous Gale to be more flexible(chase, escape, harassment)


                          Seems like you did all you could. All of their heroes have very good ganking potential and 3 of them even have Silver Edges which meant split pushing was off the list. You farmed well and itemised as needed. Maybe shouldve gone BKB instead of Aghs and blink instead of manta. You couldnt split push anyway so why not just build to fight, also es, void and zeus can clear the manta illusions easily so maybe get a blink and jump the zeus when their team tries to initiate.


                            Not much to say, it looks like you had freefarm or at least found farm throughout the match, and not only that but you were able to secure the highest damage source on your team.


                              Nice Wind game, seems like opposing team has gone trough some serious lobotomy even than you had 40+ min game...

                              On the other hand nice Normal Skill Smurf...not


                                Nice support ! If we talk about support vs support, then you raped IO lol :)


                                  Nice steamroll in quite bad 4vs4 game (dat feeder meepo though xD )

                                  The Butcher

                                    Good choices on items + getting vlad aura for your team, you were stuck in support role for a farm hungry team but did well considering, able to keep up on gold due to I'm guessing shadow blade into the enemy and popping your ult for kills/assists. Consider a force staff to get out of the fight and back to a safer position or to push an enemy out of position and into your gale.


                                      Veng Carry? If you thought of that cause the other team only had squishy heroes you thought well, but if you go Veng Carry every game you should stop doing so. Good KDA, participated well in team fights. GG WP


                                        ^Yo you stole my veng carry comment lolz


                                          If enemy has WR never let them farm. As you can see, your team became potato. And I don't understand why you went with Manta (to cope up probably but never let them come that far with such heroes). Get Skull Basher, then AB, after which you'll want S&Y for tankiness. Replace Vlad with Satanic. Ursa already had a Vlad. Poor choices, mate.


                                            Your cores really did the job well and you contributed some to the win too. Decent itemisation and really low amount of deaths, wp.


                                              Invoker did the Q/E build which sucks imo. Makes it much easier for the other team to push lane. And you seem to have done quite well (Skadi, Satanic, MKB, Manta, Cuirass), gj mate. It was a close one. Tbh, Idk why AM went potato since he had everything AM should have. (maybe too late). Your Rubick was probably not upto the task, but he had three people to get spells from (Omnislash, Tiny's stuns and Invoker's spells, Slardar's ones are not that good since he relies on attack speed mostly to kill, even though Amplify Damage is a huge buff). You did good though, and you won. :D


                                                Addendum: Why no one got Ghost Scepter?


                                                  hey nice reazor and carrying ur teammates.


                                                    GG u won yaaaaaaay

                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                      ^that luna and tusk did most of the damage in the game, you had a battlefury but only 138 CS, which is understandable since you have a hungry hungry luna soaking up all the farm on the map. Seems like you've had a pretty low impact on he game, you didn't even do any significant tower damage. Guess it's one of those "lets pick a few carries and see who actually gets to farm and accomplish shit) games.


                                                        ^ok let's say Tusk played mid, luna safe, me playing offlane and you can't see that. This forum since is filled with bs and little immature pricks feeding their egos. You don't even see who picked heros first and you don't see impact on game just by stats, and you don't see who killed the bear too, you just see your tip of the nose.
                                                        You played good game mate, continue playing very high skill games since it does good to you but don't cry about it.


                                                          @road to oblivion
                                                          ur lycan game was bad , I think its because of ur teammate that you won. considering u have low gpm and they have high gpm .
                                                          i think you just ratted your game coz u have high TD am i right ?
                                                          you probably let yourself die pushing towers


                                                            ^jugger game
                                                            You did good but should have got more farm in 35 mins with battle fury.
                                                            KDa is alright, I'm a bad jugger player myself but I think that aghs is a bad item when you could almost have a mjollnir for that cost, plus they will likely have ways to avoid taking the full ultimate damage (euls, glimmer, ghost sceptre etc)


                                                              i dont even jugger man hahahaha


                                                                My bad, that comment was for the dude before. Furion game you went jungle I guess and managed to rat your team to an easy victory with the highest GPM in the game. Myself I prefer the deso mjollnir right click build as aghs octarine can end up feeding the enemies with gold, especially if they were to get a radiance on bear or spectre.


                                                                  Nice Slark game. Nice item choices and nice HD and other related stats. 10/10 :)


                                                                    its ok btw i didnt farm early , yes i did farm at the downtimes of my teleport but i mostly am ganking with my team coz that what makes furion so better he can help teammates anywhere on map
                                                                    btw i also looked at ur last game , that slark was good high kills , high gpm , cant say anything coz the game went 1 sided as you can see in the graph and in the push hahaha

                                                                    Proto | 改善

                                                                      Nice cancerous build on furion mate. Stop creating smurfs , you died 5 times thats unacceptable.

                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                        There's nothing egoistical about my comment, I was just assessing the situation that's apparent from the stats, I am not going to watch your whole game to determine what exactly happened.

                                                                        "You don't even see who picked heros first and you don't see impact on game just by stats"

                                                                        Oh yes, you do, actually, if you had low cs with battlefury that means you didn't split push much, if you had 1/2 the HD of heroes that carried you, that means you didn't do a lot of damage, and if you had low tower damage that also means you barely hit structures, data doesn't lie, people do. Data's objective, and in sense of game impact, it very rarely lies if you're a core, it's much harder to determine it in case of supporting. Why wuold I cry about it? I'm not a 12 year old butthurt dipshit like you rofl.

                                                                        "ur lycan game was bad , I think its because of ur teammate that you won. considering u have low gpm and they have high gpm .
                                                                        i think you just ratted your game coz u have high TD am i right ?
                                                                        you probably let yourself die pushing towers"

                                                                        Literally the only thing I did in that game was let the team take a fight away from their base/towers, then push, and often die, but hey, 13k tower damage, with space created by the team.

                                                                        51 0 22? Hiddenpool?


                                                                          that np build is legit long live the r[A]t hahaha
                                                                          btw im not smurfing i just created this acc so i can play with my friends soon in mmr so that when we lose its okay coz sadly we are not in the same skill level


                                                                            yep the 13k is big hahaha
                                                                            you probably ratted like 8-10 towers in that game


                                                                              slark did 2x hero dmg 2x tower dmg = you didn't do any impact in the game.
                                                                              next time maybe you shouldn't go for refresh and octarine, there are better items to go for on that hero

                                                                              Mos Likely

                                                                                You came, you saw, you conquered. Nice gpm and hero damage!

                                                                                just ary

                                                                                  Other team got stomped, just leep doing what u doing.

                                                                                  Now do me pls :)


                                                                                    Neither team had a support. Their Riki and OD were absolutely terrible. NP had a max Dagon and 14 kills in 25 minutes. Seemed like an easy game.


                                                                                      You didnt win the game because the enemy team destroyed the ancient before you destroyed the ancient.

                                                                                      D the Superior
                                                                                        이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                                                                                        SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                                                                                          Dank kunkka, Alch rad but spectre also wants to build rad.




                                                                                            Jungle dp 4Head


                                                                                              Why not pushing tower whenever exorcism is up, whyyyyy~~~
                                                                                              Your team has more balanced lineup than theirs, let too much farm enough for their 4 core. Well....

                                                                                              @Kylextazy: That PL have a hard game, good game for you. One sided game, can't said much

                                                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                              Boba Fed

                                                                                                have 71 unplayed heroes
                                                                                                should learn to play more hero , u play only normal lobby anyway
                                                                                                ps. you play medusa ok in your skill bracket , but i see only 1 build . Maybe try another build next time .

                                                                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                                Player 124137522

                                                                                                  Well played man, ez game. I don't like to buy dagon though on any hero since I feel like that item is the item of throws/322. Every time someone buys dagon when theyre leading they end up losing the game and it's gg them rofl. But didn't look like that for your game, so well played. Nothing else to say honestly.

                                                                                                  Pale Mannie

                                                                                                    Your fate as the only carry in team got doomed when Jug bought a rapier. You couln't carry hard but you did your best to keep them away until rapier came in handy. Their splitpushing Alchemist didn't work out since you all played defensive. And your team didn't gave a fuck about lasthitting dome creeps but who cares. That SnY-Dominator build wasn't the best choise there and i will end this now and say well played

                                                                                                    KGBlue Lives Matter

                                                                                                      Looks like a pretty easy win as you, WD, and Morph just stomped them. Anyways nice job preventing arc warden from split pushing you to death.